American education has become a leftist cult. think seriously about homeschooling your children, or expect slavery for your grandchildren.

Posted by freedomforall 11 months ago to Politics
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"Going back to America’s founding, teaching was a job meant to create a literate population that embraced American values. Starting around the 1960s, it became a “profession,” which had more cachet. Now, though, it’s a cult, and every one of us should be absolutely terrified of the maniacs who have complete control over our children for eight hours a day, five days a week, seven months a year.

The National Education Association is the largest teacher’s union in the world and the largest trade union in the United States, representing 3 million American teachers. It’s also one of the Democrat party’s most devoted donors.

It recently held its annual conference, an event at which “approximately 6,000 educators meet to debate the vital issues that impact American public education and set National Education Association policy and activities for the year ahead.” At this year’s meeting, Becky Pringle, the NEA’s president, stood up to speak.
For Pringle, there is only one filter through which to view education, and that is race and, especially, the fact that America is a fundamentally racist nation. Education is no longer about reading, writing, and arithmetic, with a little civics thrown in for good measure; it’s about instructing students to hate America, blacks to hate whites, and whites to hate themselves.

Pringle’s NEA keynote address is a staggering piece of leftism."
NEA. Another pile of stinking putrid vomit in DC.
NIFO. It's the only way to be sure.
SOURCE URL: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2023/07/a_stunning_video_shows_how_american_education_has_become_a_leftist_cult.html

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    Posted by mhubb 11 months ago
    try to explain that the Earth is still recovering from the last Ice Age, from the Little Ice Age...

    that the Earth was warmer 800 years ago....

    that North American is still rebounding from the miles of ice that was covering it, that the Great Lakes are draining due to their still increasing in height due to that rebound

    and the young will look at you, pull out their cell phones and walk away...
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    • Posted by 11 months ago
      Very effective brainwashing in combination with lack of science, math, logical thought.
      NEA, NIFO.
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      • Posted by $ katrinam41 11 months ago
        ffa, this post is exactly what this country needs to see and understand. Sadly, most are already into that Two-minute Hate stage and will never get it. Soon there will be the American version of widespread pogroms against people who refuse to look through the leftist glasses or drink the poison kool-aid. My preparations continue at a much faster pace now. Thanks for a great post! +++ and more!
        Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
      • Posted by lrshultis 11 months ago
        Sorry but I am old and found for NIFO two slang meanings:
        "Nuke It from Orbit" and
        guess I am too far gone to have that register mind wise. I have lost any hipness
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 11 months ago
      I love it!
      I also use this one:

      Do you know what they found UNDER some glaciers that melted in Northern Alaska? Redwoods. Big Ones.
      Can you explain how they got under those glaciers? It was like they were growing there, before the ice came.
      But that would imply there are large cycles of Icing and De-Icing.
      Which, funny enough, is exactly what ice core samples tell us.

      Excellent point that IF WE DO get 2 degrees warmer in the next 100yrs... We will be SIMPLY NEAR the temperatures we USED to be at ~8000 years ago...
      So, how did humans do it back then?
      Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
    • Posted by $ blarman 11 months ago
      It's really funny, because there is a popular hike right in my city with a placard describing this at an overlook site with the valley below. It's been there for decades.
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  • Posted by $ BobCat 11 months ago
    The destruction of the American Education is due to just more than a leftist cult.
    I remember watching on TV, back in the 1961, Nikita Krushchev threatening to take over all American Children. As a kid just 11, I didn't fully comprehend that Communism had already infiltrated our education system.
    Today, the Left is a product of that Communist doctrine. The Left is more than just a 'cult'. It's Communism, plain and simple.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 11 months ago
    With MANY children in the public school system, my wife and I pulled the remaining ones out two years ago. They've been doing just fine and their standardized test scores rank in the 99% percentile. They read on average three grade levels above their grade. My kindergartner can identify all 50 states by shape and knows most of their capitals.

    Here are a few of the problems with the public schools as I see them.
    1) Discipline. Teachers aren't allowed to do it and administrators refuse. This results in children who can disrupt the learning process of the entire class. (My mother-in-law taught kindergartners and first graders and this is a huge problem.) The real problem, of course, is that there is less and less discipline in the home. Administrators need to be empowered to expel and refuse service to problematic children.

