Destroying American Freedoms - An Inside Job

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 4 months ago to Politics
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"Over the last few years, there has been much written about the destruction of American democracy. Frequently the threat has been of alleged interference in U.S. elections by Russia, China or other state actors. Government agencies, the name of election integrity, were assigned to identify and disrupt these foreign intrusions. As more and more information is revealed about these agencies, it seems that America's Intelligence Community participated in these activities domestically, and in a way that poses a grave threat to both election integrity and American democracy.

Just last week it was revealed that the FBI again withheld pertinent information from the American public, for past two months, until after the November 8, 2022 federal election. As with the Bureau's reported cover-up of evidence influence-peddling reportedly found on Hunter Biden's laptop, agents knew, since November 2, 2022, about at least some of the three sets of classified material that illegally found their way into the garage and library of President Joe Biden and into the Penn Biden Center think tank at the University of Pennsylvania -- to which anonymous members of the Chinese Communist Party have donated $54.6 million.

Their existence only became known this week, after the newly elected Republican-majority House of Representatives announced that it would hold hearings on "how the [Justice] department handled investigations into classified materials found at former President Donald Trump's Florida home and those found at President Joe Biden's office in a Washington think tank bearing his name and his Delaware home..."

In addition, the recent release of the "Twitter Files" has raised at least two major concerns regarding actions by the Intelligence Community. The first is that the wall of separation between the Intelligence Community and the U.S. media has not only sprung a leak, it has totally collapsed. The report that officials from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) met weekly with Twitter executives to coordinate information is totally inappropriate. Would officials from the ODNI review, affirm or label certain sets of information as false? When ODNI was created, no one intended its officials to have a role in these types of discussions.

It also appears that intelligence officials in recent years have politically weaponized intelligence. The combination of a politically weaponized Intelligence Community, operating hand-in-hand with organizations that are the main gateways for information to millions of Americans, poses a serious threat to American democracy and the integrity of our elections.

Let us just briefly look at the steep slope of lying, deceit and corruption that has seeped into the leadership of the U.S. Intelligence Community."

Every American should have seen this years ago. It has been happening with increasing frequency since the end of WW2.
SOURCE URL: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/19315/destroying-american-democracy

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 1 year, 4 months ago
    It's a damn shame the FBI who we all looked up to as the #1 law enforcement agency in America and a world leader, has deteriorated into such a pitiful group of mixed up children who don't know where their loyalties lie.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 1 year, 4 months ago
    If Hunter Biden's activities today were uncovered as they have been, and he wasn't the Vice President's son, he would already be a regular guest at Ft Leavenworth!
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  • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 4 months ago
    most people have been asleep in this country for a long time, some are waking

    some of the issues we face
    national debt, including the 100 to 200 trillion in unfunded pensions

    government workers that keep voting for those that give them more stuff, bankrupting cities, states, feds

    il-leglal aliens who's kids will unconstitutionally become US Citizens, giving access to the unconstitutional welfare state

    politicians and business that sold out to red china

    the house of cards will fall
    it is just a question of when
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 1 year, 4 months ago
    More than the FBI. Lies abound. AWG, BLM, 1660 Project, etc.

    Lies, lies, lies; Manipulation; Totalitarian Control ... and the lemmings gobble it up believing if is anti-establishment and anti-authoritarian, when it is precisely what they claim to hate. Amazing.

    Now, why can't we pull the covers back on the lies?
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 4 months ago
    I take exception with this:

    It also appears that intelligence officials in recent years have politically weaponized intelligence.

    RECENT years? Operation Paperclip, and government infusion of money into the media has biased all coverage. Then advertising companies could squash any truth from making the news.

    By the time the 1990s hit, I was in University, and I saw the Dry Run for Covid (HIV/AIDS), in which Fauci did so many similar things, including Moral Hazzard!

    Worse, we saw the Ghost Written stories of the Preachers Kid getting HIV from a blood transfusion (everyone is at risk). Astro Turfing (ACT UP) funded by pharma to push for using Untested Drugs. Stop me when you recognize the parallels. Silencing of Doctors (and destroying their careers) if the challenged the BS science. Here's one for you... Having DEATH from the TREATMENT look ALOT like death from the DISEASE. Anyone recognize this?

    And again, we learned that stories were planted. Tweaked, changed. Look into the Wire Services (AP, etc). They are literally filtered through our deep state. News in MI on Female Genital Mutliation... When it hit the wires, small details were changed. Only if you were looking for the differences would you find them.

