The US is about to go full Louis XVI - It May Finally Be Time To Shoot the Treasonous Bastards

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 9 months ago to Politics
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"Several ancient Roman emperors, in fact, from Diocletian to Valentinian III, famously sent ruthless tax collectors to harass their citizens and steal their wealth. Several ancient Chinese dynasties did the same thing. So did the declining Ottoman Empire.

Significantly ramping up tax collection efforts is typically a hallmark of an economy and empire in decline.

So we can’t be too surprised that, in its latest legislative bonanza, the US government is setting aside $80 billion for IRS tax collection efforts.

They’re calling the bill, of course, the Inflation Reduction Act. This is pure comedy—the legislation will do no such thing. Why would inflation, which in part was caused by excessive government spending, magically dissipate because of more government spending? It’s ludicrous.

But inflation aside, front and center in the legislation is $80 billion in funding for the IRS, primarily to step up its tax collection and enforcement efforts.

To put that number in context, the annual budget for the IRS is about $12 billion. So, even though the $80 billion will be leaked out over a period of several years, it constitutes a major increase in the IRS budget.
This money will go to hire a small army of tax inspectors who will fan out across the nation on a giant fishing expedition that will ensnare countless middle class Americans and small businesses.

Certainly they’ll catch a few cheats along the way. And they may even find a few bucks to close that mythical ‘tax gap’.

But at what cost?

One of the biggest problems with the US economy right now is that it’s so much more difficult to produce goods and services.

Over the past few years, the people in charge have put up endless road blocks and obstacles for small business.

They vanquished the labor market and made it all but impossible to find workers. They destroyed the supply chain. They engineered historically high inflation. They came up with a myriad of costly new environmental and public health rules.

On top of that they constantly create new rules and regulations, many of which step far beyond the government’s authority.
This new threat of widespread tax audits is going to be yet another obstruction to Americans’ productivity…. at a time when the economy desperately needs maximum focus.

Inflation is raging because there is a serious, global imbalance between the supply and demand of goods and services.

Specifically, demand is too strong because they doled out trillions of dollars in free money. And supply is weak because nearly every single government policy makes it harder for people to produce (which is yet another hallmark of empires in decline).

Now, on top of everything else, there is a very high likelihood of being harassed by the tax authorities.

Audits are incredibly unpleasant, costly, and time-consuming. Even if all of your accounts are in order and you’ve done nothing wrong, a tax audit monopolizes a tremendous amount of time and money.

It’s debilitating. Say goodbye to actually running your business, growing sales, or spending time with your family on nights and weekends… and say hello to preparing for your tax audit.

Your time will now be spent digging up receipts, finding old contracts, and trying to recall specific details of trivial decisions you made years ago.
Taxes ultimately represent the government’s ‘slice’ of an economic pie. So when a country is prosperous and an economy is strong, the government’s slice continues to grow because the overall economic pie is constantly getting bigger.

But nations in decline don’t see it this way. For them, the pie is shrinking. So they think the only way to increase their slice is to go after other people’s crumbs.

History shows this is absolutely the wrong move. Raising tax rates, inventing new taxes, and recruiting armies of tax collectors only makes the pie shrink even more.

Their efforts, instead, should be focused on making the pie bigger. But they don’t think that way.

Bear in mind this is all brought to you by the same people who are shoveling your tax dollars out the door to Ukraine $50 billion at a time. It’s very ‘Louis XVI’ of them.

All of these trends—the cannibalistic surge in tax authorities, the anti-productive regulations, the economic scarcity mentality—are all hallmarks of an empire in decline."


