The silence is deafening... Wake UP America!: The Journals of Ayn Rand

Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 7 months ago to Books
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"...Anything strong and intense, passionate and absolute, anything that can't be taken with a snickering little 'sense of humor'--is too big, too hard, too uncomfortable for them..."

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  • Posted by MattFranke 10 years, 7 months ago
    Ha I had a laundry list of names come to mind while reading that. Good points, LS.
    I'm reading Objectivity: The Philosophy of AR; and they (AR & Peikoff) categorize human relationships into four basic categories. Friends, acquaintances, strangers, and enemies. At first I thought it funny that there was nothing said about family. Then, of course, I realized that family easily breaks down into those categories. The definition of a friend is one with whom you have shared values and virtues; one whom you respect and who respects you. By this definition, I'm sure most could get their friend count down to only a very select few. Acquaintances are a dime a dozen. These are most that we must deal with in our daily lives. In my experience, most of these are people that Rand would refer to as "second-handers". They poses little potential for creativity or production. They rely on others to intellectually spoon feed them with what they need. They possess not passion, drive, or goals; but instead, whim, fleeting emotion, and aimlessness. These are the most dangerous to our well-being. They are the moochers, who use the good in people to their advantage, whether it is for food or thought, but ultimately, for no fair exchange of value.
    "A parasite, biologically, is a creature that lives on or in an organism of another species. The second-hander, however, is unique. He has no counterpart in the world of biology. He is a parasite on his own species."
    "All of these types are "fed by the minds of others" in the literal sense of "fed." All want the effects of reason without the need of exercising the faculty. All seek not to practice virtue or abolish it but, in AR's eloquent phrase, to be "hitchhikers of virtue."
    Quotes from Objectivity.
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  • Posted by Genez 10 years, 7 months ago
    I believe the problem today is a lack of effort and will. The public has been taught to "just' do whatever is necessary to get by and to seek out whatever they can to feel good, ie drink, playing games, etc.

    For instance our children are taught to understand basic concepts so they can meet requirements and pass a test, not for the love of the knowledge or learning itself. They are taught to acquire facts, not to think. They are also taught that all ideas are a matter of opinion and that none are any better or worse than any others. Whether your foundation is the 10 commandments or the 'virtue of selfishness', the reality is that you must have some sort of foundation / absolute to have any opinion or care. For those with no starting point or absolute, nothing has any meaning.

    You have to get people to understand the basics before you can get into big ideas. You have to get them to accept that there are certain truths and that those truths are 'right' or 'wrong' because they are, not because of someone's opinion. If you can get someone to understand that, then you can build from there into bigger ideas about liberty, freedom, sound basis for economy etc.

    We have taught all of our children about the founding of the nation and the growth of 'greco-roman' civilization, as well as the judeo-christian foundation of our nation. All of them have strong opinions about the role of government in their lives and in the economy. All have bought their own cars and a good portion of their own clothes, etc, from age 16 on. We still help with costs/issues while they are home but encourage them to think for themselves, even if we don't agree! I'd rather someone disagree BASED ON REASON, then follow along blindly.

    Anyway, to the point of the post... I have two what I would call good friends that believe similarly.. that's it.. Most people are not capable of holding a coherent conversation, let alone having a reasoned opinion. If you can't be yourself around them, that is not a true friend.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 7 months ago
      Thank you Genez. Following along blindly... good one. Following as if someone else must know best. When did we choose to stop voicing our opinions? What brought this on?
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  • Posted by Shadefly 10 years, 7 months ago
    Like you I try to engage with people on these same topics. You are right on the mark. you can see the uncomfortable body language and turning away not looking at you while you are talking. It s politically incorrect to bring these topics up and when you do, the lefties become agitated with simple facts, start screaming and walk away. others just mumble or agree tacitly. I have but 1 liberal friend I can talk to about politics. he jokes that he does not like to debate me because I have too many facts. I tell him reality is hard and the more we ignore it the more we become zombies to the state with fewer liberties and freedom. Slowly I am turning him around. he hasn't read AS yet but he moved from a liberal socialist to realizing true capitalism (not our corny capitalism of today) is the most beneficial economic system in the world. Now he's more of a democratic liberal. keep trying to reach out. reasonable people do wake up.