    This has been going on for DECADES, and I would actually say, likely with Hollywood for 50+ years. Maybe 70+
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    • Posted by bradAnderson 1 year, 4 months ago
      You bring forward more than just anecdotal narratives, thank you.

      Spot on in recognizing the parallels. What is terrifying this time is the ability to manipulate on an unprecedented scale due to the advent of social media. On one hand, this is because the deep state is growing and efforts are beginning to be unified (i.e. intelligence communities, government officials, social media executives, and 'influencers'). On the other hand, it is being allowed to happen because the vast majority of the population allows it. Without so much as blinking let alone questioning what is being fed to us, we are turning the government of, by, and for the people into a caste/aristocratic governing system. We have the evil engineers to blame, yes, but also ourselves. We are sheep submitting to the wrong shepherd. Wandering aimlessly with no concern for where we are going because all that matters is our 2" x 5" distraction that brings us the pleasure we need to ease ourselves into submission, a meaningless life, and an insignificant death. We are just statistics and not people because the vast majority of the population contributes nothing besides another number in the population count. Why would we be treated/handled any differently? Are we deserving of good leaders? If so, why aren't we demanding it? That's our fault.
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 4 months ago
        ... Are we deserving of good leaders? If so, why aren't we demanding it? That's our fault.

        This gets complicated. We were raised with ONE set of values, and they have destroyed them. We are still living/fighting by OLD rules. (Being LEGALLY correct). The laws are so bent, the enforcement is bent.

        I am not sure if you heard... the FBI had the Seth Rich Laptop the whole time. And I believe it shows he was the person who grabbed the DNC emails. And the FBI Lied about it. And hid it.

        How CAN we hold these people accountable? When... We have families to feed, and the Media will GLADLY Doxx us, and have our lives ruined for raising a ruckus, if they cover it at all.

        Just look at the number of minutes of air time given to 2 DC protests. One that is Pro Aboortion, And the other that is Pro Life. One left the city a MESS, one cleaned up on their way out. The coverage differential removes it from the minds of most Americans.

        They are blocking our ability to UNITE over these issues. It is now PROVEN via the Twitter Files. Anyone with Momentum, but the WRONG message was silenced, etc.

        the silent majority has to stand up...
        But do you THINK that VOTING matters with Ballot Harvesting? Dirty Voter Rolls? And backwards laws (all INITIAL election results win by default. And any tampering after the election, prevents recounts... Oh, and we NEVER Audit them)...

        So, now we are a bunch of Law Abiding "Morons"... Unfortunately, what we must do, to get their attention, is to strike back. But like the Jan 6th "Insurrection", people will be in Solitary Confinement for 2+yrs without a court date... For hurting NOBODY!

        And BLM Killed 7... Nothing to see here...

        I don't think we deserved this... BUT from this point forward, to the degree that we fail to do anything, then I will start agreeing with you!
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        • Posted by bradAnderson 1 year, 4 months ago
          I appreciate you taking the time to respond.

          You once again bring up great points. There is no question that we are standing up against an evil force here. The enforcement of the laws is unfair, but this does not mean the laws we were raised with are inherently bad. It also does not warrant a violation of principles for the sake of other principles. If we are to come out on top as the obvious "good guys," then we must continue to be "good." Despite what is perpetuated, fighting evil with evil results only in an evil victor. We cannot do this. Being good, no matter what, gives a movement momentum and brings about participation. Wars fought merely on the basis of political alliances are not wars won. They are merely events where countless lives were lost for no higher purpose. Wars fought on the basis of good versus evil are righteous wars fought with purpose. Sacrifices are made for the sake of a higher calling. The tactical high ground must only be taken so long as the moral high ground is not compromised. When the moral high ground has been compromised, then the purpose for fighting is gone.

          Ragnar Danneskjöld never once compromised his values when carrying out his pirate attacks on freight. He was still an objectively good guy and his message never lost its meaning. Had he began to shift into the evil realm, to fight as the moochers were fighting, then Hank Rearden would have never joined the cause. To bring this into real terms: yes, BLM contributed nothing but explicit evil to this world. However, the actions that took place on January 6th were not justified. Had it been a peaceful protest, then it would have been met with greater acceptance. When they became physical and broke into the capital, although no one was injured, they lost their moral high ground. The FBI is corrupt no doubt, but we do not correct this by being equally corrupt. Our voting system is not fair, but we do not fix this by rigging it back in our favor. The justice system has been politicized and desecrated, but we do not fix this by turning our backs on the justice we were raised to abide by and believe in.

