Tax Avoidance

Posted by LionelHutz 11 years, 4 months ago to Economics
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I started this as a reply to the TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX post, but it took on a different direction and I felt it worthy of a new post.

I have made it my policy, since the Nov election, to do my best to starve the govt of any tax revenues wherever possible.

I have found the following useful:

1. No eating out at restaurants, EVER. Not even a Mcdonalds coffee. Buy only groceries, which are untaxed where I live.
2. Though my car is a decade old, I will not buy another car. I will keep the one I have running until it dies. When it dies, I will buy a used one in a person-to-person exchange with someone that is willing to be paid in silver or gold, plus $1 in federal reserve note. The registration will duly note that I paid $1 for the car.
3. I will not take my car in for maintenance at a mechanic. I am learning to do all my own repairs.
4. Anything I purchase, wherever possible, is purchased used (but tax-free) from Craigslist.
5. Anything I purchase new, wherever possible, will be purchased online from an out of state company, thereby denying my state the sales tax.
6. The home phone bill has been cancelled. I refuse to pay a USF fee so overweight women in Cleveland can rant about how great it is that Obama gave her a cell phone, when the money to pay for it was collected from me.
7. The cell phone contact expires soon. I have, for the past few months, been running Skype on this phone. My phone bill will soon be reduced to a data-only plan, eliminating USF. I send/receive calls by virtue of the wireless access points around me. When there are no wireless access points, I reach Skype via my 3G/4G data connection.
8. I intend later this year to take an unpaid two week leave of absense from work, deliberately to deny the government that tax revenue. From here on out, as my taxes go up, the amount of taxable work I do in a year will go down.

What are you all doing? Let's pool brainpower here!

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