Name one country that……memes

Posted by Dobrien 7 months, 1 week ago to Government
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Name one country that supports the US with free financial aid or support for our out of control debt
Or supports our dwindling military
Name on country that provides food or assistance to our homeless veterans

Name one country that assisted the Maui residents when they lost everything in fires
Name one country that we should support while our country is on the verge of collapse

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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 months, 1 week ago
    Last one: Not just because they once lived there, but never gave up the fight to get it back and keep it.
    Not to mention, created a creative and producing civilization.
    Ole Henry Ford: Henry was right about the "Fake Jews" in power, those that "Identified" as Jews like a Woman might Identify as a Man . . . No real practicing Jew would act in the ways Henry describes.

    All speak the truth brother but the trick or treaters takes the cake...or the cash
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    • Posted by Lucky 7 months, 1 week ago
      First comment- I agree, I like the approach taken by writer James Mitchener (Hawaii, The Source..) who used the concept of trusteeship - how the land gets used.
      Compare three approaches:
      the native American, Hamas, Israel. To preserve, to destroy, to grow.
      New Testament readers may recall the parable of the three sons.

      A question- How to separate out 'Fake Jews'?
      Examples, how about: Sam FriedBankman, Milton Friedman, Yehudi Menuhin, Ayn Rand, or are they all fake?

      Now I did something the other day, shsh.. for your eyes only.
      Since the current group Blinken, Sullivan, Nuland etc are so bad, I looked up to see if Sullivan was Jewish. Never mind. I won't do it again.
      I listen to a wide spread of advice, but exclude Henry Ford.
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 months, 1 week ago
        Fake Jews as I referred were creatures that not only woke up one day and decided to become jewish but also took on a Jewish last name.
        Back in those days changing one's name was easy and didn't require a look back to see who noticed,

        Now it's been many years since I was on that journey and read these goings on but Bildeburg and Rothschild comes to mind. There were others though that not only changed their name and became a practicing Jew, they also led the life of a practicing jew unlike the two families listed above.
        Wish I could remember more names but they escape me.
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        • Posted by Lucky 7 months, 1 week ago
          Old Ugly- maybe some of that is right.
          Back in the last century I was at a certain left-coast university. There was a small vocal group called Jews for Jesus. They were distinguished by big fuzzy black beards and names which were hilariously contrived- Abraham Issacson, and Isaac Abrahanson, etc.
          But there was also Sammy Davis Jnr.

          Recently there have been (mainly women?) whities claiming to be black, they frizz their hair, give themselves African names, and invent some tribe for their ancestry. Moms and Dads make bemused statements to the press, but who cares...
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          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 months, 1 week ago
            Here is the rubb, A Psychopath that amazingly understands that he or she is Different from the rest of the world. How can they disguise themselves to fit in and avoid the herds of torch holding crowds at their gates.
            First, imitate the people around you, pretend to be useful and likable and last but not least, choose a religion. Many didn't want to be Christians, or any of the far eastern religions so one chooses to be Jewish. together with a change of name and ancestry.

            The win for them is that anything they screw up, those they injure, will be blamed on the group they have chosen to identify as.
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  • Posted by $ DriveTrain 7 months, 1 week ago

    Among other facepalm-inducing philosophical errors in this grouping is the boneheaded attempt in the last one to draw a parallel between Israel and American Indians. So assuming that maybe somebody here is actually interested in objectivism and the philosophic analysis of these things, here are two "homework" items - both of them short and to the point - that should be considered required reading in unraveling this mess.

    The first is Ed Hudgins' 2010 article on Columbus Day, here:

    There is a profound difference between the Jewish people of Israel and American Indians - a difference of which the meme-maker either was utterly ignorant (in which case he has no business making political memes in the first place,) or did know but chose to evade (in which case, doubly so.) That difference is nothing less than: the difference between tribal-collectivist slavery and a Western-style individualist civilization based on individual rights. Equating the two is flat-out intellectual fraud.

    The second article is "The Moral Case for Israel (The One You Probably Have Never Heard Before)" by actor and Rock musician Steven Schub, located here:

    The salient point is that the basis for the nation of Israel's legitimacy does not rest on the shabby foundation of "their ancestors once lived there." It rests on the fact that Israel, to repeat, is a free nation, based on individualism, human rights and pluralistic, bicameral government - an oasis of civilization that is surrounded by a veritable Who's Who of brutal theocratic dictatorships, brutal monarchic dictatorships, brutal authoritarian dictatorships, and brutal terrorist tribes.

