Israel/Gaza: Ignore The Ugly Details. Focus on the Bigger Picture

Posted by Dobrien 10 months, 3 weeks ago to History
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Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu is a case in point here. If you think the guy responsible for one of the most aggressive ‘vaccine’ programmes in the world gives a smidgen of a damn about Jewish lives or Israeli lives then I’ve got a big canal across the Suez to sell you. If you’re still stuck in the ‘cock-up not conspiracy’ mindset, if you’re still persuaded that for all his faults ‘Bibi’ (or any other politician anywhere) is your guy, then you’re never going to progress to the next level of understanding, which is…

…that the Hamas incursion was an inside job. It is not essential to understand that Hamas was funded and created by Israeli intelligence, though obviously it helps. All you need to know is really basic stuff, stuff that everyone knows without needing to be say Defence Correspondent of the Daily Telegraph or Head of MI6 or Jerusalem bureau chief of the CIA, stuff like the fact that Israel has arguably the best intelligence services in the world, the best trained military in the world, the best technology in the world and the most closely protected borders in the world.

All Comments

  • Posted by 9 months, 2 weeks ago in reply to this comment.
    It’s common knowledge now that Israel helped create Hamas in 1987. Israel has possibly the best, most advanced intelligence agency on the planet. The areas around Gaza are heavily monitored and surveilled. It has been reported that the Israeli Military was on “stand down” for the first 6-7 hours of the attacks. Let’s also not forget that Egypt claims they warned Israel of a potential Hamas attack several days before the attack occurred.

    Knowing this, I simply can’t understand how anyone can accept the situation as it has been “sold” to us.
    there are only two options to choose: either Israel knew the attacks were coming and chose to do nothing about it, or their military is the most inept military in the history of militaries. You choose. In either case, why would the US send them more money?
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  • Posted by 9 months, 2 weeks ago in reply to this comment.
    Apparently the stock traders took the info seriously.
    Traders Informed of Hamas Attack Profited Millions by Short-Selling Israeli Stocks, Study Suggests
    Two New York law professors say they identified a 'sharp and unusual' spike in short transactions prior to the Oct. 7 attack.
    The Israeli government is investigating claims by U.S. researchers that some stock traders may have had prior knowledge of the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel and used that information to make millions of dollars by short-selling Israeli companies.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 9 months, 2 weeks ago in reply to this comment.
    You're the one making the accusations, therefore the burden of proof does fall with you.

    "You choose to think Goverments act in the people’s best interests all while we see that is the big lie."

    People act in their own best interests. But people are also fallible. And sometimes ideological. You're choosing to paint this as an ideological decision which clearly crosses over into the realm of treason. That's a serious charge and it requires similarly serious and substantial evidence.

    "That Israeli officials knew in advance of this planned attack is evidence."

    That's false. They knew of plans for an attack, but did not have a date. And based on their familiarity with the various factions someone made a judgement call deeming the level of coordination required above the capabilities of the organization. That was evidence of mistaken judgement, but is a far cry from treason. And yet you continue to push the accusations of treason. Worse, you attempt to smear me by impugning my character when I disagree with you. -1

    Yours is the opportunity to present real facts that this was a treasonous event as opposed to a tragic lapse of judgement. But that is the bar which is required to win me to your side. And that's all I'm going to say further.
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  • Posted by 9 months, 2 weeks ago in reply to this comment.
    I don’t have to bring you proof and clearly you are convinced it was all just bad judgement. You choose to think Goverments act in the people’s best interests all while we see that is the big lie.
    I must say you choose to ignore much of what I would say is common sense like the death and destruction of thousands of lives that deserves to be thoroughly investigated for the security failure at the minimum.
    That Israeli officials knew in advance of this planned attack is evidence. Why it still happened is the Question you won’t ask.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 9 months, 2 weeks ago in reply to this comment.
    Again: BRING ME SOLID PROOF, not just hearsay and loose allegations. Speculation and aspersions without evidence are worthless.
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  • Posted by 9 months, 2 weeks ago in reply to this comment.
    I am certain the friends or associates you speak of are fine individuals, were they in charge of anything related to the attack ? Certainly not evidence.
    Even if I am wrong , an event like this should be put under a microscope. Thousands of families are being destroyed or wounded. Think about it, you say a “judgement call”. These people are tasked with protecting their citizens lives , is there another duty that is more important? So your major enemy it is reported are planning an attack. You would under oath be derelict in your duties not to at least defend against it. What cost would that be , to say “hey border security troops ,we need to plan how to defend against this possible event.” But that’s not what happened. Why? Then when you add to it that border guards were reporting strange activity. That reporting was discouraged to say the least according to those trying to warn the higher ups. Ever heard fo Colleen Rowley . Look her up.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 9 months, 2 weeks ago in reply to this comment.
    I'm not going to try to explain. I don't know enough. I'm just saying that I don't buy the notion of a conspiracy on the part of the Israelis to kill their own people.