The US Federal Government Is A Gang of Criminal Thugs.
SOURCE URL: https://www.sovereignman.com/trends/the-us-is-about-to-go-full-louis-xvi-36091/

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  • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 9 months ago
    let me know when the politicians that owe taxes and Al Sharpton pay what they owe

    i won't hold my breath
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    • Posted by kevthen 1 year, 9 months ago
      Another new tactic of the IRS is to withhold repayments for overpayment of taxes, at least on conservatives. I'm on year 2 waiting for reimbursement. A fellow conservative friend of mine is on year 3 now.
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      • Posted by $ gharkness 1 year, 9 months ago
        THIS, not "interest foregone" since until recently there wasn't any interest to speak of, is why you MUST arrange your tax payments to owe a little bit at the end of the year. NO refund. NEVER trust them on this, because as you can see, people are not getting their refunds, neither timely, and and in some cases, not at all.
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        • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 9 months ago
          Again, if I make $1 million in gains this year.
          I owe taxes this year.
          Next year, if I lose $1 Million.
          I have to write off $3,000/yr for eternity, unless I have other "LIKE KIND" gains to write it off against.

          It's all corruption!
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          • Posted by $ gharkness 1 year, 9 months ago
            I am not sure what your "again" refers to. I was simply referring to people not using their tax refund as a "savings" account, as many younger people tend to do.
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  • Posted by $ gharkness 1 year, 9 months ago
    Excellent commentary, of which I agree, mostly. However, this:

    Certainly they’ll catch a few cheats along the way. And they may even find a few bucks to close that mythical ‘tax gap’.

    No, they will VERY CERTAINLY find cheats right and left, and tons of money that will close the mythical 'tax gap.' I spent six years as a CPA working in a CPA firm. In that firm, I was the ONLY employee (including the owners) who was not previously employed as an IRS agent. Holy crap the things that I learned! But do know that the agents are expected and actually required to "earn" their own paychecks by digging up unpaid taxes. And they will do this, whether actual "unpaid taxes" are discovered or not. Look at it this way: it's your word against theirs. Who do you think is going to win? and there are innumerable ways for "proofs" you have provided to them (edited for clarity) to be discovered to be invalid.

    One of their most insidious tricks, though, is to observe lifestyles. If your income is not "congruent" with your lifestyle, questions can be asked. So, keep in mind that conspicuous consumption is a bad thing. On the other hand, never meet with an agent in your home. Their heads will be on a swivel, both checking your "lifestyle," and additionally categorizing assets to be confiscated to pay for the "unpaid taxes" they just discovered.

    There is no winning in this $80 billion bill. We are so screwed.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 9 months ago
      I couldn't agree more about the corruption of the federal tax system.
      When the public really wakes up to just how they have been conned, then the hordes of federal "accountants" will enjoy just deserts.
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  • Posted by term2 1 year, 9 months ago
    Very good article. One thing the tax collectors dont consider is that the higher the taxes become, the less productive people want to work, and the less money everyone has to buy things. The whole economy slows down as a result, ENDING in the need for even more and more taxes. As a small business owner, I am on the cusp of just closing it down to avoid all the hassle.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 9 months ago
    When a much more coherent yet then a still a foot-in-mouth gaffematitc Joe Biden was vice-president during Obama's first term, me dino recalls him sitting in a chair and telling someone on TV, "Yes, we can spend our way out of debt."
    Talk about hearing stupid words that stick to me dino's mind like paste reminiscent of Pelosi saying, "Let's pass this bill so we can see what is in it."
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 1 year, 9 months ago
    Spending any more money on tax collection is just like getting more people to whip the one horse pulling the cart.

    Absolutely typical left wing totalitarians killing the goose, instead of breeding more.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 9 months ago
    Excellent read! There never should have been an income tax foisted on a free people to begin with. It enslaved us all.
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    • Posted by $ gharkness 1 year, 9 months ago
      "But.... it was only just a little bit, and temporary." This is the kind of BS that the government has always foisted upon us. They are so practiced at it, WE don't even notice it, most of the time!
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      • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 9 months ago
        I wish I could remember the details, but a long time ago I read an excerpt from the transcript of the Congressional Minutes right after the amendment passed and one congressman exclaimed, "My God! What have you done? Someday we might get taxed as high as FOUR percent!".
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  • Posted by $ jdg 1 year, 9 months ago
    Sorry, guys, but I have to rain on your parade here. IRS may hold ill will toward conservatives, but I don't think they are actually acting on it yet.

