Common Sense Points to a Lab Leak

Posted by deleted 1 year, 3 months ago to History
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The Journal isn't popular here as it is a machine-publication. But it has told the truth here:

1-The coronavirus origin was a lab leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China.

2-The United States funded gain-of-function research in that lab.

3-A. Fauci knowingly approved funding for the deadly gain-of-function research.

4-The United States government covered it up with lies.

5-The United States government, using the media, persecuted people who told the truth.

6-A. Fauci was instrumental in the lying and the cover-up, and in the persecution of the American people who dissented.

The article states that it was clear common sense from the outset that the pandemic was a Wuhan lab leak, that the government was covering it up, and that A. Fauci was the front man to disseminate the lies. Most people understood this by basic common sense, by Occam's Razor, but were cowed into silence by being ostracized, fired, cancelled, demonetized or shunned by society and ridiculed by the media. Doctors were treated the same way.

Finally the truth is percolating into the higher levels of corrupt government. Even the liars can't lie forever. Truth wins in the end.

I put this under History because if we don't learn from this, it will happen again.

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