Brass monkey alert

Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 5 months ago to The Gulch: General
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Check out the forecast Monday and Tuesday. This has been a tough winter already. Stay warm everyone.

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 10 years, 4 months ago
    Where's Al Gore?

    Sorry. Couldn't resist - and I know it's hot in Australia...
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    • Posted by 10 years, 4 months ago
      I know someone will explain how this is all consistent with global warming.
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      • Posted by DaveM49 10 years, 4 months ago
        I actually HAVE read an explanation, though it cited no sources so I hesitate to mention it here.

        While I am not a "believer" (I know of a number of environment conditions blamed on "global warming" which have proven to have other explanations), I do think it important to separate weather from climate. If it's cold here in Minnesota in January, that's just typical weather. A long-term trend or changes in long-term trends in other parts of the world (the earth is a more or less closed system after all)....that would be another matter.
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      • Posted by khalling 10 years, 4 months ago
        climate CHANGE not warming anymore.
        here's my deep freeze story. it was early ninties and we lived in this old (1840) house in Downers Grove. The garage was big enough for a model T but not our car. so for days it sat in the driveway with below 20's as the high, not starting. My husband was not far from the train station so he bundled up well but decided to forgo the shirt and tie and wore wool turtlenecks instead. When he got downtown Chicago, and off the train, he had to cross a bridge over a Lake Michigan causeway to the where his building was. Lots of frigid wind whipping off the ice and blasting the commuters. He finally gets to work, begins to thaw out when the new jr partner comes in to his office and asks "where's your tie, big guy?"
        Now my husband is not one for conforming to stupid protocol in the first place so replies-"where's yours?" the jr partner is taken back at this insubordination and sputters "you-yo-you know I have a back problem and can't wear one for long periods of time." "No, I didn't know and don't care why you're not wearing a tie-why are you asking about mine?"
        "We have a dress code in this office, you are well aware." "yes, but it's been 20 below the last several days and I'm walking some distance to get here in the cold. what does this have to do with patent law?" anyway the argument reached a stalemate and shortly after-a senior partner came in and started in in. My husband said if the lead senior partner (the one who gave him all of his work) said he had to wear a tie when it was this cold he'd talk to him. No one brought it up again.It's another one of those perilous,
        nowadays, it's hard to get him to button his Hawaiian shirt for work. ;)
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