A Rigged System From Top to Bottom- This system isn’t just rigged. It’s irreparably broken. "You can’t trust those who rigged it to fix it." D.C. NIFO

Posted by freedomforall 5 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
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"Just the other day, New York Attorney General Letitia James issued a remarkable statement. “Before this trial even began, the judge ruled in our favor and found that Donald Trump did engage in years of significant financial fraud,” James boasted publicly. This is associated with just one of Donald Trump’s absurd legal cases.

Let what this laughable, biased prosecutor said sink in for a moment. She admitted that the honorable judge had “ruled in our favor” before the case had gone to trial. Even for this collapsing Banana Republic, it’s a shocking precedent to openly brag about such a serious breach of basic legal protocol. James, whom Trump has called “racist,” recently stated, “The Donald Trump show is over.” James has referred to Trump as an “illegitimate president,” and said “his days are numbered.” She lashed out at Trump at many rallies, even declaring, “We’ll bring him down!” Upon being elected in December 2018, James vowed, "We will use every area of the law to investigate President Trump and his business transactions and that of his family as well."
It’s hard to keep track of the players without a scorecard, but Jack Smith, the prosecutor in the case where Trump is being tried for alleging electoral fraud, something which Stacy Abrams continues to do in the same state, is in a category by himself. Smith has regularly taunted Trump on social media, at Trump’s own grade school level. It makes you proud to be an American to witness it. Judge Tanya Chutkan is almost identical to Engoron in her transparent bias against Trump. Trump has no chance in either case. Although a bit less classless than the TikTok judges Alex Jones has been tried by, they are similar in their disregard for traditional appearances of impartiality and the presumption of innocence, and their distaste for free speech.
The January 6 defendants, those who aren’t still languishing in prison nearly two years later, denied all due process, have been given draconian sentences. Some will spend more years in prison than many murderers do. There hasn’t been a single concerned civil libertarian who has complained publicly about the political prisoners in Washington, D.C. Well, actually there really aren’t any civil libertarians left in America. Well, there is me. But who’s going to listen to me? The ACLU has dropped that whole civil liberties thing. It was so America 1.0. Maybe they can change their name to the American Criminal Leftists Union or something.
Now, I don’t know if any of this bothers you, but it certainly should.
As the Libertarians used to note, every time a new law is passed, we create new “criminals.” There are already far too many laws, and yet the public clamors for more. Millions want those they disagree with politically to be “locked up,” you know, like career Deep State villain Hillary Clinton. Who is, of course, definitely not locked up. The swamp has never been fuller. It’s ironic that, with all the politicized prosecutions going on, the criminal elite continue to evade the long arm of the law they control. I wrote about all the modern Deep State criminals in Hidden History. None were ever prosecuted. Even if they were prosecuted, they would be acquitted by the same brain- dead juries that convict hapless riff raff on zero credible evidence.

I’m no fan of Rudy Giuliani. He was a part of the ridiculous 9/11 mainstream narrative. He was a quintessential RINO. Then he started talking about what was on the Hunter Biden laptop. Is he really shown raping a ten year old Chinese girl? Is his then fourteen year old niece filmed nude there? I don’t know, but Giuliani alluded to a lot of things regarding this laptop. I do know that our legal system seems unconcerned with it. Or Hunter’s well documented profits in Ukraine, which seemingly involved his famous father. Now Giuliani has been convicted of defaming two Black Georgia precinct workers. The two were awarded nearly $150 million in damages. Please, somebody defame me! Now that may be a drop in the bucket to the near billion Alex Jones was ordered to pay to selected Sandy Hook parents, but it’s nothing to sneeze at.

So, this is our new Orwellian legal system in a nutshell. Dominion sues a bunch of people who were suggesting that their electronic voting machines aren’t as pure as one of Joe Biden’s ice cream cones. Fox News, which naturally has a financial interest in Dominion, loses a high profile defamation case against them, without even attempting a defense. They could have cited the excellent book Votescam, by the late Collier brothers, which documented the suspicious nature of electronic voting machines. "
SOURCE URL: https://donaldjeffries.substack.com/p/a-rigged-system-from-top-to-bottom

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