Posted by net5000 11 years, 3 months ago to Economics
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The Looters are taxing at so many levels. Everything we buy. The components are taxed. The labor is taxed, the materials are taxed, the transportation is taxed. The sale is taxed. The Wholesaler is taxed. The Retailers are taxed. Buyers are taxed on the purchase. If the owner wants to sell it used, it gets taxed again. Our income is taxed, our property is taxed. Our estates are taxed. Water is taxed.

The Looters say that they are just our representatives. That is not representation of any kind. Who but a politician would steal at gun point and try to claim the victim gave permission to be robbed. With ObamaCare city, state, federal tax now amounts to 110% of the average household income of $50,080 a year. THE AVERAGE FAMILY will not have money for food, housing, clothing or transportation. The AVERAGE FAMILY has been mandated into starvation by the Looters. They have killed the chickens, slaughtered the milk cows and demanded the corn be used in fuel.

With all that said. you can prove it. Just add. Clearly the Looters at all the levels can't do the simple math. Each agency, each level of government just want their 3-20%, but when the ObamaCare Tax is added at $20,000 or 40% for the average family, $10,000 or 20% income tax, $6000 or 12% SS and employment, $5000 or 10% school and property, 7-8% sales tax... What is left to live on? But our "Representatives are earning $178,000/year and the President earns $400,000 a year. The average US household makes $50,080/year.

Just do the math.

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