Ludwig von Mises on the proper role of equality in society

Posted by Maphesdus 10 years, 4 months ago to Books
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The more I read from the guy, the more I love him. Here he explains how we should properly implement the ideal of equality, and what kind of limitations should be placed on the concept.

Basically his stance is that we need equality of all citizens and people before the law, and that we cannot attain social peace otherwise, but at the same time we should not expect or try to achieve equality of income or equality of commodities, and trying to extend equality to either of these spheres is unjustified, and has very negative consequences.

Honestly, I think this is a book which should be in the personal library of everyone who considers themselves an advocate for capitalism and a supporter of individual freedom. If you don't have it already, you can get it here:

Has anyone else here read this book, or is in the process of reading it? If so, what do you think about it?

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