Three Years Later the Vomit Brain FBI and Treasonous JustUS Dept Are Still Arresting INNOCENT People For Protesting The 2020 Stolen Election. Try JustUS Dept and FBI Officials for TREASON. D.C. NIFO

Posted by freedomforall 5 months, 1 week ago to Politics
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"She engaged in no violence or vandalism that day. To my knowledge, no charging document has claimed otherwise. All of her charges are misdemeanors, which begs the question: why would the government pursue such petty prosecution three whole years later?

(In the meanwhile, as the government prosecutes grandmothers on years-old trespassing charges, the border remains a gaping wound, the bankers are still running hog-wild in their Whore of Babylon fiat casino unchecked, and not a single Public Health™ criminal has gone to prison for COVID malfeasance.)

Methinks the persecution of people like my friend Karen Jones might have something to do with the Brandon entity — fresh out of ideas for anything better to sell the public — basing literally his entire reelection bid on abortion and combatting (FAKE) domestic terrorism.
The only Domestic Terrorism is being forced on Americans by the FedGov and their conspirators in the media, Wall St., and the Banking Cartel.
SOURCE URL: https://armageddonprose.substack.com/p/my-good-friend-just-got-indicted

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    Posted by mccannon01 5 months ago
    If someone said something against Stalin, do you think it mattered how long it took to track that person down and hand out a one way ticket to the gulag? IMHO, the Neo Communists (Democrats) have worked their goal for decades and are at the point where they can smell victory in obtaining single party authoritarian rule in the US and are putting Stalin's playbook in motion. Crush all resistance and make as many examples as possible and the rest of the people will genuflect when told to do so. It's accelerating and taking down Trump would be a huge victory for them. It looks like they've got the stolen election process sewed up and well protected in the media and the DOJ - we will know for sure in November.
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    • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 5 months ago
      “ It looks like they've got the stolen election process sewed up and well protected in the media and the DOJ - we will know for sure in November.”
      Indeed we will mcannon. It’s pretty much the only reason I’m voting. Just to make the shenanigans they’ll have to pull that much more blatant. So EVERYBODY sees.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 months ago
    One could rightly suppose if the FBI is attending to their business of investigating crime in the event it occurs on the high seas, at any federal facility, bank, across our Borders, in the air, and God only knows what else, they'd have no time for politics. NB
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 5 months ago
      And STILL no one will talk about The Atlantic's Leftist contributor and Bernie Bro: John Nichols, The Infamous January 6 "Scaffold Commander".
      There is not one person that has been more caught on camera inciting a riotous raid on the capital more than John Nichols.
      If the eFining Bungling Idiots won't acknowledge who this seditious traitor is by now, it is because they put him there to do a job.
      Wake up people, you're getting roped over a barrel. And it's not to play paddy-cakes.
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      • Posted by 5 months ago
        Yes, indeed.
        Today they let Ray Epps walk (with probation) after he admitted to encouraging people to go into the capitol building.
        So that wasn't insurrection, but according to the Democrat looters, Trump saying 'be peaceful' was insurrection.
        Try the Jan 6 committee for treason, interrogate them all for details and other conspirators, and hang all the guilty b@$t@rd$.
        They are guilty of a coup d etat.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 5 months ago
    I cannot get past the fact we have people, conservatives, in DC gulag all these years after Jan. 6, liberal planned event, with no trial and only vague tressspassimg cjarges/
    O cammpt be;oeve {emse dod mpt qiestopm amd e;edtopm wjemBoden ad,otted pm matopma;;u te;eovosed TV, after getting a notice in his earpiece they wre ahead, turned to audience and grinned broadly, saying, "We have just pulled off the biggest voter fraud in history!" Dozens of my coffee reported seeing it the next moring, yet no journalist did? Pence obviously weas napping. Pelosi needed a Jan. 6 disruption, before the matter became more well spread. Thus she and AOC were informed from their Calif. folks that they were coming to cause trouble and for AOC to stay home, while Pelois reused Natl. Guard call up, allowing it all to play out, and the confession from Biden's mouth was forgotten or covered up.It all makes me very angry and disgusted/ An unarmed woman was shot by Capital Police tahight, and ntohing was done! Show all the film. Someone dig out the Biden film on election night, even Chris Wallace was speechless aftre the admission, saying nothing as his mouth fell open. He was on Fox then. That moment is seared into the memory of those of us who did watch that night and saw no one address the admission of a crime by the man now in office.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 5 months ago
      I saw the same video, Stormi. It's as criminal as boasting the use of taxpayer money to bribe a foreign leader to fire a certain prosecutor. More criminal is the DOJ and so-called press to not pursue such things.
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    • Posted by 73SHARK 5 months ago
      I liked how you use the encryption method of shifting the right hand to the right one key. 😉

      On a more serious note however, does anyone know where the video of Biden admitting election fraud could be found?
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      • Posted by $ Stormi 5 months ago
        We were watching live. Most likely the Networks lost it immediately. Even Chris Wallace would likely say he heard nothing, even though he became speechless on camera after the remark. Fox wanted Biden, so they likely destroyed it. Does not mean it did not happen, millions saw it and heard it. Someone will make a ton of money if they surface with a copy of it, and they would deserve every cent!
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