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  • Posted by $ 3 months ago
    And they are having babies like crazy. The schools are already overwhelmed by the older kids flooding into our schools. Truly we are being 'invaded'.
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    • Posted by mhubb 2 months, 4 weeks ago
      but none of their babies are in fact US citizens

      no sane or honest person would say so, only liars and democrats would want them as citizens

      to be a citizen, the parents have to be here legally, under US jurisdiction.

      here il-legally, that don't cut it

      the Constitution is not a suicide pact

      or just end the unconstitutional welfare state
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      • Posted by Eyecu2 2 months, 3 weeks ago
        While I agree with you concerning the citizenship of babies born to illegals, while in the US. This is not the way that those babies are being addressed. These babies are currently being treated as citizens due to a misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment. Which is where the term Anchor baby comes from.

        Personally I would like for EVERY person in the US to have to prove there place of birth and citizenship and ALL persons here illegally then deported to their country of origin. REGARDLESS of any other concerns. Close the border. Then and only then revamp the immigration system. Stream line it. Make it quick and simple. Something along the lines of:
        1. Immigrants are NEVER allow any Governmental assistance.
        2. Automatic Deportation if and immigrant is found guilty of a Felony, deportation to happen after at least half of the assigned sentence.
        3. Immigrants must pass a background check.
        4. Immigrants must show ability to finically support themselves, either wealthy or some skill that will provide them an income. 5. The oath that Immigrants currently swear at the ceremony.

        We should set a maximum number of Immigrants yearly. That number should NEVER be larger than 0.5 percent of America's current population. This year that would mean 1.66 million as a maximum. Personally I find this way too high but that's the number that my suggestion would mean.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 2 months, 3 weeks ago
    Having spent part of my life in El Paso, this all makes me sick. It was so peaceful, my dad had day migrants workers, I had Mexican school chums, and our values were not so different. This is an invasion under Biden, and it has a goal, New World Order,w tih depopulation of actual citizes, elites rule, and UN conttrol of whol. This is a planned take down of the U. is left.
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