    If you read nothing else this month, take the time to read Schub's piece. And review Rand's key works, particularly her articles "Man's Rights" and "The Nature of Government." If ever there were a conflict in crystal-clear moral black and white, it's the continued brutalization of the civilized people of Israel by retro-Medieval animals. I'm not ordinarily a fan of emotionalism or violence, but the creep who came up with the last meme really should have the fool slapped out of him.

    And just don't get me started on the vile anti-Semitic s*** spewed by this "Fletch17," whoever thought that garbage deserved to be shared, and whoever thought it was a good idea to dredge up that anti-Semite Ford's collectivist ravings.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 7 months, 1 week ago
      My take on the last meme was, if one follows that logic, before anybody there was nobody so nobody has a right to the land.

      Edit add: Excellent links, BTW.
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      • Posted by 7 months, 1 week ago
        Since you are in accord with the above comment Please explain to me Sir, since we are not supposed to get Drivetrain started this point he made
        “And just don't get me started on the vile anti-Semitic s*** spewed by this "Fletch17,"
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        • Posted by mccannon01 7 months, 1 week ago
          I just commented on his comment of the last meme. If one goes back far enough there is always somebody else on the land until you get to nobody, including native Americans.

          DriveTrain's comment on the Fletch17 meme regarding anti-semitism didn't make sense. To me, the Fletch17 meme was illustrating the MSMM will use any crisis as a smoke screen to hide the left's failures and machinations. I think he missed that point and maybe I should have commented on that. We see such smoke screens all the time. A Trump indictment is one of their favorites lately.

          He did supply two good links worth reading. Both could be openers for further discussion in the Gulch.
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          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 months ago
            I too, thought Fletch 17 was making a point which was at the center of a meme discussion I started two or three weeks ago with the meme: "Trump might become speaker of the house, no more funding for Ukraine . . . what do we do?!!!/ [and to my point, answer] Release hamas and Bomb Israel! . . . see my point? All those things Fletch 17 seems to be saying those things are no longer in the news due to the distraction, unfortunately, at Israel's expense.

            The American Left, and as with the "Left" in the rest of the world, ARE NO FRIEND OF ISRAEL! As Evidence, The "Right" of the world believe/observe and live the same ideas and principles exhibited by Israel and in the American Constitution.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 7 months, 1 week ago
            👍 Is there any land on earth that wasn't obtained by force at some point in the past?
            Might has always made right in the long run.
            Winners of wars write history of wars and keep the spoils.
            The current wars are just as senseless to an unbiased independent observer.
            George Washington warned about war and the (war state) government ignores his wisdom because war increases their power.
            Those in power rarely give priority to the people regardless of the propaganda to the contrary.
            We are damned fools to allow D.C. to destroy our resources and our reputations in any foreign wars.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 7 months, 1 week ago
    Must admit that the Hamas attack and the related war news that followed caused me dino to overlook the future USA 9-11 that shall surely occur since the Commie handlers of our Puppet-In-Chief allowed 8 million illegals (and still counting) to swarm across our southern border.
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  • Posted by Aeronca 7 months, 1 week ago
    Excellent set!
    47 countries gave to the Maui Strong Fund...unless it's a slush fund...only Maui residents know.
    As for all else, US gives; everyone else takes and takes and takes, including the politicians for sure who are selling America off at repo auction prices.
    Bribem's 13 year old body slaves wipe his ass with $100 bills that he stole.
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  • Posted by kddr22 7 months, 1 week ago
    "any country that harbors habitual fondness or habitual hatred toward another is in some degree a slave, either to its animosity or to it generosity both which serve to deviate itself from its original purpose which is itself'" George Washington
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  • Posted by $ DriveTrain 7 months, 1 week ago
    The anti-Semitic garbage content in this group of memes is morally disgusting and has no place on a site devoted to Objectivism. SMH

    Mr. Dobrien has posted white supremacist crap here before so I suppose it shouldn't come as a surprise, but I'm puzzled as to what mental contortions are required for an anti-Semite to evade the fact of Ayn Rand's Jewish ethnicity.

