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  • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 5 months ago
    Stupid is just another name for rebellion against logic and facts. It is a purely ideologically-driven mindset. Stupid only ends when people are willing to admit that facts are facts, truth is truth, and no matter how bad they want things to turn out a certain way, outcomes are a product of inputs: choices lead to consequences and not the other way around.
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    • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 5 months ago
      so, as an adolescent, you have a dream of an
      ideal society where everyone is happy and no
      one is sick or disabled or depressed, AND

      you spend your entire adult life trying to


      reality to comply.

      sick. -- j

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      • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
        That reminds me as an adolescent. But an adolescent was a state I grew out of.
        Say, maybe that is what an adult libtard really is--immature for his age!
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        • Posted by Boborobdos 9 years, 5 months ago
          What about those who want our kids to believe the Earth is 6,000 years old?

          What about those who deny evolution?

          What about those who deny global warming?

          What about those who claim to be "pro-life" but deny others health care?

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          • Posted by plusaf 9 years, 5 months ago
            Yeah, I was going to point out a few items of 'obvious stupidity' such as being pro-choice or anti-capital punishment, but looking at the comments part of the linked page, well.... it would be worse than trying to sell holy water to Satan's Choir...

            They KNOW they're completely Right and The Other Side is Completely Evil, and conversation, let alone conversion, is truly impossible.

            Welcome to a view of how fundamentalists and Born-Again's view atheists (large OR small 'A')
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  • Posted by fivedollargold 9 years, 5 months ago
    There are two types of liberals. The ones in the mode of Huburt Humphrey who "care" about their fellow man even though their actions cause far more harm than good, e.g. The Great Society. Then you have the ideological libs, such as Obama whose goal is to attain power in order to create at best a socialist state or at worst a Communist one. The latter are extremely dangerous as we have seen with Obamacare and attacks on the press, political opponents, even the police.
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    • Posted by RevJay4 9 years, 5 months ago
      The new socialist idea is not to own the companies/businesses, just regulate and tax them so they can't operate without government interference via said regs and taxes on how they do busisness. Same thing, just different approach using the alphabet agencies to "own" them.
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      • Posted by plusaf 9 years, 5 months ago
        You noticed! Good! Now if the 'stupids' that Gruber was pointing out would see that, we might avoid the advent of President Hillary...
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        • Posted by RevJay4 9 years, 5 months ago
          Yep, sure did. Just took me a while to put it all into the context of driving businesses out of business. That is not logical, unless there is an ideology involved. And there is, complete government control of everything. I looked at the takeover of GM, etc. and thought everything else was gonna follow that pattern. Wrong. Now I see the error of my ways in following the false trail. Just use the agencies to control without the headache of owning. That way there is no blowback on the politicians when the businesses fail. Smart of them, sorta.
          The "stupids" will not see it until it affects them, and maybe not even then. Ideology of any kind is like wearing blinders to reality.
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          • Posted by plusaf 9 years, 5 months ago
            Spot on, Rev... I came up with the kernel of a new Falk's Law but haven't figured out a catchy and short way to describe the concept...

            "What if the moochers don't see their handouts are coming at the price of their own freedoms?"

            Or something like that.... If the 'stupids' can't/don't see what we'd call unintended consequences of their own actions, there is NO WAY they're going to change their thoughts, ways OR VOTES... and trust me on this: They Outnumber Us!
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            • Posted by RevJay4 9 years, 5 months ago
              Once upon a time, I worked for an agency where I'd interview prospective "moochers" for benefits. I'd bitch about the attitude of the moochers and be asked why I cared when the government paid for the benefits issued. My response was usually along the lines of informing the co-worker of where the government gets the money to give the benefits. Some got it, others just gave me the dumb blank stare of the terminally liberal. Never so happy to leave a job in my life. It was terribly depressing to realize that some of my co-workers, though college educated same as me, still believed in unicorns and fairy dust.
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              • Posted by plusaf 9 years, 4 months ago
                Amen, Rev! I'm trying the 'catch 'em while they're young' approach.

