Salvation of America: How to Defeat the Democrat-Republican Monolith

Posted by Nelson_Hultberg 9 years, 3 months ago to Politics
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Everybody thinks Ross Perot failed in his 1992 campaign for President. On the contrary, he was a great success. He showed us the way to TAKE BACK AMERICA. He showed us the greatest podium in history – a podium that we can use to tell the truth to 70 million voters about how America is being corrupted by Washington bureaucrats and corporate-banking oligarchs.

We at Americans for a Free Republic in Dallas, TX ( ), have developed a revolutionary plan to challenge the Democrat-Republican monopoly in 2016 that corrects the mistakes of alternative party challenges in the past and can get 38% of the vote, which wins in a three-man race.

In conjunction with several wealthy business associates, we intend to recruit a nationally prominent patriot candidate (such as Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Lee, etc.) to run a Ross Perot style independent campaign, but employ a clear message of “freedom” instead of Perot’s “vague reformism.”

Here’s a quick 4-page synopsis of our plan, Salvation of America: How to Defeat the Democrat-Republican Monolith --

And here is some commentary on the plan:

“This is brilliant and galvanizing; it can change history.” – JAMES T. BENNETT, Professor of Economics, George Mason University.

"Hultberg's arguments are well reasoned and merit our most serious consideration" – GEORGE W. CAREY, Professor of Government, Georgetown University.

“The impossible happens quite often in politics. Nobody expected the fall of the Soviet Union or the Crash of 2008. And no-one expects the current partisan oligopoly, the Demopublicans, to break up. But Nelson Hultberg explains how we can make it happen and why it should happen. He also integrates immigration and national identity into a powerful critique of today’s open border policies.” – PETER BRIMELOW, Founder of VDARE, author of Alien Nation.

Here is a brief bio of me, Nelson Hultberg:

I am a freelance scholar/writer in Dallas, Texas and the Director of Americans for a Free Republic I have a BA degree in Economics from Beloit College in Wisconsin. My articles have appeared over the past twenty years in such publications as The Dallas Morning News, American Conservative, Insight, Liberty, The Freeman, and The Social Critic, as well as on numerous Internet sites such as Capitol Hill Outsider, Conservative Action Alerts, Daily Paul, Canada Free Press, and The Daily Bell. I am the author of The Golden Mean: Libertarian Politics, Conservative Values. Email:

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