    This site no longer has a moderator and does not have a block feature like Faceplant - which is unfortunate, because the absolute last thing I want to have to step over at a (formerly?) objectivist site is any form of goose-stepping collectivism, particularly the intense stupidity that is racial collectivism.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 7 months, 1 week ago
      I think the "ignore" link is available if you don't want to see any posts by a particular Gulch member.
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      • Posted by $ DriveTrain 7 months, 1 week ago
        FFA, I'd sent a query to the admins here awhile back (and got no reply, which leads me to believe the site is adrift,) but the big question on the "ignore" function is that there's no explanation of what it does. My concern is that it functions as a classic "ostrich-mode" thing: Where if I decide to "ignore" another member it may be a one-way block - with that other member free to flame my comments totally unbeknownst to me and visible to everybody but me. I'm thinking likely not, but there is no clarification on this and nobody will respond to do so.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 7 months, 1 week ago
      I found the Ford quote to be awful, but it is proof that for all his genius he could still be an ass. He has the right to say what he wants, but he's still an ass for saying it.
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      • Posted by 7 months, 1 week ago
        The media is a propaganda machine, brainwashing millions. What major media company is not run by deletes hiding Under the cloak of being a Jew. It’s not the Jewish religion they adhere to. That In itself has no bearing on an individual’s character in fact like Ayn Rand evolved from Khazaria , a land including Ukraine . A nation who after being Defeated was offered a choice , they had to choose a religion. They could choose to be Christian Muslim or Judaism . The king choose Judaism and instantly the whole country became Jews . Ayn Rand did not practice Judaism and her family never came from Palistine or the Middle East. George Soros also has denounced religion yet any claim or evidence of his satanic behavior evoked cries of anti-semitism.
        Funny , he funds Media matters(fact checkers) and just gave $15 million to Hamas. His wealth came from Rothschild another Khazarian so called Jew who pushing the Balfour Agreement formed Israel.
        Strange The family who has funded both Sides of all wars, would have his created minion George Soros and hhe gives $ to Hamas weeks after this deadly Falseflag. Master slave war ,those are what they care about. Fear and compliance is what’s they expect and usually get. Not from me anymore. Happy to be corrected if my reasoning is in error.
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        • Posted by 7 months, 1 week ago
          Few understand that the Israeli Government and MOSSAD (their CIA) actually helped to create Hamas back in the late 1980s to go up against the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization), who they viewed as their biggest threat at the time. I don’t know if Hamas eventually went rogue, if the MOSSAD and the Israeli Government still completely controls Hamas, or if Hamas is now independent of total MOSSAD control, but MOSSAD still has factions within Hamas that they control and use to create conflict.

          Whatever the case, the vast majority of the people who are either 100% siding with Israel or who are 100% siding with Hamas in this recent conflict believe everything they are hearing in the media and social media about the situation is real, completely real, and they are unaware of the fact that Israel actually helped to create Hamas.
          Check to see for your self Whho did Bibi support in 2018 , you will find he endorsed Hamas over PLO.
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          • Posted by mccannon01 7 months, 1 week ago
            Very interesting posts that do raise questions. If MOSSAD did create Hamas to fight the PLO, like it seems C_A invented Al Qaida to fight Soviet Russians, then all they really did was loose two rabid dogs on the world. We're stuck with them until they are put down somehow.

            I knew Ayn Rand was Jewish, but not the history of it. Never heard of Kahzaria. Thanks. One learns a lot here in the Gulch.
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    • Posted by 7 months, 1 week ago
      Yup. Go to the heavily censored facebook for a one sided view point on everything , so objectively rational of you. I love Ayn Rand’s mind and philosophy I never give here religion a second thought. In fact she was an atheist. Good for her. Objective thought comes from what you see, hear, feel touch and smell. To Deny the reality is your choice but no one escapes the consequences of reality. Since you brought up OUC here is his comment on the topic ”Henry was right about the "Fake Jews" in power, those that "Identified" as Jews like a Woman might Identify as a Man . . . No real practicing Jew would act in the ways Henry describes.
      When criminals and worse hide behind their being Jewish to Escape scrutiny and justice”
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      • Posted by $ DriveTrain 7 months, 1 week ago
        Please explain to me how the word "ethnicity" - which is in plain text right up there in my post - got transformed to "here[sic] religion."

        Presumably the classic Straw Man is your only defense for this racist rot?

        And WTH does a blocking feature - which offers a user the conscious choice (to repeat: choice) to put irrational and evil posts in the garbage where they belong - have to do with censorship? So two for two on the Straw Man.
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