The power of language is magical to behold. Through the mere pronouncement of words, people can be persuaded to do what they would never have thought to do, left to their own devices.

Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 2 months ago to Politics
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"Young people can be coaxed into killing complete strangers who never did anything personally to them. Citizens can be brainwashed to believe that suitably labeled persons can and indeed must be denied any and all human rights. When the stakes are claimed to be life and death, even apparently intelligent people can be goaded to accept that the mere possession of a divergent opinion is evil, and the expression of dissent a crime. The use of military weapons to execute obviously innocent, entirely innocuous civilians, including children, suddenly becomes permissible, so long as the victims have been labeled collateral damage. All any of this takes is to identify “the enemy” as evil.
The “peace candidate” Barack Obama was elected in 2008 on the promise to rein in the excesses of the Bush administration, including what Obama characterized as the “dumb” war on Iraq. The new president publicly denounced “enhanced interrogation techniques” as torture but then proceeded to take linguistic neologism to an entirely new level by not only redefining assassination as targeted killing but also labeling any suspect eliminated through the use of lethal drones as an Enemy Killed in Action (EKIA).

Imminent vs. Immediate in the Opioid Crisis
Improbably enough, the very same two words, imminent and immediate, used by the Obama legal team to invert the presumption of innocence to a presumption of guilt in the case of terrorist suspects located abroad, proved to be deadly in an entirely different context during the twenty-first century as well.

The causes of the sudden and shocking increase in the number of narcotics addicts and overdose deaths all over the United States are manifold, but a tidal wave of diversion was made possible by drug-dealer doctors and the notorious “pain clinics” where they plied their trade. Manufacturers produced and pharmacies dispensed billions of pills as demand multiplied in tandem with the creation of more and more new addicts, who could no longer function without narcotics.

Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family are widely regarded as the prime movers of the opioid crisis, having undertaken a highly successful campaign to coax doctors into believing that their patented time-release prescription narcotic Oxycontin was nonaddictive and could be safely provided to patients even for moderate pain. This marketing feat was achieved by influencing key players at the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), who not only approved the medication but permitted it to be sold along with a package insert falsely suggesting that it was less prone to abuse than other narcotics."
SOURCE URL: https://libertarianinstitute.org/articles/the-necro-neologism-of-lethal-legal-experts/

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  • Posted by VetteGuy 2 years, 2 months ago
    I'm amazed at how often the left speaks in oxymorons. "Silence is Violence" always makes me chuckle. Apparently these people never heard the old 'sticks and stones'

    "Saying 'all lives matter' is racist" is another favorite.I'm sure you can all think of several more.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 1 month ago
      Oh, leftists love hurling their stones (from glass houses) and encouraging their thugs to beat people senseless with their sticks. And they take great umbrage in those emotional "harms" caused when people call them names even though they are the first to employ their use.

      I think this world is getting to an inflection point where these idiots are suddenly going to find themselves on the wrong end of millions of "ugly sticks." And they're going to have two choices - to renounce their idiocy or be banned from life.
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  • Posted by mhubb 2 years, 2 months ago
    We the People have been lied to for many years over many topics

    this covid mess and "green" energy are nothing more than ways to enrich a few at the expense of We the People
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  • Posted by term2 2 years, 1 month ago
    propaganda and manipulation works by going after the emotions of the recipient to make them disregard logic and make them "want"
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 1 month ago
    why does the word: enchantment literally contain CHANT. If you study this a bit, it is mind bending.

    Words are amazingly powerful.

    The QUALITY of your life is ROUGHLY the QUALITY of the QUESTIONS you ask yourself on a regular basis!
    [Those DARK CLOUD people you know... Always ask themselves variants of:
    - What else will go wrong
    - Why do these things always happen to me
    - Why can't I catch a break]

    Do you know why most children do not remember things below a certain age? It's because they have NO WORDS to explain them. When they experienced or felt... They could not "DESCRIBE" with words, what it was. Once we develop language, our memories become "researchable" (searchable). Any memory before we had words is incredibly hard to process... (Psychotropics aside).

