Myriad of problems with election equipment, voting tabulators in key states raise early suspicions about vote fraud in midterms

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 6 months ago to Politics
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With many regions of the country reporting record turnouts for midterm elections on Tuesday, what we’ve also seen is an alarmingly large number of problems with voting machines, tabulators, and cyberattacks.

The problems began early in Maricopa County, Ariz., for instance, where reports claimed that one-in-five polling sites, or 20 percent, were experiencing “‘issues’ with tabulation machines just hours after Election Day polls opened,” reported Fox News Digital.

“This started with a single location. Then a few. Now, it’s sounding as if this is widespread and very serious,” he began in a post containing a video clip of what appears to be an election official explaining that voters who could not get a machine to accept their ballot could simply drop them off in a box to be ‘counted later.’

“Turnout is very heavy, very early in Maricopa. This is a real serious problem. No voter should ever have to leave their ballot in a box in the corner of the room and expect it to be handled properly at some point later,” Baris continued. “It’s a chain of custody nightmare and easily exploitable. And please, I don’t need the usual Mr. Rogers-like suspects to pretend this is not a big deal. It is, and nobody is this naive, so drop the pretentious BS.

Meanwhile, in Champaign, Ill., officials there said that the clerk’s office claimed that there were connectivity issues with voting machines due to a “cyber-attack.”

A judge in Luzerne County, Pa., ordered polling stations to remain open until 10 p.m. EDT after voters in some locations reported they had run out of paper for the voting machines.

And in Detroit, several voters who showed up to the polls were told they had already voted by absentee ballot, even though they had not.

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  • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 6 months ago
    Right now police are on the roof top inMaricopa County where the fraud is happening real time.
    PS Hobbs is photographed in the election ballot room with time stamp. That’s weird that a race being tabulated for Governor is being counted apperantly by one of the candidates for Governor.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 1 year, 6 months ago
    I am so happy I'm on an enlightened web site with you people. If someone wanted to tell me the machine wouldn't count my vote, I'd shut down that site in a few minutes with a call to the Secretary of State. There would be no more voting at that site until the problem was solved. N
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