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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 5 months ago
    Holy Hillary, Batman!!! You mean the left wing extremists implanted in our government are destroying evidence that would make the Neo Communists look bad?! Say it isn't so! LOL!

    I figure there's been a lot of that going on. I wouldn't put it past the commie arm of the FBI to raid Trump to capture certain documents and send them straight to the shredder, while at the same time planting I-Hate-Trump documents. Oh wait, that's already happened! (can't prove the shredder part, but wouldn't be surprised)
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 5 months ago
    Der Puppet-In-Chief ist ein only followink orders. How do I know?
    Twice me dino heard our supposed Commander-In-Chief, holder of the highest post in the USA say on TV that he did not want to make some mysterious someones (psst, handlers that is his staff not to mention Obama) mad at his widdle self.
    Oh, also seen by me dino on TV his handlers would include a costumed Easter Bunny that got into Little Joey's face to wave him away from reporters. Little Joey obeyed and changed course from the reporters with a glum expression.
    It those reporters had been little sniffable children, he probably would have burst into tears.
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  • Posted by $ katrinam41 1 year, 5 months ago
    Every document, every piece of evidence is being destroyed as fast as those guilty little scabs can do it. They have had two months to clean up a LOT of filthy messes and they have wasted no time. All of that money-wasting, time-wasting kangaroo court nonsense did its job, obscuring the dark muck these shits live and work in as they spread that muck to cover the country, and now it's so prevalent that you are right, ffa. The only solution is nifo. D, I am losing hope that the rise will happen in time.
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