          To strengthen our voices we must be contributors. Not to their society, but to ourselves. The greater one's output, the greater their voice. Regardless the corrupt system in place. There is no Galt's Gulch for us to flock to. We are stuck here in this reality. Silenced by social media? Stop using it. Not a single revolution in history utilized social media. Fake news being broadcast? Broadcast the facts. Communicate only with rational consumers. Start businesses, create legacies, and raise up a voice so loud it cannot be ignored. Nobody holds out fighting for very long if they have nothing to believe in while their enemy has everything to believe in.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 4 months ago
    Infiltration from with in. It’s the Prussian model.
    The Prussian model was to infiltrate and then oppress freedoms, via excessive military control and taxation. Prussia had developed a more subtle form of control than the Roman empire; but only just! Prussia’s ability to create wars that instilled fear in the citizenry, while using bank loans to create the illusion of freedom, was legendary.

    Here are some key words to help understand the Prussian regime: Violence, monarchs, lies & deception, force, infiltration, narrative control, trickery, distraction, secrecy, excess and group-think.

    Knowing the Prussian playbook that would occupy foreign territory and control people, allows us to begin asking some critical questions which explore the key patterns and forces that exist within today’s social-political structures. Good questions enable a thorough examination of these issues away from our own belief-bias. Here are some examples:

    Who is seeking to protect people’s rights and expose what is hidden within society’s leadership?
    Do you feel forced to do things against your will, or empowered to make choices?
    What people or channels are exposing propaganda, exposing the patterns of the enemy and helping to train people to move beyond group-think?
    What organizations seek to aggregate, control and tax people, and what organizations/ leaders promote freedom to choose, lower taxes and nationalism?
    Who is suppressing, aggregating, labelling and demeaning people?
    Which organizations are discouraging open dialogue about truth and transparency and which are not?

    Irregular war .This is not a political war. It is not a battle between left and right. It is good vs evil.

    This is a war for the mind of humanity: This is Tyranny vs Freedom. Freedom isn’t always walking through tulips and roses. Freedom is having free-will to choose. This may not always easy or comfortable, but it is freedom.

    Being forced to do things = Tyranny

    Being empowered to choose = Freedom
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    • Posted by bradAnderson 1 year, 4 months ago
      Well said. It is a fight of good vs evil, citizens vs rulers.

      As I've mentioned in another comment, we have given ourselves over to this. There are some fighters in the government, but they are vastly outnumbered and absolutely ridiculed by the media. Why? Because we allow it. With each passing day there are more and more compromises we find ourselves making. Personal freedoms in exchange for safety, protection, health, public good, the climate, world peace, financial freedom, academic innovation, etc.

      This current government does not fight its people. They're too afraid for that. They simply amass all of the secret resources they have at their disposal and destroy any threat before it comes to some kind of fruition (generally via the media and the narratives perpetuated). Why has there not been a debate on the US House Floor in over 6 years? They pass legislation that affects the entire country, with whom they are tasked to represent, and they do not debate anything? Where is the exchange of ideas? Where are the constructive compromises reached in the legislation? Where and how is forward progress introduced when nothing is debated? It is merely one new idea being passed in exchange for another new idea being passed so that they can continue to manipulate their political chess board at the cost of their pawns; the constituents.
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  • Posted by term2 1 year, 4 months ago
    Its time to correctly identify the evils of our government, and to be fair the good things if you can find some. I say that if government were simply turned off, a period of confusion would result for a while followed by a rebirth of the country in a better way.
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  • Posted by Aeronca 1 year, 4 months ago
    We are selling ourselves on the auction block, to the lowest bidder, being paid with our own worthless fiat currency! What a joke! To use a Bible analogy, when Adam became aware and ashamed of being naked, he hid. How can he hide from God?!! Whomever you are, who sells pieces of America to profit yourself, who are you hiding from? Where do you think you can hide? The truth will be known!!! You will have nowhere to hide.
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    • Posted by bradAnderson 1 year, 4 months ago
      At the end of the day, there is still a physical objective reality. No matter the media narratives they run, the lies they sell, or the games they play, the physical world is still present. One may have no power or voice in the government, but they have all the control in the world over where their arms can physically touch and their weapons can reach. Be prepared to fight. Start training. Sooner or later there will be a collision between this fictitious "new world order" and reality. When that comes, those prepared to fight will win. There will be nowhere to hide.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 1 year, 4 months ago
    I personally wondered why people would believe the idea of a "Russian hoax", when the politics of Hillary Clinton were much closer to Russian communism than those of Donald Trump--like him or not?
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