                I've got a 'step-grandson' whose folks are fairly ardent Liberals. When this 14-year-old and I got into a dinner discussion of topical issues, I asked him if he had thought of 'where ALL the money comes from that "the government" provides to ALL of the 'wonderful programs' liberals love so much.'

                After just a few more minutes, I believed he got the point that EVERY PENNY that 'the government provides to Anyone and Anything' comes out of taxes and fees paid by HIS Parents, me and all other citizens who pay their taxes.

                I believe he got the point. Now i'm working on him with what I believe some call the Socratic approach... 'If something is a problem, WHAT Caused It To Be Such A Problem, and what was the cause of THAT driving factor... and so on, until you get close to the Real Root Cause of the Original Stated Problem.'

                In my experience, most folks bail out of such a conversation after getting about three layers down. I postulate that a minimum of five or six layers Often, but Not Always, gets you to Root Cause. One dinner conversation with this young man, he counted between 8 and 11 layers down of such digging and we still agreed that we hadn't struck the ore of Root Cause of the particular issue.

                He's very bright, and I treasure these conversations with him. Fortunately, he appreciates them, too!

                And boy, is HE a rare one. :)
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  • Posted by IndianaGary 9 years, 5 months ago
    Actually, I prefer "insane" to "stupid". Libs exemplify Einstein's definition of insanity: "Doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results". Temper tantrums don't change reality, no matter how much you would like, and this drives them insane.
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  • Posted by samrigel 9 years, 5 months ago
    What a great article. Some memes that need repeating. Stupid is as stupid does and you can't fix stupid but you can muffle the sound with a bit of duct tape. Liberalism is a severe mental disorder and no cure or treatment.
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  • Posted by wmiranda 9 years, 5 months ago
    I'm a recovering liberal. Remember when one morning you woke up to watch the news while getting ready for work and you discovered the Soviet Union had ceased to exist in your lifetime?
    Well, one day I woke up and realized I was one of the few tolerant persons left amongst liberals. Liberals are the most intolerant bigots in America. And yes, they can be that stupid too.
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  • Posted by AngryWhiteMale 9 years, 5 months ago is a mental disorder after all. None of this should be surprising.

    What is surprising is that a supposedly thinking populace has becoming so disengaged, or unthinking, as to abide the foolishness.
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  • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 5 months ago
    Diversity: When liberals/progressives say diversity what they mean is "think our way."
    Redskins: This is nothing more than a power play, demonstrating that those in gov't can control all aspects of life including things as mundane as sports (see my post this morning about the Gov of MN trying to outlaw Gopher football game kick-offs before noon).
    Minimum wage: Another example of demanding others to behave in a certain way while they do not have to. This is because they obviously are better and above the need to be forced to behave that way. When pointed out to them that they don't actually behave that way, they see no contradiction.
    Joe Biden: No commentary necessary. Speaks for itself. But the fact that so many liberals do not see this gaff prone moron for what he is itself speaks volumes.
    Jerry Brown: Forget about the global warming, the next big quake is going to slide the whole west coast into the ocean. Talk about water pollution!
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 5 months ago
    Robert Heinlein had this to say about that:

    “Most people can’t think, most of the remainder won’t think, the small fraction who do think mostly can’t do it very well. The extremely tiny fraction who think regularly, accurately, creatively, and without self-delusion—in the long run, these are the only people who count.”

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  • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 5 months ago
    example::: assigning more and more jobs to the
    central government, after a long and awful history
    of failures, corruption, miserable customers and
    loooooooooong service times. . the definition
    of complete insanity. . legislate morals and
    changes to human nature. . PTUI !

    why not embrace human nature [capitalism]
    and succeed like wildfire??? -- j

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  • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 5 months ago
    It is not their intransigent political correctness that I mind, it is their unwillingness to even discuss the concept that they might be wrong. I have had conversations with two friends, over the years, that have ended with 'let us not talk about this subject again so that we can remain friends'.

