Black legislator accuses white colleague’s toddler of racism

Posted by NealS 9 years, 2 months ago to Politics
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A few things she said made me cringe:

“…I love his son, but he’s scared of me because of my color and that’s horrible.” Then she said, “It’s true.”

And, “The color of my skin, I get discriminated against. The color of your skin, you don’t.” This statement made me realize just how racism has turned around especially since this most recent administration. Can blacks be racist? Can a black be racist against another black? How about white racists against other whites? Or is only one definition allowed anymore?

Am I a racist because I’d be scared to death to walk down any street at night in a predominately black neighborhood, Ferguson as a perfect example? Or might anyone think that my fear might be because of reverse discrimination on someone else’s part?

Do blacks have a fear of walking in a predominately white neighborhood alone at night? Perhaps, but not in my neighborhood. In my neighborhood we’re asking anyone coming to our door for identification because many recently have proven to be casing the neighborhood looking for easy targets of break-ins. I ask everyone that comes to my door for identification, black or white, the bible people, magazine sales, everyone, and get license numbers, etc., just in case.

Too many subjects here, I was even confused as to where to put it, Politics, Culture, Education, History, Legislation, News, or Philosophy? Life just isn’t as simple as is used to be.

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