    In fact, a theory I hold for why Psychotropics help so many people with addictions and disorders, is that they acquired them EITHER pre-language or the damage they need to heal, pre-language, such that the trip lets them see/feel/experience and contextualize things better to such a point that they actually laugh at the false fear, etc that is driving their behavior... Once that "demon" was experienced again, it's power is lost. Just a theory.
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    • Posted by term2 2 years, 1 month ago
      I think what you bring up is very profound. maybe thats why very disturbing things that happened when very young are hard to work through as adults, You cant just think about them, you have to just feel them again in order to deal with them.
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 1 month ago
        Absolutely my opinion! As an adult, your EGO gets in the way of you HONESTLY processing and interpreting what happened to you. You can't "TALK IT OUT", you must "WORK THROUGH THE FEELINGS". And I've personally witnessed people work through complex feelings, and watch CHRONIC PAIN just go away! (I also believe that PAIN/Discomfort (butterflies in the stomach) are the Physical Bodies way of communicating, since it cannot use words. It's why I trust my gut so much!)

        Imagine being a nursing baby. All kinds of positive brain feedback, and your abusive father smacks your mother while she is nursing you. She drops you, or lands on you, and severe PAIN.

        Now, there is a good chance of wiring up being in a good place with the FEAR of the other shoe dropping.

        Repeat this often enough, and you are certainly creating someone who will have a tough time "enjoying" life.

        Maybe this is why abused children tend to become abusers. What should have been LOVE/ATTENTION was WRONG... And that is wired in as what you to to show love? (Who knows, this gets deeper than I am willing to go)... But from a learning systems approach, ANY behavior, including destructive behaviors can be formed into habits!
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        • Posted by term2 2 years, 1 month ago
          Trying to "find" the memory of what happened when you were a child requires looking for some address flag like searching for something on the internet. If there is no word, how can you do it. Almost have to somehow get back into a feeling that you have been trying to escape from for a long time. No wonder its so hard.
          This is really profound.
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  • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 2 months ago
    All WAR (We Are Right) campaigns begin with words.
    The sociopath and narcissist can be identified through their word-actions. One of the most common is inference. Another is over-complication of syntax. Grew up with this as educational insight my whole life. 3 educators spanning 95 years experience. Seems natural to me, yet was all learned through continuing practice of language mastery.

    The only thing a human animal understands as an inhibitor is that of mortal threat. Remove the threat ,as in a barrier of well produced legality, and these malicious little creatures flourish. Present day politicians and attorneys are prime examples. Change definitions and syntax that were thought (operative we hoped) to be contextually consistent and the whole world went insane with primordial fight/flight syndrome.

    Excerpt from Quora, Meta-Mind; What Is The Human Mind....part 4 (The Human Paradigm)
    You'll have to scroll down as this is not separately published. sixth entry. https://metamind.quora.com/

    While having dinner with a friend, I showed him a picture I had taken in a gathering of folks supporting the US Border Patrol. People gathered because over the last 12 months, 2 million foreigners had crossed unhindered by law into the US. The government had changed the role of the Border Patrol from preventing mass incursions to enabling millions of illegal aliens to be distributed by bus and plane throughout the country. My friend was completely unaware that this was happening and tried to explain his ignorance by challenging my use of words like illegal, alien, migrant, and caravan. It was not the challenge that bothered me. It was the fact that information technology had failed him. In fact, information technology had been purposefully used to cause his ignorance and thus influence his behavior. It did so by censoring information messages and suborning his need to know.

    And then the "knowing" is released upon us in a rush. Well, how boutcha then?
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    • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 2 months ago
      In order to speak, we have to think. Free speech in a way is free thought. To censor speech, is to censor thought. To ban certain words, to change words and introduce euphemisms, this changes the way we think. That is why Postmodernists fiddle and tweedle with language. It is one way to change people's thinking.

      Political Correctness. That phrase is slipped off as meaning something like, not hurting people's feelings. But what it really does is force people who wish to follow it to think like a Democrat. It also implies that Democrats are correct and Republicans are wrong. It's a clever trick. Respect and use of language is indeed crucial to a healthy society. When the language gets polluted, so does the society. We are not speaking the same language anymore. The American Tower of Babel has been erected and smashed and we speak different political languages.

