Green Billionaires Press Hollywood to Promote Armageddon Climate Messages in Movies. Tell Netflix, Hulu To Drop Dead.

Posted by freedomforall 3 months, 2 weeks ago to Politics
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"Good Energy aims to weave climate alarm into all types of film-making, “especially” if it is not about climate. With the support of Bloomberg, it recently published ‘Good Energy – A Playbook for Screenwriting in the Age of Climate Change’. It claims the Playbook is “now the industry’s go-to guide to incorporating climate into any storyline or genre”. As with almost all green campaigning groups, Good Energy would not exist without the support of billionaire funding. These operations seek a supra-national collectivist Net Zero solution to a claimed climate emergency. Good Energy acknowledges it would not exist without this funding, adding, “as collaborators and champions, each has provided a unique contribution for which we are endlessly grateful”.

Hollywood propaganda

If action against climate change is woven into the cultural wallpaper, children may not even be able to imagine a world without FakeBurgers and windmills. The seas will endlessly rise while somehow staying in the same place, like living in an Escher puzzle. Every storm surge will be fossil fueled and every retreat will be invisible.

Have you run out of plotlines? Good Energy can help…
Hollywood propagandaRolling Stone puts the details on the climate movie wallpaper being fostered. Instead of boring statistics and depressing details, Hollywood “is playing its part”. It’s creating heroes that, ah, do what the billionaires want:

How Hollywood Is Crafting A New Climate Change Narrative
Take the Netflix show, Unstable, for example. In the new series, Rob Lowe stars as a genius biotech innovator, who’s created a slew of planet-saving solutions. The Hulu mystery, A Murder at the End of World, hones in on a tech billionaire who wants to save the world from climate change. Hulu’s Indigenous American comedy-drama, Reservation Dogs, features Dallas Goldtooth, an advocate for the Land Back Indigenous sovereignty movement. The CBS sitcom, Ghosts, rolled out an episode called “The Tree,” that dives into different ways a few of the central characters relate to nature and climate change.

And if you were a billionaire invested in EVs or batteries, you’d want heroes to help your investments grow too, right? (Especially, now).

Donations to Hollywood Propaganda Inc are a tax deductible advertising expense that’s not called advertising. It’s something you can brag about at Davos!

According to an analysis by the Norman Lear Center’s Media Impact Project and Good Energy, which supports TV and film creators in telling compelling and accurate climate stories, less than 3 percent of film and TV scripts from 2016 to 2020 mentioned climate-related terms.

For now, the organization is dedicated to ensuring that by 2027, 50 percent of contemporary TV and film acknowledges climate change.

What this also guarantees is that it buys up some writers that might have mocked climate change. De facto it squeezes creativity out."

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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    Rich people trying to destroy industry? Looks like 'limousine liberals" are continuing to try to indulge their power-lust. FDR rides again, huh?
    I wish Ayn Rand hadn't died. In The Fountainhead , I think I remember that Ellsworth Toohey did not have much appeal to poor, blue-
    collar-type people who were trying to rise on their own. But isn't that often the way?
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  • Posted by Ben_C 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    I find it interesting that most of the movie theaters in my town are closed. Also, I hear a lot of push back from my friends that are tired of paid subscriptions to stream such nonsense. But then the age old axiom holds true "follow the money." The green cartels will do anything to promote their agenda and revenue enhancement. Such bovine excrement.
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  • Posted by Lucky 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    Unemployment now reported in Hollywood. Predicted to get worse.
    The buying public and businesses are getting tired of that stuff.
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    • Posted by 3 months, 2 weeks ago
      We can control it eventually by boycotting ALL their products and teaching the young that what you buy matters.
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      • Posted by mhubb 3 months, 2 weeks ago
        saw a report on FOX
        lots of youngers males are turning Conservative

        but lots of younger "females" are going left

        gonna be interesting when they meet...
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        • Posted by CaptainKirk 3 months, 2 weeks ago
          Well, this has been well-known. Single Women are like 5 times more likely to be Liberal. Married Women become more Conservative.

          Furthermore, another study revealed that Liberal Women were multiple times more likely to be suffering a mental illness including depression and were generally less happy than their conservative female counter parts.

          I think this relates to the differences in how we operate. Guys are looking for a partner/mate, women are looking for an Upgrade.

          If you don't feel you are going to get the Upgrade you want... You NEED government to give it to you... Because you just deserve it.

          That's the very definition of HoeFlation. Where 80% of women believe they deserve a top 5% guy.

          We don't have to worry about them meeting!
          They are not doing it.
          I had a High School friend who was not interested in dating. He just retired from work, single, having never dated. It was Strange/Rare.

          Nowadays like 30% of guys 18-24 y/o have not had sex in a year. And I think ~20% NEVER have. With another huge chunk having never went on a date.

          We are devolving to be alone.
          Now I see boys all the time who don't date. At 18 they still don't want to get their drivers license.
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          • Posted by 3 months, 2 weeks ago
            Given the vulturous female availability, I don't blame any guy for not wanting to date.
            I haven't become friendly (in person) with any female worth the time of day in years.
            That, imo, is not a new experience either even assuming one has merely modest expectations.
            (This excludes online meetings in the Gulch.)
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  • Posted by mccannon01 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    Whaaaaaat? You mean Commiewood isn't pumping out enough of this crap already? Whatever.

    I just had this vision of the latest Commiewood movie set being powered by a hundred illegal aliens on stationary bikes with generators vigorously pedaling during filming... 3 - 2 - 1 ACTION! Huff Puff Huff Puff!!! Uh oh, the CO2 footprint is rising! CUT!
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    Being a techie, I knew a long time ago that the entire "we need 60 seconds" to trace the call was utter rubbish. Friends of mine figured out, you could tap a phone panel, dial the operator and ask for a "Drop Line Poll"... And the operator would tell you the number you were calling from.

    Also, understanding that the billing KNEW the date/time and the phone number of every number you called meant that the information was well know. (I would NOT be surprised to hear that caller ID was held back to keep this message alive).

    So that the FBI could solve more cases. Before you picked up the phone, it was traced. And the FBI's favorite trick was... "Don't answer the phone". The criminal would typically use a pay phone X miles from where they were operating.
    They would have to go back and report that nobody answered. Then go to a different pay phone (if they were smart).

    While the FBI sent people out that way, and used the data to figure out where they might be holding the person.

    But the movie companies were TOLD how to script it... And I am sure MOST of them thought this was REAL. LOL.

    Once you realize every movie has a certain level of lies built into it. You realize how deep the manipulation goes. Barney Miller's episode where they highlight a Conspiracy Theorist and all of his crank ideas. Watch that and try to determine WHICH ideas were 100% spot on, just made to sound kooky...
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  • Posted by mhubb 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    can someone please tell me how Rob Lowe is back??

    after his sex with an under-aged kid??

    i see him doing stuff on FOX and it makes me sick
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