Tucker Carlson leaving FOX

Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 1 month ago to Culture
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Sometimes it takes way to long for people to break away from Evils grip. Too long I thinQ.
The Tulsi Gabbard types come to mind , the RFKjr
Types. Tulsi watched the witch hunt with Russia Russia Russia , with the Alpha Bank hoax , impeachment #1 and impeachment #2 , election fraud , green new deal MotherWEFers. She should be applauded for finally leaving but her ignorance or he lack of any integrity is unacceptable. RFK jr is right on about the vax, he also is good at patriotic Quotes of his Uncle and dads, but totally wrong about the MotherWEFers Climate garbage. Is he better than the criminals in the Demon party? Sure but to have been a member of the Communist Party in the last 15 years ,shame on him. Nuff said as far as I ‘m concerned.

The only politicians that are worth their salt must be committed to ending Khazarian mafia that controls the MotherWEF , the UN , the Uniparty , debt enslavement at the very least. Same with fake news and the journalists. this leaves Gutfield Hannity Waters and Baritoromo (sp) left. This has been a very long and slow corrosion of a very mediocre “news” organization when it was at its best.
SOURCE URL: https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1650531250220695555?s=20

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    Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 1 month ago
    👍 And Fox proves again that they are just another Anheuser Busch, ignoring the customer in favor of the deep state and useful idiots.
    Go Woke, Go Broke. Boycott Fox.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 1 year, 1 month ago
    I quit Fox last night. I was around during the election, when Ruperty's tow liberal daughters in law attempted to have friedns set up Hannity and Tucker, but views caught it and protested. Now, Rupert has found a wife at 92 and is traveling, while liberal family take over to take Fox down. The wife of one son worked in Bill Clinton's adm. trying to get UN Agenda 21 passed. When Biden was handed the last election, after admitting on camera it was the biggest voter fraud in hisotry, ovr Fox channel no less, the son's wife, early the next day, posted, "We did it!" Hannity has long been neutered by them. Waters almost got fired and will not rock their boat, does not leave much. But, I had gone to doing my own research, so that is where it is at. Fox will never again give us the truth, anymore than they did about the vaccine dangers.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 1 year, 1 month ago
    Prediction: In the next 3 months, Rumble or Locals will offer Tucker more than Fox was paying him, plus full editorial control.

    Let the corpse of Fox News be an example to encourage the others.
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  • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 1 month ago
    from Doug in Exile

    if what is stated is true, that carlson did not think there was cheating in 2020 and that he hates Trump, i am done with him

    already done with fox

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    • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 1 month ago
      Actually, if that is true, then it shows again that Trump is wise enough to use anyone in the media to advance his cause regardless of their personal opinions.
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      • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 1 month ago
        Carlson has said several times recently that "biden got 80,000,000 votes, yeah right..."

        and i remember Carlson saying that Trump was taking on issue that mattered, unlike others

        so what the HELL is really going on???

        Carlson was one of the few on Fox fighting against the ukraine war
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        • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 1 month ago
          We just should not expect truth on-air from anyone employed by mainstream media.
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          • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
            He is a roll player albeit arrogant as can be and his job from the viewers stand point is to thinQ for the viewers. That way , the viewer can skip the critical thinQing part and have a trusted face mold their thoughts. Election fraud is the number one attack , problem, issue whatever you want to call it. If that is not addressed the rest is pissing straight into the wind. To Tucker and the rest that issue seems to be kryptonite to their Superman Egos.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
      He is a actor A very wealthy actor . He inherited a bundle and…. Tucker Carlson Net Worth $370 Million (Forbes 2023) Inheritance. Tucker Carlson Net Worth is $370 million dollars. Tucker Carlson earns $45 million salary each year from Fox News. Tucker Carlson is the richest television host on the planet, with over $50 million annual income. Like I said an actor. Some might say we are watching a movie 🍿
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  • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 1 month ago
    You can guarantee that there are two other groups contacting Tucker today: Ben Shapiro's Daily Caller and Glenn Beck's The Blaze. The Blaze is a better fit for Tucker but either would be stoked to get his show added to their lineup.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
      I think Tucker will create his own brand. Thumbs down for the phony Ben Shapiro he is controlled opposition and a uniparty shill.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 1 month ago
        Tucker would still be his own show on either platform, but I doubt he wants the overhead of paying employees, doing tech support, etc. That's what both Glenn and Ben found out when they tried to start their platforms.

