Globalists Claim Mass Immigration Helps The US Economy – Here’s Why That’s A Lie

Posted by freedomforall 2 months ago to Politics
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"Bloomberg recently published an article boasting that this line from the CBO report shows that the rising fears among Americans over illegal immigration are unfounded. They question why the migrant crisis is a top issue going into the 2024 elections and cite a number of major banking institutions that have adjusted their US fiscal outlook into the positive because of the CBO’s data point and higher immigration. Bloomberg quotes the HSBC:

“Immigration is not just a highly charged social and political issue, it is also a big macroeconomic one,” Janet Henry, global chief economist at HSBC Holdings Plc, wrote in a note to clients Tuesday. No advanced economy is benefiting from immigration quite like the U.S., and “the impact of migration has been an important part of the U.S. growth story over the past two years.”

Firstly, let’s clarify something in terms of the CBO’s theory – The US deficit has fallen in direct correlation to the Federal Reserve raising interest rates. It’s more expensive to borrow for everyone, including the government, which makes it more expensive to spend. Because of far higher interest payments the US is now adding over $1 Trillion every 100 days to the national debt. That’s unprecedented.

Any spending cuts can be directly attributed to higher interest rates, NOT immigration. The CBO mentions this fact very quickly in the same report, without elaborating on why they think immigrants add value. But let’s consider the GDP claim for a moment; why would the CBO expect higher immigration to add $7 trillion to the GDP in the next ten years?

Illegal Immigrants Are A Net Negative – We Don’t Need Them

They say it’s about more people working, but what about more people taking welfare and other subsidies? Neither the CBO (nor the media) make any distinction between legal migrants and illegal migrants when it comes to economic effects.

Legal migrants usually have careers, business plans, skill sets and their own money coming into the US. Most illegals have nothing – Little education, no substantial skill sets, no money and no plan other than to get free handouts wherever possible. We have seen the proof of this in places like New York and Washington DC, where a tiny percentage of migrants bused into the cities have absolutely crushed their welfare infrastructure.

It’s estimated that the net lifetime cost of each illegal immigrant for the American taxpayer is over $68,000. While some illegals do end up paying taxes, their overall cost is far higher than the amount they pay in.

The jobs market has been inflated by trillions in Federal Reserve stimulus and most of the jobs created are low wage retail and service positions that will disappear in a couple years anyway. The CBO notes in the same report that unemployment is set to increase in 2024, but the media overlooked that little tidbit of information.

Migrants are not needed to keep the labor market going. In fact, as jobs numbers inevitably plummet due to higher interest rates illegals will only add to jobless levels and poverty levels in the US, further dragging the economy down.

Not to mention, the American housing market has suffered an oppressive spike in prices, with home costs and rents in many places doubling. This is caused in part by the millions of migrants entering the country each year looking for housing and getting help from US government programs to secure that housing. Get rid of the illegals and I guarantee rent costs will go down quickly.

Almost all of the projected GDP gain from illegal immigrants comes from their wages which go into their pockets (the same wages they send back to their families in their home countries). There is no direct GDP gain from illegals in terms of benefits to the overall economy. That said, the CBO may also be accounting for another factor which many Americans are unaware of – Government spending being added to GDP.

As I’ve noted in the past, a large portion of GDP calculated by state governments and the federal government comes from spending. The more the government spends the higher GDP climbs. It doesn’t matter if that money was wasted, it is still counted as rising economic activity.

So, if the US is adding 2-3 million illegals per year to the population and the government is spending thousands in tax dollars per year on each illegal through various subsidies, that will amount to billions per year in extra GDP. And the more they allow illegals to enter the country unchecked the more GDP can grow exponentially. Is that good for the economy? No. It’s going to destroy the economy and we are already seeing the effects, but the government and the media can spin it to look like it’s a positive.

The head of the CBO is a Republican but he’s also a former member of the IMF, so it’s not surprising he would paint mass immigration as a positive. The globalists want to end national sovereignty and the fastest way to do that is to create open border conditions, kill domestic economies, erase western culture and then swoop in with a “global solution” after the dust settles. This is the plan; to destabilize the US economic system, not save it. And, illegal immigrants are a useful tool for that end game."
SOURCE URL: https://alt-market.us/globalists-claim-mass-immigration-helps-the-us-economy-heres-why-thats-a-lie/

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  • Posted by mccannon01 2 months ago
    If a family of criminals crashed through my front door and began consuming everything I have and offered little to nothing in return, my household GDP would plummet. Feeling "sorry" for them will not raise them up to my level of living, but will bring me down to theirs.
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    • Posted by 2 months ago
      In my house they'd be dead criminals.
      And unlike the moronic police characters on tv, I'd never give their well-earned demise
      a second thought.
      Police who need a shrink after defending the innocent against armed criminals?
      Rubbish feminazi propaganda.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 2 months ago
        When me dino heard POTUS candidate Benghazi Killary say, "My dream is open borders," within a week I was having an AR-15 converted into a 30-round 9mm carbine.
        I named the weapon after that ugly Wicked Witch Of the East. I call it The Evil Hag.
        I felt very much relieved when Trump became our POTUS.
        Now look at the fine mess the rigged election that beat him 4 years later got us into.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 2 months ago
    Even IF these creatures Were hard working folk, they Still wouldn't help America.

