Red is really Blue

Posted by $ rainman0720 2 months, 1 week ago to Culture
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The government in '1984' would be proud of the way the National Organization for Women supports men pretending to be women. (Yes, I know full well that's a subjective statement.) But I've often asked the same question that women in this article (and others) are asking: Where the hell is the outcry and uproar from women's groups in protest of all these organizations allowing men to compete against women? By claiming to be "inclusive", they are, in fact, excluding the very group they're supposed to be supporting and protecting.

Yes, this whole "men can be women" doublethink thing would do George Orwell proud.
SOURCE URL: https://www.foxnews.com/media/skateboarder-transgender-day-visibility-ridiculous-visibility-not-issue-trans-people

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