Two Big Frauds: "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion" and "Climate Change." Americans and citizens overseas must learn the facts, push back on the elites and reestablish public policy based on real science.

Posted by freedomforall 1 year ago to Politics
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After taking in hundreds of millions of dollars of corporate contributions, paying millions in bonuses and buying million-dollar mansions for founders, BLM (Bolshevik Lives Matter) ran a $9 million deficit.

Cowardly CEOs eager to appease the woke mob fall for these scams every time. Could we soon be witnessing the demise of the “DEI” movement?

The letters “DEI” stand for diversity, equity and inclusion, which is the mantra of corporate and political America today.

It sounds good. Who doesn’t like diversity in experience and conversation? Who doesn’t support equity? And what’s wrong with the inclusion of individuals in larger groups and institutions? Nothing.

The problem is that none of these words is used in any common-sense way. They’re used in Orwellian fashion to mean almost their exact opposites.

In his novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, Orwell wrote the slogan of Big Brother’s political party as WAR IS PEACE. FREEDOM IS SLAVERY. IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.

Today’s DEI pushers have done Orwell proud. Diversity means uniformity of thought and practice along ideological and political lines. Equity does not mean equality of opportunity. It means equality of result, which involves handicapping the most talented and taking from the most productive to give handouts to the laziest and least motivated.

Inclusion means exclusion of whites from Black dorms, exclusion of unpopular speakers from public venues and exclusion of ideas that vary from a politically rigid orthodoxy.
The greenies also want to mandate “15-minute cities” where you can walk everywhere in town within 15 minutes, which means you won’t need your car to visit a doctor, dry cleaner, grocery store, pharmacy or any of the other locations we routinely visit for errands and necessities.

That may sound attractive if you chose it voluntarily. That’s not what the greenies have in mind. They want 15-minute cities as a Trojan horse to eliminate automobiles entirely and force you to ride bicycles or use public transportation. In the end, you’ll need a permit to fly to another city.

The permits will be rationed and you’ll have to put yourself on a waiting list until your turn. You can pay for your ticket with the new central bank digital currency (CBDC), assuming your social credit score is high enough and you didn’t vote for the wrong candidate in the last election.

In short, the climate change agenda is not about climate change. It’s about total political and economic control of the population. So-called climate change is an elite scare tactic to get you to fall into line and obey government orders."

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  • Posted by mhubb 1 year ago
    diversity used to mean different ways to look at things

    now it just means not having white skin

    inclusion means anything past considered deviant behavior

    equity means giving a job to someone as long as they have the right skin color, no matter their lack of skills to to said job
    loans they cannot ever hope to repay
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  • Posted by Dobrien 1 year ago
    What we are being subjected to is not organic it is a worldwide psyop. This is Mao’s Marxist cultural Revolution Americanized. Know your enemy! This Munchausen Syndrome by proxy allows for a cure.
    Of course the cure is Always genocidal to some.
    The twisting , distorting and perverting of reality is their trick. Create a problem, a phony problem and force a solution that is usually self immolation. A Hegelian Dialectic is the tactic used to subjugate everyone to the Satanic Luciferian Genocidal Globalist Peedo Cabal.
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