    The IRS's big issue is that they sent all their employees home for most of 2019 and part of 2020 because of Covid (most of which was an overreaction, of course). And as a result they have a huge backlog of unopened mail to catch up on, primarily paper mail with tax returns and checks in it. As a result they are issuing a lot of automated you-owe-us-money notices that are based on incomplete information.

    IRS's taxpayer advocate has been insisting for over a year that she needs thousands of new employees to put to work (1) opening and dealing with that mail, and (2) answering the flood of phone calls that are going unanswered. She will not get her way completely -- there has been an angry back-and-forth with the commissioner's office about what those new people will do -- but that's what most of them are for: to get the agency caught up so it's doing its job again.

    If you are affected by these problems, I recommend you go to https://www.irs.gov/taxpayer-advocate and contact them. Or talk to an accountant, attorney, or Enrolled Agent for advice.
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    • Posted by $ gharkness 1 year, 9 months ago
      So, just for clarity, then, please advise which of these: Opening and dealing with mail and/or answering the flood of phone calls going unanswered..... require the use of a gun and deadly force? Just wondering.
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      • Posted by $ jdg 1 year, 9 months ago
        I wrote the above before I saw the recruiting ad. Something bad is going on here.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 9 months ago
          Yeah there is! The Neo Communists are getting their ducks in order for the great changing of America into their communist dream. Tax courts already get away with "guilty until proven innocent" and can financially destroy almost anyone to the point where it's impossible to pay for a defense - not to mention pay for a place to live or food to eat. You'll need to beg the new communist government for the next bowl of gruel and a cardboard box to get shelter from the elements. [yeah, I'm using a bit of hyperbole for the general population, but if things keep going the way they are I'll not be far off. See N. Korea where Venezuela looks like paradise.]
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 1 year, 9 months ago
    What I don't understand about how this insane bill is that it reduces medication costs and reduces Medicare funding. This is totally illogical! Would Medicare reduce its partial coverage of certain medical procedures and joint replacements for seniors? The Elite would like to see existing seniors die off as quickly as possible. This administration is acting like Nazi Germany exterminating the Jews, in this case, it's the extermination of all the senior population who is on Medicare! We are too old to go "John Wick" on the entire bureaucracy.
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  • Posted by Flootus5 1 year, 9 months ago
    As a society, we are just beginning to pay the price for decades of complacency. For the rest of us, there is little solace in saying "I told you so!"
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  • -1
    Posted by xba739 1 year, 9 months ago
    People have been bitchin' about this for thousands of years like your comment shows so I will return with the same answer that has been for thousands of years. How built the road that you travel?
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    • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 9 months ago
      Presumably the ancient Roman roads were built by direct slave labor. If forced income taxes are building our roads, then they are being built by indirect slave labor. Use taxes (user fees) such as registration and fuel "tax" are not obtained by enslavement - they are basically a transference of road cost to road consumer.
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    • Posted by CMBurton 1 year, 9 months ago
      xba739 This is what I keep wondering...how do people think things get paid for without taxes? I hate taxes, too, but we have to have roads, police, schools, etc.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 9 months ago
        Yes, if you want to grow cotton you have to have slaves. Or do you?

        It isn't the notion that a tax or fee of some kind must be devised to cover the cost of good governance, but how and under what circumstances? What should government really be allowed to get involved in? Who gets slapped around to feed government or the nebulous "greater good"? Do free citizens really need to be bullied and enslaved to accomplish basic expectations of government? Who benefits and why?
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      • Posted by 1 year, 9 months ago
        All could be paid for with user fees and you wouldn't be dependent on big government that uses
        schools to brainwash children and uses police to suppress freedom of speech.
        Roads are already supposed to be paid for with taxes on fuel use,
        effectively user fees, but with wasteful government overhead it is
        inefficient use of scarce resources.
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      • Posted by xba739 1 year, 9 months ago
        I know its a quandary I don't know the answers but i do know that things work better if the majority work together and get things done then the system can sustain people like freedomforall for without the majority become truely responsible for them selves
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