Breaking Bread: Another New World Nursery Rhyme from Papa Possum.

Posted by Eudaimonia 10 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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A new work for the holidays from Papa Possum.

Enjoy, or not.

Breaking Bread
(The Revolution Begins at Home)

The Holidays are drawing near
and it is hard to think
of something which I'm thankful for
not at the chasm's brink.
While the D.C. Nouveau Versailles
champagne flutes toast and clink,
we Country Class have watched our cheer
and living standard sink.

And so I say the day has come
to draw stark line in sand,
to cast vote of “No Confidence”,
to no more extend hand,
to let the chips fall where they may,
to loose horse from its stable,
to say to those who wish us ill -
“you're not welcome at my table.”

If you voted for Barry O.
and don't think it mistake,
if you claim that your rights extend
to bread which I will break,
if what's mine should be your “fair share”
as told in Marxist fable,
petulance is the dish you bring -
you're not welcome at my table.

If you think Cloward-Piven is
a right-wing tactic scare,
as is all talk of Alinsky,
Soros, Bernanke, Ayers,
if your neighbors are “racists” who
deserve the “Teabag” label,
ignorance is the dish you bring -
you're not welcome at my table.

If you're what Codevilla called
one of our “Ruling Class”,
believe you're “best and brightest” in
each room through which you pass,
think all mankind must be “improved”
and that you're the most able,
arrogance is the dish you bring -
you're not welcome at my table.

But if the lives of others you
leave well enough alone,
know government will bait its hook
to bow you to its throne,
know The Good Life is diff'rent for
each of your Countrymen,
then sit and break some bread with me
and we'll begin again.

Breaking Bread, Copyright © 2013 Papa Possum

Hear the audio stream here:

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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 10 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Please let this speak for me now, for I am without better words.

    I will be signing off for a few days and I was hoping to wish a few others a Happy Thanksgiving as well. For all those I have missed...well... please enjoy the music I hear (above Link) in my mind when I am with you.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

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  • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Oh God, the opening's too much like Tears in Heaven... not today, dear Lord, not *today*.
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