    Yes, these are intelligent people and they are people with whom I agree on many many topics. Were liberals like wmiranda used to be, it would be much more fun to talk with them and we each might learn something.


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  • Posted by dutchmanii 9 years, 5 months ago
    I agree that ignorant is NOT knowing.
    Like you don't know the stove is hot until you burn your finger on it. But then again it is STUPID to put your finger on it again to see if it doesn't burn you.
    This same application can apply to an infinite amount of examples.
    I for one use the term STUPID many times and some of my grandkids say "Oh you used a bad word". Well I never and explain the difference and that some people that want to remain STUPID think it is a bad word or how else are you to learn.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 5 months ago
    I have what I think is the answer to liberal stupidity. The example of which I write is a common liberal belief that if a lot of people believe it, it must be true. Way back in the Bronze Age when I went to college, I encountered a friendly fellow from Alabama who, in the course of our conversation mentioned that opossums had sexual intercourse through their noses. After a brief argument, he bet me $10 that he could prove it. Now, back then, $10 was a lordly sum, not easily to be trifled with. But, completely assured of the rightness of my case, I took the bet. Skip ahead two weeks. We get together to prove our cases. I went to a professor of zoology who wrote a few paragraphs that stated that while opossums sometimes had intercourse face-to-face, it was actually their genitalia that was involved. As the Alabaman's proof, he introduced three other fellows who swore they had seen the sex acts being performed as described. Stupid? Yes. But even with my letter from a noted expert in the field, my southern gentleman friend remained unconvinced.
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  • Posted by jpellone 9 years, 4 months ago
    I love this topic!!!

    A guy I knew owned a hobby shop that I go to and one day his wife was working because he was out of town. It was the day after someone had set all of those Hummers on fire. She was bragging about how those gas guzzlers were destroyed. The next day I go in there and her husband was working. I told him his wife was a hypocrite so he asked me why. I told him about what she had said the day before and that she had no room to talk. He asked me why and I explained the she was driving the Mustang GT 350(he drove a 6 cyl Mustang) which uses the most gas of any of the Mustangs and his answer was "Well, she had always wanted one"...

    Then somehow Sarah Palin came up and he said he did not like her so I asked him why and he said because she is stupid. Puzzled, I asked him why he thought that and his answer was classic!!! "She said I can see Russia from my house" When I tried showing him the video of Tina Fey saying it on SNL he refused to look at it!!!

    Yes liberals REALLY ARE that stupid!!!!!!!!!!
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 9 years, 5 months ago
    Yes, liberals are that stupid. They are hell bent on servitude and possibly suicidal in their commitment to being chained and shackled (maybe not metaphorically).
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  • Posted by Esceptico 9 years, 5 months ago
    Maybe they are not stupid. Viewed from the perspective of wanting to increase control and gain power, perhaps the appearance of stupid masks their actual intent.
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 9 years, 5 months ago
    It has become my understanding that liberals are born stupid. They reach a certain age at which point they have the realization that they lack the cognitive skills of many of their peers, at which point, they glom onto the modern liberal orthodoxy. I have a couple of libertarian and conservative friends. When I meet them, I typically start my part of the conversation with this "So, I was talking to a liberal the other day..." That typically leads to smiles and some laughter as we mutually understand that the liberal mind is a caustic mix of childish naivete along with pure bone-head illogical bromides. I have tried, without success, to impart some level of basic economic understanding to my liberal acquaintances in the context of showing the fraud of minimum wage laws. I think that once a liberal gets beyond the age of about 35, they are hopeless. There are times, when I and my libertarian and conservative friends, would like to see a push of the Big Reset Switch.. where all the liberal / socialist programs fail (the end of food stamp welfare parasitic handouts for example). But it would really do no good, for the liberal, like the cockroach, would survive to impart their theft on another generation. Yeah, this was a rant, but where else can one go to engage in a bit of commiseration on this topic? Happy new year... although 2015 will likely be even more overrun with liberal nonsense.
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