    2) Curriculum. Curriculums should be set locally - not at any higher level. Parents should vote to ratify the curriculum. Right now, that process gets short-cut by Boards of Education which all too frequently are filled by non-parents and ideological busybodies.

    3) The Profit-motive. People in general underestimate how the profit-motive serves as a valuable check against ideological tyranny. I don't necessarily have a problem with government providing base subsidies so that everyone gets a chance for education, but education currently faces the same third-party payer problem we have with healthcare and we're getting similar results. Parents also feel out of control because in many jurisdictions home-schooling is not an option and private schooling is freakishly expensive. Parents need to be financially involved in their childrens' education - and be able to move their children when the school isn't providing the necessary service.

    4) Age-linked grade levels. I go back and forth on this one. Kids need to be with kids of their same age for social learning, but for academic learning, they need to be allowed to learn as fast as they are willing. A lot of really smart kids are being held back in "boring" classes which cater to the lowest denominator. On the other hand, we're also advancing some students beyond their capabilities. I'm in favor of and have developed a system for developing adaptive testing which could be applied to any subject material. (If you're not familiar with adaptive testing, it has been used on IT certification exams for several decades. The idea is that if you pass an easy question it gives you a harder one. If you pass that one you get a harder one still. If you fail, you get a slightly easier question. The idea is to more accurately measure one's competency based on a pool of questions and the answers given.
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    • Posted by 11 months ago
      I agree with your comments, blarman. 👍
      Merit based stratification of students was phased out or cut off
      when schools were integrated in the 60's.
      That helped to dumb down the education for everyone.
      Now the woke would burn teachers at the stake if they even mention
      that students aren't equally able, even though it's all too clear to
      students, teachers, and parents.
      Your children will have the chance to excel thanks to you.
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 11 months ago
    The public education system has been really screwed up for quite some time. Though as I am currently a high school teacher I can unequivocally state that not al of us are Leftist scum.
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  • Posted by bsudell 11 months ago
    1960? It started way before that. In the 1800s, American teachers were going to Germany to learn how to teach children to be slaves and love Government Control. And, I'm sure it started before we even realize! We have so much to fix in this world, but we have to start with We the People taking back our government.
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  • Posted by GaryL 11 months ago
    Why is it that the highly educated educators are the dumbest ones among us? Politicians are liars, the wealthy want more, corporations are followers and we are the bad guys while our children are being groomed and brainwashed.
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    • Posted by 11 months ago
      Those who can , do.
      Those who can't, teach.

      When I think of those who taught me in public school and universities, starting at about 13,
      when I was actually able to rationally consider it, of about 80 teachers over 10 years, only 4
      were memorable for competence or inspiration.
      Many were adequately prepared in the very limited subject matter that was chosen for them,
      but hadn't the practical experience needed to teach past rote memorization.
      My experience was quite some time ago. Many of today's teachers have
      below average IQ's and are awarded jobs based on skin color or gender.
      It's not a coincidence that many graduates from high school and college are not
      able to perform as well as graduates from 50 years ago.

      Socialists have controlled education for more than 50 years
      and have destroyed Americans' productivity and the middle class.
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      • Posted by $ pixelate 11 months ago
        And those who can't teach, administrate.
        The bloat of government bureaucracies is akin to metastasizing tumors.
        If you go to the website for any govt school and click through the "staff" you will see that fully half, or more, are special needs and administrators -- all receiving glorious levels of compensation plus pensions.
        The schools are now palaces -- architectural wonders built with Green Sustainable intentions -- and these palaces pump out broken, indoctrinated snowflakes.
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      • Posted by GaryL 11 months ago
        One of my best friends has over 100 people working for him in a high stakes business. Some are 6 figures but all are being very well paid. He is always talking about those who have the sheepskins and some from expensive schools that in all reality are nothing short of educated idiots who fail at the simplest of functions. In schools during the 50-60s and I can only remember one teacher who was a lefty Lucy in HS but in the CC I found it was loaded with fools.
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