    Stay and fight socialism, wokism, communism in your own country. Your NOT helping, you are only making things worse.
    From the frying pan into the fire you jumped!
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  • Posted by mhubb 2 months ago
    there was a time when those at the top believed "a rising Tide lifted All Boats"

    now those at the tops do not know or care where they stuff they consume comes from

    having a World Government is not a bad thing, if it were based on the REAL US Constitution
    but that is NOT the goal of those at the top.
    power for them is, as we see in Davos
    we see just how clueless and self-absorbed they are, with their pronouncements for us, but not for them.

    so now, import workers that will work for less, more for those at the top, with them not understanding that no one will be around to buy their crap but them. they do not care, they think people are replaceable. they are wrong, but it will take the collapse of the world into a bitter dark age for them to wake up, if then
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 2 months ago
    In 1903, the Statue of Liberty and its fundamental message was bastardized by progressives with the blurb added to the base "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"  The "progressive" is one of the shabbiest of creatures, although they are certainly consistent.  On first blush, we are all in favor of "progress," yes?  Except that the devil is in the details and the progressive insists on hiding those details in voluminous legislation (I offered details in a post years ago regarding the PPACA and what that piece of State-injected Cancer did to the medical community -- doctors, staff and patients). "Progress" ... progress towards what?  For the progressive, the direction "Forward" is towards the elimination of the Individual, the growth of the Collective and the ever expanding power of the State.

    And how to grow the Collective and expand the power of the State?  Easy.  Welcome in all the tempest-tossed-wretched refuse -- for that is what these illegal bastards are -- owning nothing but the shirts on their backs while breaking the gate.  These shiftless eaters and breeders are most certainly not here to take jobs that other American's won't take, they are not here to work hard and assimilate, they will not be net contributors... why would they?  The incentive is to arrive on these teaming shores and present their litany of needs -- empty bellies and babies.  Work permits? Oh, you gullible progressive rubes. The the State is here to provide those needs -- with food, shelter, health care, education, transportation, and every manner of handout that fiat currency can provide.

    The largest producer of propaganda to ever infest the planet is the State, whether that is the State of the USA, the State of China or any other central government. The State: its burgeoning bureaucracies litter the landscape with scores of papers and studies that show the abundant benefits that will be provided by these newly welcomed workers.  It is all so much flowery and self-referential, sickeningly salacious rubbish, the dreck being bankrolled by the rapacious taxation and wealth confiscation of an ever diminishing population of productive individuals.  When theft through taxation isn't enough, the State and its incestuous relationship with the International Banking Cartels will gin up as much fiat currency as is necessary -- to feed, clothe and house the wretched refuse and increase the population of welfare dependency, all the while growing its appendages of regulators, licensures, and fealty dispensators. The Collective grows like a fatted cancer, the tumors metastasizing throughout the body of a nation.  But unlike normal biological cancer, which is seen as something to be stopped before it kills the host -- the wretched refuse is both nurtured and carefully injected into those places where it can fester its multitudes in abundance.

    This all brings to mind one of my favorite novels "The Camp of the Saints" -- a delightful prediction of the future, written over 50 years ago.  The story of how a million bits of human refuse make their way, via a hundred rotting ships, to the South of France ... and all the while as this flotilla is on the move, the disaster impending like clockwork... the political class fall all over each other in announcing the Welcome arrival of the human dross. Finally, the battered hulks drop anchor and the refuse swarm in the manner of a cross-product of javelina and locusts up the teaming shores.  The best part is when one of the progressives screams out, only at the end, "I never thought they would take my house!"  So true, these hypocrites and their sanctuary cities.  The danger lies not in that the progressives believe that their lofty heights keep them out of reach of the human debris, it is that in their innate sociopathology, their threadbare veil of envy-intoxication manifests in the full flower of self-immolation.  The collectivist would desire that all of their neighbors are poor and miserable instead of risking the pain of seeing a more successful individual ... of acknowledging the simple reality that individuals truly are diverse, that there is a wide spectrum, not just of testable intelligence, but also of initiative, ambition, grit, vision, temperament, perspicacity and the exercised ability to delay gratification.  Those collectivists that scream the loudest about love, equity and brotherhood do so to fashion a political career of ruling over We The Governed while employing the monopoly of power affixed to the mantel of the State.

    Illegal immigration is a metastasizing cancer orchestrated by and for the benefit of The State. Keep your powder dry and wits sharp. Things are going to get ugly.
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  • Posted by SamMikhailBrowning 1 month, 4 weeks ago
    This might be considered controversial in some corners, but it is nonetheless factual. The people coming in now are not the same Mexican nationals and cold war era refugees from countries that helped us, like the Viets in the 70s. I'm a blue collar dude from a border state, and for a long time I wasnt as militant as some on border issues to to being a construction worker in Fort Worth who worked with immigrants and first gen Americans. But what is happening now is not economic migration, it is an all out military invasion.
    One silver lining to this is that these migrants are congregating in the hood in big cities and they aren't as intimidated by Glocktavius and Shequandra as the liberal arts majors who are gentrifying. SO this thing could get entertaining
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