    It took me 5 years of start and stop reading to finish Atlas Shrugged and it scared my how close the last 8 years have been to the beginning of the book. I am now evangelizing whenever possible in a rational tone to anyone who will listen where we are headed. So far with my predictions on Ocare, I've been right and people around me are noticing I am not full of BS. Credibility earned. once we as a group have that, we will get control of the government again. god luck and keep up the fight. I don't think we need to disappear like in the book, its not too late.
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  • Posted by Spinkane 10 years, 7 months ago
    A case in point, to khallings post 15 hours 15 minutes. A relative texted me to tell me about the Ben Ghazi report on 60 minutes last week; like it was new news and I’d probably like to watch it. 5 days later she Emails me this dream she had where she was living under sharia law; it really upset her and she wanted my opinion. Albeit an intelligent woman she trusts her feelings more than her intellect. I pointed out how successful the democrats are, they’ve been in power since 2006 by playing to our emotion not our intellect. I reminded her I’ve been suggesting she take one topic and get passionate about learning all she can about it, this way if she’s lied to she will recognize it. She, like so many people, wanted to believe in hope and change. Now, she feels hoodwinked; hopefully that will arouse her passion and break down her wall of denial. Be kind to your friends when they come around, we need all the help we can get.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 7 months ago
      I am being kind...only one of them (maybe 2) has a clue that I have some frustrations. There's no point in getting ugly in front of wouldn't help anything...but at this point my tongue is getting bit off inside my mouth and sitting among them makes me feel.....icky...and empty of meaningful and important discussions that we really need to be having these days.
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      • Posted by khalling 10 years, 7 months ago
        there is nothing to lose in being open and forthright. I've tried different tactics. waiting until there's a good segue or just starting a new conversation in a lull. I am not biting my tongue anymore. so the other day, we were enjoying happy hour at a bar in paradise, when a regular patron started in on not global warming per se but that bigger concept of people ruin the planet. I have held my tongue when these people go off so many times and that day my husband and I decided to basically call a spade a spade. it is one thing to be ignorant of facts, it is another to push a dangerous agenda that includes as its goal reducing the population of Earth! so we started friendly enough with the facts. My first goal is always to tear into "peak" anything-peak oil, peak whale oil, peak bat guano, peak lithium, etc. Of course all due to humans crashing and burning through resources like the selfish pigs they are-and the US citizens are the most selfish pigs of any other people on the face of the earth. This is based on the false understanding of entropy. I won't get into it here, it's a post somewhere. My point is, we calmly started explaining things to him and stating where he was incorrect. He was unaware of the concepts we brought to the discussion and so he kept repeating them in a taunting manner and trying to discredit them because if he was unfamiliar with it, it must not be fact or science. eventually the debate heated up and other patrons who were listening intently to the discussion became a little nervous, so we decided to end our involvement and paid our check and left. It is perfectly reasonable to become angry when someone is pushing a dangerous agenda based on lies, and uses a bully pulpit to push propaganda. because, others who may not have drawn an opinion yet are sitting there listening. it's not happening on my watch.
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  • Posted by $ kathywiso 10 years, 7 months ago
    This article identifies the struggle in America today. Everyone is sooo afraid to offend someone that they stand for nothing. Personally, my "friends" are easy to name. They are the ones that share my belief in freedom and what America stands for, the ones who work hard to accomplish their own goals at whatever they choose, but know that Freedom is the most important to preserve. In knowing this, they are not afraid to tell someone they disagree with them. They speak the truth. They hate the free ride and they know the time to stand is Now or Never ! LS, thank you for writing this. It is right on target ...
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  • Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 7 months ago
    Thank you for posting this Shrug. I downloaded the Journals but it will take me a while to read it. The more I read about Ayn Rand the more impressed I am. I am reading the Virtue of Selfishness now. It's amazing how many thoughts and ideas come to mind as I read it.
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  • Posted by khalling 10 years, 7 months ago
    very good article LS.
    most people are like you describe. but there is a significant number of people who understand but have not committed to their desires or values. They may join in the snickering, but they are aware and can commit if they really want to.
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