      I think, I see, that the right has a tendency to vote and go home. The left, on the other hand, has a tendency to vote and be constantly politically active all day long. The leftists have taken over the schools, media, universities and more, and they did it 60 or 70 years ago. Sneaking in the background, pushing leftism. Meanwhile, the right was just voting. Then came the plandemic, Zoom, parents noticing what was being taught in schools and WHAMMO. Revelation. Wake up call for the right. But it's hard to re-educate generations of students that have been taught the postmodernist game of intersectional identity politics. The right is fighting back but the leftists have gotten a gigantic head start. While we were sleeping they were burning the country down, quiet syllable by quiet syllable.
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      • Posted by 2 years, 2 months ago
        The labels are also misleading. Republicans in power are no better than Democrats because they both exist
        to amass power and wealth for themselves at the expense of the people. Both are statists; both are the modern
        day equivalent of Tories, monarchists, like the traitor Alexander Hamilton.
        Why do you think the scum destroyed the musical theater genre with a play dedicated to Hamilton?
        Why do you think the scum advanced rap, when it's sole purpose is to subliminally force people against each other?
        Virtually all forms of modern entertainment have been perverted.

        Yes, people who love their liberty and enjoy their lives just want to be left alone to
        enjoy the pursuit of happiness. People who have been brainwashed to feel (not
        think) that life is a tragedy that only improves when everyone is equally unhappy
        only pursue unhappiness. Being left alone is just constant depression. They must act
        to force others into equal misery.

        The least destructive solution is secession.
        Let the left burn down their cities. Let the left try to survive on solar energy.
        The union should have separated 162 years ago instead of going to war.
        But war is the health of the deep state. Lincoln and his non-competitive manufacturers
        and banksters had to have their genocidal war.
        We should learn from history and not repeat that mistake.
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        • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 2 months ago
          Yes I slip into the Right is right often, forgetting that they are all rotten. On a political quiz I lean Conservative. But that has nothing to do with Politicians.

          Passive secession. Meanwhile where there is rationality and order, preserve that and prepare for the hordes of starving people running out of the liberal cities like rats.
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      • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 2 months ago
        You express the current situational insight well. Now extrapolate back through the last 5 centuries, just for kicks.

        This is not a left/right, Dem/Rep, urban/rural problem. It is a human mind problem. Any "banner" used as an ad hominem identifier is separatist. Flag waving populism only suggests my opinion is "better" than another.

        To address actions in the physical and metaphysical is the only solution to the continuing human debacle. Billions are involved in pointing out proper/improper, equitable/inequitable behaviors, in their respective subjective perceptions, raising the noise level to a threshold never before experienced en masse. Where is the narrative of solution? Rand came closest with The Objectivist's Ethics. And that began with a question.

        Humans are so full of assertion and very little question, as to what we are as life forms, and then, creatures of thought and mind. Assumption is our metaphysical abstract bane. Bias toward each other is the result.

        Trust no one that you may not sit with face to face and have open, extended dialog. I've only had face to face contact with two members of this forum, over 8 years. I've had phone contact with another 8 or so. How do I know another without the timbre of voice or the non-verbal gestures that make us what we are? Words are powerful, guard them closer than you would the weapons of mass destruction.
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        • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 2 months ago
          Wow. Face to face cuts it to the quick. My instinct keeps going Republocrat vs. Demican. I'm getting a brain bend from this website. It's a good thing. I was inspired by AS and the Fountainhead 10 years ago. Then they made movies. Then recently on Youboob I watched John Galt's speech at the end and found the link to this forum that I missed. I tried it. Still like it.

          I still have trouble connecting radical, rational self-interest to a peaceful "equal" end. That's the residual liberal in me that everyone is born with. I hear people trash Objectivism by drive-by spraying it as nothing but pure Nazi Republican Selfishness. Why did the Republican party pick up that book, and get branded as it's supporters, and Democrats therefore assume that Objectivism is garbage? Neither of the two sides even understand the deeper meaning of the book.
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          • Posted by 2 years, 2 months ago
            The deeper meaning would mean their deaths.
            I think some do understand and fear it. Some get elected pretending to support it, and then they are corrupted and begin to understand.
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