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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 1 month ago
    The majority of ancient Egyptians were neither Swede nor Zulu, but were genetically closer to Europeans than sub Saharan Africans. They were mainly a Mediterranean sandy people, not sub Saharan black. Since the civil rights movement in America, a huge push came under way to rewrite history to depict all Africans as black people, including ancient Egyptians and Carthaginians, which is a false narrative being pushed hard by the left with Hollywood's help. [Side note: If I recall correctly, the Obamas sit on the Netflix board and I'm sure they have a say in such things - just as Jesse Jackson was given a say on the History Channel's depiction of Hannibal - another rewrite of the historical record.] Ancient Egypt, however, was a diverse people like the United States today. The question to ask is of all the Egyptian pharaohs were any of them "sub Saharan" black? Yes, there were, but most were not. Pay attention to the hieroglyphs and tomb paintings and colored sculpture to get a feel for pigmentation (check out Nefertiti - a queen of Egypt). [Side note: you will also find white, blue, red, and yellow depictions of people and pharaohs depending on what is being told - very few black depictions of pharaohs.]

    Cleopatra was a direct descendant of Ptolemy I, who was a general in Alexander the Great's army who ruled Egypt after Alexander's death and was a Macedonian (Northern Greek). The Ptolemy bloodline was carefully guarded all the way down to Cleopatra, meaning she was also a Macedonian.

    Note on Carthage while we're here. Carthage was founded by a Phoenician queen from Tyre (near Lebanon and Syria) and settled by her people to create a Phoenician presence further away on the Mediterranean and closer to the Atlantic, so the actual Carthaginians didn't even come from Africa. The family of the Hannibal dynasty were directly descended from the original settlers and the bloodline was carefully guarded the same as Cleopatra's was. Hannibal was NOT a sub Saharan African even though in recent times (very recent times) he is depicted as such as shown on the History Channel (I saw an artists rendition of Hannibal on Facebook that made him look more like a sub Saharan tribal chief than a king of Carthage). The Romans recorded the wars with Carthage as "Punic" wars where the Roman word Punic means Phoenician. The Romans knew who they were fighting, even if some people of today don't. Carthage was actually a three tiered society like a caste system where the highest was the Phoenicians (Carthaginians), followed by foreigners and merchants, and on the bottom were slaves.
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    • Posted by Lucky 1 year, 1 month ago
      Thanks for that good historical research.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 1 month ago
        Welcome. I didn't need to look up any of this as I've always had an interest in ancient history and have read many books and articles along the way. For a time I even studied Egyptian hieroglyphics - it was fun for a time but past me because I didn't have the enormous amount of time required to really get serious with it - not even close to that guy in "Stargate". I have books still in my library that offer some translation help. When I see the Hollywood crap of ancient times I just shake my head at errors made, but deliberate propaganda is inexcusable.
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    • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 1 month ago
      as i said below
      the Real Egyptians are the current Coptic Christians
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      • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 1 month ago
        Indeed, the Islamic Arab conquest of "Christian" Egypt certainly left its mark. Most of the Roman Empire converted to Christianity long before Mohammad was born (and got rid of slavery I might add), including all the states of North Africa. Another tidbit of modern perspective on history is the false notion the crusades created the warfare between Europe and Islam, but what "they" seem to forget is the Mohammedans slaughtered and enslaved their way through Christian lands for about 400 years before the first crusade even stepped off. Islam's war on Eastern Europe (and Spain) is what really pressed that button.
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  • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 1 month ago

    the current "Egyptians" are not the Egyptians of old

    those are the Coptic Christians, being murdered by the current "Egyptians" who are invaders of a certain religious group
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