        I'm not sure why you feel Ben Shapiro " is controlled opposition and a uniparty shill." He may not be a Trump supporter but he despises the Democratic platform. He's definitely a conservative, just not a Christian one. Any particular reason you feel he's something other?
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        • Posted by $ servo75 1 year, 1 month ago
          Yeah I don't know what Ben Shapiro has to do with this, but NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR IN-FIGHTING. Ben has his pros and cons just like anyone else. He's not Presidential material but I like him otherwise.
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        • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
          If your not with Trumpwho is our leader and the only threat to the enemy in the last 50+ years , then get out of the way. Shapiro is controlled opposition in my opinion ,he never took a stand against Fauci or the vaxed or any of the tyranny while it was underway. He never lost his twitter acct. he was quiet about election fraud. There is no time for primaries no Time for/division.It is Trump who the MotherWEFers are afraid of. Do you seriously thinQ that Trump should be prosecuted and impeached and slandered every time they hit a dead end on his false persecutions. Why are they attacking him constantly ? Because he is a bad guy? We are in WW3 . We have psyops performed against us, information warfare , political warfare , color revolution , Trannti-fa BLM, weaponized alphabet agencies, economic warfare, infiltration (thinQ Soros bought DA,s) , currency debasement, CBDC , and kinetic warfare and on and on. Please correct me if I’m wrong about any of the warfare I have mentioned that is ongoing against this constitutional republic. The sooner we all see it the sooner it will result in the MotherWEFers defeat.
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          • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 1 month ago
            Shapiro's beefs with Trump regard his personal life. Ben places a great deal of stock in fidelity in marriage and even you aren't going to try to claim Trump is squeaky clean there. But even while Trump was President, Ben would praise Trump for his policy decisions (most of the time) and he's been nothing but excoriating towards the Democrats. Ben lauded Trump openly for the Abraham Accords - particularly since Ben is an Orthodox Jew. Did he fall for the vaccine lies? Yes. (BTW - Trump fell for exactly the same lies.)

            But Shapiro has done a 180 on the vaccines now that the FOIA requests are revealing what most of us suspected all along. Remember, Ben's a lawyer - Harvard grad - who abandoned law because his talents lie in analytical debate. So he very literally does things by-the-book because that's how ordered his mind is. He doesn't chase speculation unless he can back it up with court-provable evidence. (His same approach to the election fraud.) It's the way he is. But to say he's "owned opposition" is quite frankly nonsense.

            I don't debate that we are in a war with the deep state, but let's not try to paint only the zealots as those on our side.
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            • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
              If you want to call me a zealot because I am uncompromising in my fight for my constitutional rights so be it. What I Look for In a leader is a winner fighting for our country and our constitutional rights. Anyone that is against Trump is a shill in my opinion. Re voter fraud , Anyone who has eyes can see from 2000 mules , to the vote switching as witnessed by many live on TV, to the shutting down counting and drop millions of ballots when all observers are sent home to more voters than registered , to 1.7 million mail in ballots sent out in Pennsylvania and getting 2.3 million back. Is a very weak analytical mind at best or corrupt at worse. I’m looking for a person who will fight with every ounce of his strength to win the battles ahead. Obama was a Harvard grad as well not a impressive credential to me. I was told it was frankly nonsense to call FOX news controlled opposition,. I don’t hear that now.
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              • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 1 month ago
                It's your opinion and you're fully entitled to it. In mine, you don't burn bridges you don't need to. If they don't have a (D) behind their name, they're still very much in the potential friend category to me (unless they prove otherwise like certain Republican politicians). Even a very few with a (D) behind their name like Tulsi Gabbard and Dave Rubin have seen the light and abandoned the Democratic Party. Flies... vinegar...
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                • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
                  The hunt for Red October . In one scene the sub has a torpedo sent it’s way. The captains response , surprising to the crew was the order to turn into it.
                  You said Trump and Shapiro responded the same way to Covid.
                  Trump turned directly into the torpedo making it hit him before it could be armed.
                  The same could be said about Covid. Trump recognized it as being a torpedo shot at him and the country, so he turned into it. He gave the cabal who created this narrative everything they asked for, ventilators, vaccines, and stimulus checks, and in turn, they couldn’t use the event to shut down the economy for five plus years as they had planned. They thought he would publicly fight against them. Instead, he appeared to go along with them. Along the way, he shined a spotlight on the people involved in the planning and implementing of the scamdemic. He told the nation what treatments were viable . Many conservatives blamed Trump from giving in to the narrative, but he was in fact disarming it.
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                  • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 1 month ago
                    Trump openly admitted that he took the advice given him and Rochelle Walensky (CDC Director) admitted telling Trump lies to get him to authorize the vaccines. I did appreciate, however, his decision to leave it to the States to determine how they were individually going to respond. And they shut things down anyway.