    I'm not contesting the fact that Israel screwed up or the severity of the loss of life. But there is a difference between a judgement call gone wrong and intentional sabotage of one's own country. I think that speculation of that type should have irrefutable evidence before it ever gets asserted because of the level of seriousness involved. And I don't think anything presented even comes close. The ones I have known have a loyalty to country which would rival Patrick Henry.
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  • Posted by 9 months, 3 weeks ago in reply to this comment.
    I would suggest that my posts hurt the cognitive dissonance of FOX viewers brains and they have to get pissed off at the messenger. Been going on for 8 yrs here. Although today it is frequently noted that conspiracies are actually true and accepted here by the same that tried to shame me into shutting up.
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  • Posted by 9 months, 3 weeks ago in reply to this comment.
    Ok so Bibi supported Hamas for many years even providing a reported $1billion in 2018.
    Israeli blackhawks reportedly killed over 200 Israelis in friendly fire at the concert. They are ordered to accept this if a terrorist can be shot.

    There is documentation that Israeli intelligence analysts knew Hamas had increased its training and capabilities but were rebuffed by the upper crust, citing the terror group’s lack of execution. It’s unknown if Benjamin Netanyahu ever saw this 40-page document, but it details everything, including Israel knowing that Hamas commandos were training on how to assault army bases and kibbutzim. They estimated that at least 60 portions of the Gaza fence would be stormed by terrorists, preceded by a massive rocket barrage. In all, it’s a damning report In proportion to population, Israel's October 7 attacks would be the equivalent of losing almost 40,000 Americans on the day the Twin Towers fell.

    The document that outlined the growing Hamas threat codenamed “Jericho Wall,” details how Israeli intelligence analysts knew the terror group was planning something big for over a year. They didn't know the attack would occur on October 7, but something massive was in the works.

    Why doesn’t it rise to the level of intent or conspiracy? Both sides are controlled by Evil.
    And if you can Please explain the 7 hrs delayed response. Just more incompetence?
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  • Posted by $ blarman 9 months, 3 weeks ago in reply to this comment.
    Here's the latest:

    Yes, Israel knew about - or had advanced warning - regarding the attack. But they didn't believe that Hamas could pull anything off that required this level of coordination. Yes, Israel has egg on their face, but this doesn't rise to the level of intent or conspiracy on Israel's part. If anything, however, one must wonder how the heretofore uncoordinated attacks of Hamas coalesced into something that can only be described as a military operation...
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  • Posted by 9 months, 3 weeks ago in reply to this comment.
    What did Israel reportedly know about the attack? Israeli officials obtained a document describing Hamas' battle plan for its October 7 terror attack more than a year before the militant group carried out the assault, the New York Times reported Thursday, citing documents, emails and interviews.
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  • Posted by 9 months, 3 weeks ago in reply to this comment.
    Well your crap logic argument just got flushed down the crapper.
    What did Israel reportedly know about the attack? Israeli officials obtained a document describing Hamas' battle plan for its October 7 terror attack more than a year before the militant group carried out the assault, the New York Times reported Thursday, citing documents, emails and interviews.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 10 months, 2 weeks ago in reply to this comment.
    "hate everyone else and hide it under a veneer of tolerance."
    ... which describes an overwhelming majority of the people who have power in US federal government and the WEF.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 10 months, 2 weeks ago in reply to this comment.
    Trump's foreign policy was effective: no new wars and no flare-ups of existing wars. In particular, the Abraham Accords were a major foreign policy win that got far less attention than they should have. I have no issues with Trump's foreign policy and seriously doubt that Russia would have militarily attacked Ukraine or that Iran would have billions of dollars to fund terrorism had he remained in office. The world was a much better place with Trump as President, no doubt.

