Trump Can Prove The 2020 Election Was Rigged. Will He Be Allowed To Present The Evidence Before A Deep State Controlled Court?

Posted by freedomforall 9 months, 2 weeks ago to Politics
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"Establishment politicians and mainstream media have fought harder than on any other issue to convince the public that voter fraud is a conspiracy theory. But unconstitutional changes to state election laws, unsupervised ballot drop boxes, voting machine errors, mathematically improbable voter turnout, and other examples of outright voter fraud that were denied a chance to be presented in court between the 2020 election and Biden's inauguration can't simply be chalked up as coincidental. All those things occurring simultaneously make the fraud seem coordinated.

In response to the most recent indictments, Trump's attorneys indicated they finally have a platform to "fully re-litigate every single issue that occurred during the 2020 election," of which there were many. The most important issue in America may finally get its due."
I have no confidence that any federal or state court will allow facts that do not support the Deep State narrative to be presented.
SOURCE URL: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2023/08/trump_can_prove_it.html

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  • Posted by mccannon01 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    You can be sure the only thing the commies of the DS are consistent about is forwarding their own interests. Cynical me is fairly confident Trump and his legal team will be gagged in some way. Truth is not relevant in a socialist (commie/fascist) court unless it furthers their agenda and agrees with party talking points. IMHO these "trials" will be run like the old Soviet or Nazi courts where the "judge" will ALWAYS find a way to prevent a defendant like Trump or anyone associated with him to actually speak other than to plead guilty and throw himself/themselves on the court's mercy, which there is none. This is THEIR circus - Free America need not attend.

    Regarding election cheating, from the commie/fascist/DS point of view it was simply correcting voter error. The party is always correct and anyone voting differently is simply mistaken and the party has to issue a correction for the "error". Trump or anyone else saying there was actual cheating going on is clearly mistaken and misread the correction put in place to make sure the proper party selections are placed in office.
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  • Posted by mshupe 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    This is a good summary. I would add that the "mathematically improbable voter turnout" is a huge understatement. I don't have my sources handy, but I think there are several examples of statistical outcomes that are much more than two standard deviations from the mean. For context, a two standard deviation range means 2.5% or less of outcomes at each tail end of log normal distribution curve.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    No. He won't. The MSM and gov-run social media is working very hard to make sure the truth doesn't get out on this. He'll be behind bars before the election, instead.
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