                    Did Trump ever get behind Ivermectin? Hydroxychloroquine? Monoclonal antibodies? I heard rumors that he took a concoction of a whole bunch of things when he got COVID, but did he push them publicly? Not that I'm aware. Those would have saved lives AND blown up the narrative.

                    Trump's a great businessman but he got conned on the vaccine stuff. He may be wiser now, but I don't for one minute believe he knew all this stuff at the time.
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                    • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
                      Believe what the information tells you to believe. Of course keep in mind you might not have all the information.
                      Trump absolutely said HCQ with Zinc and a zpak. was a potential cure.. And the press said trump said to drink bleach. I posted dozens of times during the lockdowns about HCQ With Zinc.
                      I watched the Trump Covid update live and the next day I could not believe how they lied about what he said. He said ivermectin was promising and the press and the CDC called it horse paste and it would damage your heart. Unreal these genocidal minions.
                      He also said that light likely killed the virus.
                      You may recall the lie the “Health officials” said that the virus could live up to 24 hrs on a surface.
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                      • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 1 month ago
                        Regarding HCL and Ivermectin, did Trump push back at all when the CDC warned people not to take them? NO, he didn't - even though they were an Executive Branch entity which reported to HIM. Masks? Not a word. Did Trump push back on the advice from the CDC/NIH to close schools? No again. Yet he could have. (We had evidence from Europe in 2020 that children were at negligible risk for COVID.) He still approved the "vaccines."

                        I'm not going to canonize the man. To me, Trump is just a man like any other. Is he a patriot? I think so. He did his best with what he had and he should be applauded in many instances. He was the only one in the last twenty+ years to try to do anything about the border. He made tremendous progress with peace in the Middle East. He didn't get us into any more foreign wars. He also approved a massive budget increase (which he regretted later) even with Republicans in control. He made mistakes. It's fine. I'm not a hater. I just don't put him on a pedestal.
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                        • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
                          Trump is the leader in this war against Good vs Evil.
                          He has been under attack from the moment he went down the beautiful golden escalator. What is so disappointing is how a patriot can abandon their General because he has been attacked . Covid was an attack. Did he handle it like you would ? No. Does he know more than you about ALL of it? Yes
                          Are there casualties in war? I support my leader and don’t abandon him cause he is under constant attack. That is when a true Patriot circle in defense. I will not change your mind , but first you said Trump said nothing about the possible cures and when I pointed it out . You said well he didn’t push back against the scamdemic. That is subjective on your part. I doubt you recall the screams of the establishment swamp that they would not take any vax Trump was pushing. Boy, that switched to mandatory jabs for everyone Quickly.
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                          • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 1 month ago
                            Don't misquote me. What I said was that he didn't get behind them (HCL, Ivermectin, etc.). The NIH and CDC both reported to him directly and often - and he said nothing while President. He did nothing to encourage the medical establishment to evaluate the true effectiveness of either HCL or Ivermectin nor did he encourage the AMA to accept the tens of thousands of patients treated as evidence. He did nothing from the stump to push back against the hysteria coming from the CDC which was resulting in thousands of doctors losing their licenses and businesses (Ryan Cole, Simone Gold, et al) because they looked out for their patients. And he did nothing to push back against the national educational establishment when they pushed to close schools. To me, those were lost opportunities.

                            Now I don't attribute any animus to the man (Trump). Zero. I hold Fauci, Birx, Gates, WEF, etc. responsible for the farce called COVID. I believe Trump was ignorant and that because of his ignorance, he relied on individuals who turned out to be unscrupulous. That doesn't make him less of a patriot nor do I impugn his motives.

