End Game For The American Empire

Posted by freedomforall 9 months, 1 week ago to Politics
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"I know the ignorant masses choose the ostrich method of keeping their heads buried in the sand, but that will not save them from the consequences of actions taken and not taken over the last fifty years by the political and business leaders installed by wealthy globalist psychopaths bent on controlling the world and reaping the riches from their despicable efforts.

I believe Ray Dalio‘s chart of the changing world order is accurate as to where we stand in the cycle, even though he is one of those global elitists. The beginning of the decline can be pegged to the start of the 21st Century, with the dot.com crash and 9/11 ushering in an astronomical increase in debt, money printing, and despotism, as each crisis created by debt and money printing was met with the “solution” of more debt and money printing. With interest on the national debt about to surpass $1 trillion per year and unfunded future debt obligations exceeding $200 trillion, there is no way out. The American economic system will implode in a matter of a few years.

The internal conflict since the election of Trump in 2016 and the subsequent coup, election fraud, scamdemic, and now unwarranted un-Constitutional persecution of Trump, leaves the country on the brink of civil war. I know the regime media and distracted masses scoff at the possibility of civil war, but the same was true in 1859. There are a lot of rightfully angry people in this country with a seething rage for those who have destroyed this country for their own gain. The 2024 election sure seems like a spark that could ignite this powder keg, and the 300 million weapons owned by the angry people are waiting to be put to proper use."
SOURCE URL: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2023/08/27/end-game-for-the-american-empire/

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  • Posted by nonconformist 9 months, 1 week ago
    Ray Dalio is missing what every one else is missing, the elephant in the room.

    He seems to think that the decline comes as a result of some seemingly random effects that are observable on the surface, such as loss of productivity, competitiveness, laziness, etc. However, he is wrong. I have a much better fitting hypothesis.

    The rise and fall of civilizations is caused by the lack of and the eventual increase in predation in society.

    The rise slows down due to the effect that being productive is no longer as profitable as being a parasite. Wealth gaps begin because the parasites steal the wealth from the productive. Productivity and competitiveness falls because the productive have to support an ever-increasing amount of parasites. Money printing (a form of predation) occurs when corruption reaches the governing/financial class. Internal conflict and civil war occurs when the society runs out of stuff and the parasites start fighting over the scraps. The productive withdraw from society and try to hide from predation (Galt's Gulch?). Eventually, the parasites destroy everything and kill each other so completely that the productive can emerge once again and rebuild. The cycle starts again.

    I wish Ray Dalio would have seen the true culprit and would have pointed it out.

    Also, I would argue Ray is wrong about China. Its rise is due to its predation upon the world. Eventually, their schemes are going to crash. It is not predation that creates wealth but production.
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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 9 months, 1 week ago
    Garbage in - Garbage out that tells you nothing about human nature. No thinking needed, just an endless roller coaster centuries on centuries without end.

    Love this line ..."I know the ignorant masses choose the ostrich method of keeping their heads buried in the sand.." just to make sure we know who the elite is.

    Why post it on the site?
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    • Posted by nonconformist 9 months, 1 week ago
      How would you describe human nature?
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      • Posted by j_IR1776wg 9 months ago
        I define Human Nature by its function thusly:

        “Humans are capable of three things that no other mammal can do viz. Reason, Emotions, and Imagination. The tool of Reason is logic specifically Aristotle’s logic as found in his Organon. The tool of Emotions is Faith. The tool of Imagination is Creativity. Properly integrated, these three functions allow we humans to Think…”

        Marx's and Hagel's idea that History and the rise and fall of governments and empires are determined and their paths cannot be changed is sheer lunacy. The DOI and the Constitution demonstrated how crazy determinism is.

        A. Einstein "Insanity consists of trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."
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        • Posted by nonconformist 9 months ago
          What else can there be except determinism? If the universe works by a set of rules that govern state transition from the previous state to the next state then determinism is what happens. Even with randomness and uncertainty in quantum physics, there are interpretations that still allow for "superdeterminism".

          Free will is just an illusion. However, the idea that "the rise and fall of governments and empires are determined and their paths cannot be changed" would be misleading. From our point of view, they can be changed. The question is, what is causing us to change it? It can't be randomness. It must be some deterministic factor that would cause it, such as me talking about it and causing more dominoes to fall.

          My understanding of intelligence is that it is a machine, albeit a highly unstable one. Still, it is deterministic.

          The universe is deterministic but unpredictable and chaotic. So, it looks random to us but it is not.
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          • Posted by j_IR1776wg 9 months ago
            "What else can there be except determinism? If the universe works by a set of rules that govern state transition from the previous state to the next state then determinism is what happens..."

            By what means does this determinism exist? Is it caused be Man? by God? by Nature?

            "If the universe works by a set of rules..." Have you determined these rules? Has anyone?

            What if the universe has no such rules? Does that then imply randomness?
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            • Posted by nonconformist 9 months ago
              Stuff doesn't just happen randomly. You can repeat experiments and get the same results every time. To deny the existence of apparent universe state transition rules is to deny the obvious.

              It doesn't matter how the rules come into being. It also doesn't matter if we can determine them completely. The fact is that we can observe some of these rules directly. Some stuff does look random to us, however, after a bit of research we can gain insight into what is causing some of the randomness and it becomes clear that it wasn't random after all. One issue though is that some stuff can't be predicted in practice due to the extreme computational and information requirements. So, it might as well be random to us because we don't have the capability to determine the outcome. However, it is still deterministic and we can tell that it follows some rules.

              The whole point of intelligence (brain) is to figure out how the world works and manipulate it to achieve goals. Assuming evolution produced the brain, why would it do that if that didn't work?

              There is nothing wrong with trying to work out the science behind the function of society and use it to your own advantage (as Ray is trying to do). The closer you get to the truth, the more useful it would be.
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      • Posted by j_IR1776wg 9 months ago
        "The rise and fall of civilizations is caused by the lack of and the eventual increase in predation in society."

        How do you define predation?
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        • Posted by nonconformist 9 months ago
          Human predation is involuntary transfer of wealth (from one person to another), usually by force or fraud. Wealth is anything of value, including time.

          What happens is, people stop producing and start taking from each other. This transfer of wealth is usually lossy (some wealth is destroyed in the process of transferring it). So, after a few iterations nothing is left. That's how you get the collapse.

          Additionally, my hypothesis is that it is actually worse to produce in such situation because you end up losing more. If you focus on stealing at least you get something. So, productive people actually stop being productive on purpose because it hurts them. This situation is really difficult. People aren't just lazy. They just don't want the hurt.
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  • Posted by mshupe 9 months, 1 week ago
    When you cite historical charts, cycles, and prophets you become nothing more than an acolyte for another determinist. This is not unlike Hegelian historicism. You can promote this garbage anywhere, and it's appropriate that it gets exposed for what it is on this platform.
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    • Posted by nonconformist 9 months, 1 week ago
      What is wrong with trying to figure out the machinery of society?

      I think that it is a rather a noble and academic pursuit. It would be highly useful when applied to the real world.
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