    That being said, none of this points to the war between the so-called Palestinians and the Israelis as being manufactured. As I've stated before, I've talked to people who had personal experience on both sides and the animus is systematic. BLM is a complete joke because it is based on the premise that everyone here in America hate blacks despite the fact that we have black athletes on top of everything. We had a "black" President of the United States and a black Supreme Court Justice. There is no systemic racism here in the United States.

    The Middle East is another story entirely - one which if you've never met the people (like I have) you can't understand the context of life and the pervasive cultures of xenophobia and hate which persist. There's no love lost between the Greeks and the Turks and their last war was hundreds of years ago, yet if you talk to an older Greek, they'll spit on the ground and curse the Turks even though they've likely never met one. (Fortunately the younger generations have been too jaded by socialism to care about ethnic wars any longer - unless you're a Cypriot.)

    It's the same type of mentality for the followers of Islam. They just are taught to hate everyone else and hide it under a veneer of tolerance.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 10 months, 2 weeks ago in reply to this comment.
    No idea on the thumbs downs. Everyone is more sensitive and reactive lately.
    Reaction to chemicals, electronics, pharmaceuticals, cosmic radiation in our environment?
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  • Posted by 10 months, 2 weeks ago in reply to this comment.
    From Brian Cates. I had almost completely forgotten that Henry Kissinger and the CFR even existed for the four years that Donald Trump was in the White House.

    Because it became exceedingly clear very early on in Trump’s first presidential term that he didn’t respect nor listen to any of these people. It was one of the biggest reasons the Fake News Media so relentlessly attacked him as a clueless rube.

    He wasn’t listening to any of the ‘right people’ as he crafted the US foreign policy around the globe. And we were all endlessly told that this made Trump ‘dangerous’.

    Well Trump was dangerous because he had figured out the Forever Wars Machine long before any of the rest of us had. He knew these people, had studied them extensively and researched them while he was hobnobbing and partying with all the politicians and celebrities they own and control.

    He wasn’t fooled by any of them.

    And this scared them all down to the marrow of their bones.

    If he saw them all as they truly were, through the clever disguise they’ve maintained for so long?
    Then he could expose them all.
    And he did.
    The faces may change every few years, but the horrible rotten terrible no good warmongering advice given by the CFR to world leaders never does.

    Nobody knew better than Donald J. Trump did that listening to these supposedly top shelf foreign policy advisors and their arrogantly confident pontifications had led this nation’s leaders into - in no particular order:

    1.Funding and egging on both sides in the intractable Israeli/Palestinian crisis for the past several decades,
    2.Surreptitiously backing both sides during the Iran/Iraq war in the 1980’s,
    3.The 9/11 attack and its bungled aftermath,
    4.Two Forever Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan based first on 9/11 and then on deliberate deceptions about Saddam Hussein’s WMD’s,
    5.An ‘Arab Spring’ that descended into a bloody monstrous nightmare in Libya and Egypt and Iran,
    6.Getting involved in an absolute genocidal quagmire in Syria that dragged on for years,
    7.A CIA-backed coup in Ukraine in 2014 as the culmination of a reckless and ruthless expansion of NATO right to Russia’s doorstep, which led directly to this currently ongoing Russian/Ukrainian conflict, and now
    8.The blowing up of a new round of terror attacks by Hamas and retaliations by Israel as the usual suspects continue to send money & arms to both sides.

    In the modern history of the United States, there has only been one single time I’m aware of where someone outside of this nefarious foreign policy establishment managed to get themselves elected President who was a true and genuine outsider who did not surround himself with the usual foreign policy establishment faces nor did he listen to the reams of “very helpful advice” that he had thrown at him by these same dishonest people
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  • Posted by term2 10 months, 3 weeks ago in reply to this comment.
    Definitely we don’t want to get involved with those odds. Perhaps we should let the Jews immigrate to the USA with their skills and not fund their homeland in the middle of Muslim territory
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  • Posted by 10 months, 3 weeks ago in reply to this comment.
    That’s your opinion that it is beyond the pale.and cynical beyond rationalism . Particularly , When we have a leadership and congress that does not care about the population and wants to go to our own country. Maybe Israel is better than the current US. I just plant the seed. ,truth will water it.
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  • Posted by 10 months, 3 weeks ago in reply to this comment.
    Wow the transcript from Colleen Rowley a 911 FBI whistleblower gets a down vote on the Gulchh . What a fuQing chicken shhit
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