                            That being said, I take issue with the inference that just because someone doesn't follow Trump on everything that they are any less of a patriot. I supported much of what he did as President, but would I take a bullet for the man? Nope. Would I vote for him again as President? Sure. But I don't make my decisions based on a cult of personality or a few "mean tweets" - no matter how deserved they may be.
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                            • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
                              Your Quote…” Did Trump ever get behind Ivermectin? Hydroxychloroquine? Monoclonal antibodies? I heard rumors that he took a concoction of a whole bunch of things when he got COVID, but did he push them publicly? Not that I'm aware. Those would have saved lives AND blown up the narrative.”
                              I did not misQuote you I interpreted your statement as Trump didn’t talk about the potential treatment and he clearly did. Again you think Trump as a businessman should have said the so called top people in infectious disease are lying to you and the experts at vaccines (big Pharma and the FDA) are trying to kill you. You seem to want to argue with me and I really do not care how much you want to reiterate Ben Shapiro/ Con-Inc divisiveness and the cult of personality crap and the mean tweet nonsense.
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                              • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 1 month ago
                                When did Trump emphasize the validity of HCL or Ivermectin? He might have mentioned them in passing but that's hardly "getting behind them" in my book. Masks? Schools? Medical licenses? Not a peep I'm aware of.

                                "Again you think Trump as a businessman should have said the so called top people in infectious disease are lying to you..."

                                Excuse me, but I'm the one letting Trump off! If he knew, he had a responsibility to act. He didn't act, however. I believe that if he did know he would have bucked the media and gotten the word out. I'm giving the guy the benefit of the doubt and you're castigating me for it. Go figure.

                                "You seem to want to argue with me"

                                You take the approach that unless someone else is riding the Trump bandwagon that they are part of the deep state mob - like Shapiro. I'm simply suggesting that taking that kind of approach 1) assumes malice where none is present and 2) certainly alienates more people - like me - than it attracts.

                                I appreciate a variety of different takes. Glenn excels at story-telling, following the money, and giving relevant context. Ben excels at philosophical debate and analysis of principles. Thomas Sowell excels at economic analysis and application. (My wife and I were listening to a collection of his published columns on a trip just last week.) Milton Friedman excels at using humor to simplify and explain complex economic principles. Michael Knowles is a great analyst of classical literature and a competent debater. Jordan Peterson excels at understanding human nature.

                                I could go on and on. I like listening to a wide variety of voices but I'm no one's shill - not Glenn's, not Ben's, and certainly not Trump's. I'm perfectly capable of doing my own research, observing actions, mentally calculating and comparing principles, etc. (I've even self-published my own derivation of fundamental human principles.)

                                I would thank you to put away the animosity - it does you a disservice.
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  • Posted by term2 1 year, 1 month ago
    straight up propaganda will reach new heights with the advent of AI. AI will not only figure out what to say, but also pick the things that will advance the hidden agenda that its been told to favor.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 1 month ago
    It was said that Carlson had dinner with murdoc and girlfriend in march. The girlfriend of the 92yr old thought Tucker was the spokesman for God. One month later murdoc dumped the broad and Tucker in one felt swoop.

    Rumor has it that TC might be the News Director on One America News Network once the fox news contract is settled.
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 1 month ago
    MSNBC tells the lies THEY wish we would believe.
    CNN tells the lies WE are supposed to believe.
    FOX tells the lies we are ALLOWED to believe.
    Anyone who strays from that script gets canned.
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  • Posted by 73SHARK 1 year, 1 month ago
    OAN is an alternative but they are in financial trouble. After the 2020 election they had a number of shows which included IT professionals who basically illustrated how the electronic voting machines were pretty much a fraud.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
      Tucker inherited $350 million plus his annual income was $50 million. I can’t imagine him not having a big equity stake in his next venture.
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      • Posted by $ servo75 1 year, 1 month ago
        Hell if I had $350M I'd buy hundreds of acres in Colorado, leave the rest of the world behind and just enjoy my millions. I might invite a few choice friends from college...
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        • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
          Trump could have done that but I think he realized that there is no better gulch than The Constitutional Republic that has been infiltrated and is being dismantled although the media won’t tell you that . See Mark Elias see Susan Rice see the top FBICounter intelligence agent in NY. See the continuing hunterBiden Saga. Three Special prosecutors. Wait till more Epstein truth surfaces. The biggest mystery is how do we get back the diamonds. As Trump said if you are caught robbing Tiffany’s do you get to keep the diamonds? I have been on the virtual gulch for seven plus years and no viable gulch has been
          Shown. Like Huxley’s utopian classic The Island
          A beautiful place will stick out like a sore thumb and be targeted. Best to pull together and sQuash the evil.
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  • Posted by $ servo75 1 year, 1 month ago
    I'm really sick and tired of hearing about this. It's a nothingburger to me. Cable News is obsolete and overrated. Tucker will be just fine, he'll have a new venture and will grow his already huge audience. They will follow the message not the channel. People are making much ado about nothing in my opinion.
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