A Time for Radicalism

Posted by freedomforall 9 months, 1 week ago to Politics
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"The word radicalism scares people but the etymology is quite plain. It means getting back to the root—from the Latin radix. It carries no necessary ideological connotation. It merely means to wipe away from the fluff, cruft, and baloney, and speak about what matters. It also means to do what matters to find the core truth.

In this case, this is a time for radicalism. Certainly the GOP base is looking for that.

There is a massive chasm that separates the political class from the mood on the ground among voters. It’s been true for a very long time. The way American politics works, there is a pull toward conventionality and staying out of trouble with cliches and rehearsed talking points. In 2016, Donald Trump threw all that nonsense aside and spoke with authenticity and brazen disregard for civic conventions—and voters loved it and rewarded him with the most implausible nomination and election victory imaginable.
We really need a fresh start here, and it needs to come with specifics. Fortunately, we have a good model in the remarkable ascendance of Javier Milei, economist and current member of Congress in Argentina. He won an unexpected primary that set him on the road to become the next president of the country. The victory utterly shocked the establishment but it should not shock us. Argentinians are fed up. And crucially Milei has a clear plan for restoring freedom and prosperity.

With the help of Manuel García Gojon, let’s examine what he has laid out in very clear terms. Gojon calls it Milei’s “pragmatic plan for government.” It is one of the most compelling plans I’ve seen and should be adopted here in the United States insofar as it applies.

First, Milei plans to abolish 10 agencies of government."

That would eliminate 56% of the government's agencies. In the US that would mean eliminating 235 agencies.
A good start.
SOURCE URL: https://www.theepochtimes.com/opinion/a-time-for-radicalism-5480687

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