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  • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years, 7 months ago
    From the original atrticle, top line -

    "UPDATE: It appears that this story isn't true. Both the hospital and Bray are now saying that she's been allowed to visit her partner."

    And the purpose of this is... what? To start some social discontent? Split us up over emotional issues unrelated to Objectivism?

    Peh, I say. No, Mega-Peh.

    (BTW - my gay cousin - dying of AIDS, I might add - was in a hospital run by a Catholic Religious Order - not only did he receive stellar and compassionate care, his other half was by his side 24/7 at the end. This was 20+ years ago... Just sayin'...)
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    • Posted by $ 10 years, 7 months ago
      Well actually, it appears as though the hospital is denying that the story is true, but the lesbian woman in question is not.

      From today's article on the story:


      "The patient’s significant other, Sarah Bray, 34, told The Star on Wednesday that she had been unable to visit her partner, after she said her partner’s mother banned her from the hospital room.

      But Joe Stuteville, a St. Francis spokesman, said there was a mutual agreement between Bray and the patient’s family that Bray could visit. He said he could not, however, disclose that publicly on Wednesday because the hospital needed the approval of the family before it would release any such information.

      “We’ve known it from the beginning” that Bray could visit the patient, Stuteville said. “But you need the patient’s family’s consent to discuss anything.”

      Bray, however, told The Star on Thursday evening that there was no such mutual agreement between her and the patient’s family. She said the hospital’s director called her late Wednesday night and said Bray could see her partner for several minutes — and that the visit, around 10 p.m., was only allowed because her partner’s mother changed her mind.

      “If they want to call that a mutual agreement,” Bray said, “then that’s a joke.”

      Stuteville would not discuss whether any such call took place, saying he could not elaborate beyond the statement other than to emphasize that Bray was never denied visitation based on her sexual orientation. He also would not comment on whether Bray had been denied visitation for some other reason or whether there might have been a misunderstanding about her visitation rights.

      Bray, when told that the hospital said she had been able to visit the room since her partner’s arrival, replied, “That is not true.” She did, however, acknowledge that the hospital called twice Thursday with updates on her partner’s condition."
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  • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 7 months ago
    Hospitals are retarded. Don't get me started. It's not just a gay thing...they do pushy things to parents of minors (17 1/2 years old) too... It got very ugly for a one should have to fight to be their loved ones advocate. And EVERY one in the hospital should have an advocate present 24x7. And maybe legal paperwork drawn up prior as well. Hospital staff (even EMS people) get a bit militia-like, as if they're the only ones who might have answers. Very frustrating.
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  • Posted by khalling 10 years, 7 months ago
    This is WRONG> couples should have legal documents to supersede hospital policy. The question is-had the couple drawn up documents? If you are not in the will...IF documents were in place and the hospital is not allowing visitation -that is liable. The hospital is inserting itself needlessly here and it affects lives.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 7 months ago
      They weren't a "couple"; they lacked the full compliment of reproductive organs necessary. If you insist on referring to them by association, it would be as accurate to describe them as "playmates".

      Uhm... while the 1st Amendment doesn't protect the right to bump uglies with whatever gets you off, it does protect the right of practicing religion. This is a Catholic hospital.

      Oh, and if her playmate were male... the mother could STILL ban him from her bedside. Cause they're not married. So they're not related.

      This is just another straw-man article to promote Maph's agenda of forcing people to accept the mental illness of homosexuality as healthy.
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  • Posted by flanap 10 years, 7 months ago
    This is what happens when there no longer is a defined standard external to man's development of one.
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