Democracy denied: A sinister force controls the US presidential debates

Posted by freedomforall 6 months, 1 week ago to Politics
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"With Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in the running as an independent candidate in the 2024 presidential election, it’s a good time to revisit a part of the US election process that seems specifically designed to protect the status quo.

In 1987, a strange thing happened on the treacherous road to US democracy. Instead of the League of Women Voters (LWV) sponsoring the US presidential debates, something the ladies had done without a hitch since 1976, the campaign teams of George H.W. Bush and Michael Dukakis agreed behind closed doors to a “memorandum of understanding” that would authorize them to decide on a number of crucial issues, including how candidates could participate in the debates, which individuals could serve as panelists, and even the height of the lecterns.

Thus was born the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD), a nonprofit corporation established under the joint control of the Democratic and Republican parties, which lays down the law as to who may participate in the televised debates. Yes, you read that right. The two major political parties in the country, which have enjoyed a duopoly over the White House since the Civil War (specifically with the election of the Republican President Ulysses S. Grant in 1869), awarded themselves the authority to keep all possible contenders to the throne at a safe distance. That’s a bit like Miss Pennsylvania and Miss New York teaming up to determine who may qualify in the annual Miss America beauty pageant. Not surprisingly, many voices in the country expressed outrage over the change."
Both Parties are One Party. One Treasonous, Corrupt Party.

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  • Posted by Aeronca 6 months, 1 week ago
    That fills in the blank for me. I have always felt this 51/49 bullshit was contrived. Here we see how the CPD keeps the elections under their thumbs. Now, how do they keep the tallies so close? Obviously it's easier to cheat when it's close. If it were 75/25 it would be very hard to cheat.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 6 months ago
      "I have always felt this 51/49 bullshit was contrived." It goes against common sense that such a thing can go on decade after decade, doesn't it? It's like a tag team professional wrestling match, only a lot worse. Pure entertainment for the masses.
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      • Posted by Aeronca 6 months ago
        Is it a natural outgrowth of a two lobed brain? A right and left brain? I would rather believe that than believe the supposed principles. If the principles were tantamount, there would be motion. In medical diagrams arteries are red, veins are blue, we need both. Although I could run away with that analogy. Red is life giving oxygenated blood and blue is polluted waste filled blood that needs to be scrubbed clean. Still we need both. Yes, everyone should just fuck everyone until we all come out the same color. (Bullworth movie.)
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        • Posted by 6 months ago
          Make all the people hate each other to hide that the government is the real enemy.
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          • Posted by Aeronca 6 months ago
            Yes that is the ultimate end. But did someone really plan it that way? How is it that people so neatly and passionately divide themselves into liberals and conservatives, deep in their hearts? And yet in every person that is capable of staying alive, there are both liberal and conservative tendencies. If someone lived every day answering every single question Yes, or every single question No, they would die very quickly.
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            • Posted by 6 months ago
              They are divided by propaganda from birth.
              Just as many sons decided to buy Ford (or Chevy) because their father/mother did, children develop political attachments before they are able to vote. Its mass political brainwashing from the first time a baby hears and sees media. (Just my opinion.)
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              • Posted by mccannon01 6 months ago
                Interesting. My dad and grandfather were both Ford men as well as my older brother. Uncles liked Chevy as my cousins (their sons). Me? I'm the rebel that went Mopar! My GTX blew the doors off anything they had... then my older brother bought a Pantera... then my younger brother bought a Lotus... my youngest brother was a rugged soul that bought a Jeep.
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                • Posted by VetteGuy 6 months ago
                  I'm jealous of the older brother - I've always wanted a Pantera! Mid-engined cars are just different. When you drive one at speed, you learn to appreciate the difference.
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                  • Posted by mccannon01 6 months ago
                    My older brother was a fantastic driver, too. He had a wonderful "feel" for road conditions and just what a vehicle could do under varying circumstances. He did a lot of rally racing, even on dirt roads in the Pennsylvania woods (not with the Pantera there, lol). One time I remember well is we were on a X-way and there was a curve under a bridge that went up to merge onto another x-way he took at 108mph. I thought I was about to die, but he didn't even break a sweat. He said, "Don't worry. This car was built for this sh*t!" Ahhhh, the memories of a misspent youth.

                    He's almost 73 now and is rebuilding a "Brabam" (sp?) he raced in earlier days so he can race it again. Love that guy!
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            • Posted by VetteGuy 6 months ago
              A large part of it is social media. It is designed to feed you similar content to what you search for. Thus, if you search for conservative topics, you get more conservative news. And vice versa. It's part of their business model - give the people what they want. And, in the process, sell more ads and generate more income.

              Not really evil in itself, just a good business model. As is often the case, the devil is in details of the unintended consequences.
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  • Posted by Arthgallo 6 months ago
    Theater to generate $$. Election campaigning is now year-round, every year and a $$ generator. After campaigning, which in itself is a revenue generator, they will write books, which is another revenue generator through publishing houses (money laundering). Just my opinion.
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