What Russia just did is the financial equivalent of detonating a nuclear bomb.

Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 2 months ago to Economics
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It's Official! Russia Central bank Announces Ruble Bound to Gold! 5000 Rubles per Gram
27 MARCH 2022
HITS: 90544

(UPDATED 10:39 AM EDT SEE BOTTOM) The Central Bank of Russia has officially announced that, as of March 28, 2022, the Russian Ruble currency is BOUND to Gold. The rate is 5,000 Rubles per gram of gold bullion.

(NOTE: This story has been corrected to report "TROY" ounces as opposed to dry ounces, and the values recomputed to reflect there are more grams per TROY ounce than in a dry ounce.)

There are 32 grams in each TROY ounce. 32 grams times 5,000 rubles per Gram is 160,000 Rubles. Ya with me so far?

The conversion rate of Rubles to U.S. Dollars is 100 Rubles, 90 Kopecs, to each US Dollar.

If Rubles are bound to Gold at 5000 Rubles per gram, and there are 32 grams per TROY ounce, meaning one ounce of gold would cost 160,000 Rubles, then converting that to US Dollars means Gold is $1600 per ounce when using Rubles, instead of $1,928 per ounce using Dollars.

Russia just wiped out about thirty percent (30%) of the value of the US Dollar, worldwide, when it comes to Gold Bullion.

Worse, because Russia will only sell its oil and gas in Rubles, and Rubles are now fixed at 5,000 Rubles per gram, anyone wishing to buy Oil or Gas will need to either pay in Rubles or pay in Gold, and they won't get the US Dollar value for the gold they tender as payment!

People around the world will be literally THROWING their money at the Ruble and DUMPING Dollars and EUROS to do it.

What Russia just did is the financial equivalent of detonating a nuclear bomb.

FWIW, the last guy on this planet who tried to back a currency with Gold, was Muammar Quadaffi of Libya.

NATO went into Libya, bombed the shit out of it, until the people of Libya grabbed Quadaffi on the street, beat him bloody, and put a bullet in his head.

As of this hour, 10:39 PM EDT, I suspect Bankers all over the world are on the phones with each other and with heads of state, instructing them that what Russia has done will totally smash both the US Dollar and the EURO, and those Bankers will be telling the heads of State that World War 3 must commence immediately.

Let me explain why.

Today, the Russian Central Bank pegged Rubles to Gold.

Last week, Russia declared they would only sell OIL and GAS in . . . Rubles.

This means Russian OIL and GAS are pegged to Gold with Rubles as the proxy for Gold.

EFFECT: Europe (that needs Russian Gas and Oil) will now have to buy Rubles from Putin using Gold, or pay for the Oil and Gas with Gold itself.

Currently, the FOREX Rate for Rubles to Dollars is about 100:1

BUT . . . with 5,000 Rubles now equaling one gram of Gold, and oil being priced directly in Gold, we are going to see a MASSIVE price disruption in FOREX markets, in terms of how much Gold a Dollar can still buy.

Foreign countries holding our Dollar Debt Notes in Reserve, will see an immediate, and far less use for them and will want to start dumping them in favor of something more stable; something which holds its value.

Basically, any currency pegged to Gold will fit the bill. which means countries like that -- like Japan -- will start dumping their Dollar Debt as fast as they can -- they are NOT going to go down with the ship! They will move into more stable currencies, like . . . the Ruble.

This will have a DE-flationary effect on the Ruble, making it more valuable over time.

This also means Putin can re-peg the Ruble any time he wants, to like 500, or 50, or 10. IT just keeps getting more valuable for him.

The instant result is that all those foreign countries dumping their Dollar Reserves will cause all those excess Dollars to start coming home, triggering worse hyper-inflation than we already have now in the USA.

Is it any wonder why Biden was on stage last week calling for Regime change in Russia? He is about to have masses of angry and literally starving Americans marching through the streets here at home demanding answers.

UPDATE 10:39 AM EDT --

Russian President Vladimir Putin has made a public statement on video about what has taken place with binding the Ruble to Gold.

In that statement, he points out that Western Nations have simply STOLEN Russia's foreign currency reserves and Gold Bullion Reserves, and by doing so, worldwide trust in so-called "First-Class" safety of investing in the West, has been smashed.

He goes on to predict that people will now dump their holdings of Dollars and EUROS to safer investments like land, food, and raw materials.

Here is the video with English language caption:
SOURCE URL: https://mobile.twitter.com/WallStreetSilv/status/1508186316638457864?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1508186316638457864%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fhalturnerradioshow.com%2Findex.php%2Fen%2Fnews-page%2Fworld%2Fit-s-official-russia-central-bank-announced-ruble-bond-to-gold-5000-rubles-per-gram

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  • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 2 months ago
    Yes let's go Brandon. He can't play chess with Putin. Though, I believe this was done on purpose. Deep State wants to crush the dollar and break the USA's back. Not hard to do with spineless leaders. Biden announced food shortages. He wasn't kidding. Maybe Putin payed the Big Guy 30 bricks of gold to sell out the USA. At the same time Buy-Dem is talking about his 5.3 Trillion 2023 budget! What kind of misdirection is this? The dollar is being smashed and he's talking about printing more of it?!!
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  • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 2 months ago
    This, from the Communist News Network, for whatever it's worth:

    New York (CNN Business)The West is already crushing Russia's economy. Now a bipartisan group of lawmakers want to limit Vladimir Putin's access to Russia's mountain of gold.

    A bipartisan bill introduced this week aims to ramp up the financial pressure another notch by making it harder for Moscow to use gold to prop up the crashing ruble. Existing sanctions have not directly targeted the Central Bank of Russia's roughly $130 billion in gold reserves.
    "This would tighten the financial noose," Senator Angus King, an independent from Maine, told CNN in a phone interview.
    The bill, introduced by King, Texas Republican Senator John Cornyn, Tennessee Republican Bill Hagerty and New Hampshire Democrat Maggie Hassan, would impose secondary sanctions on any American entities that knowingly transact with or transport gold from Russia's central bank holdings. It would similarly penalize American entities that sell gold physically or electronically in Russia.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 2 months ago
    Thanks for the post, DOB.
    The USD has dropped about 9% against the Russian Ruble overnight, and has been dropping for the past 2 weeks, down 30% in the 2nd week of March.

    Well, big deal. It's just returning to mean after a big increase.
    In the 3 weeks before that, the USD was up 80% against the Ruble. The USD/RUB is still 20% higher than it was before Russia invaded Ukraine.

    The Ruble has been trending up against the USD for 10 years, up 200% as of before the Ukraine incident because the Russian economy has been improving while the US economy has been stagnant at best.
    I'm reserving judgement for now on the effect, if any, of Putin's announcement.

    The issue with converting to 'real assets' like land, as Putin says, for most people is the carrying costs - interest and taxes.
    As long as we have tyrants, they will continue to steal our assets from us, just as they have for the past 109 years.
    They must go.
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    • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 2 months ago
      1913? Taxes?
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      • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 2 months ago
        The Federal Reserve Act and 16th amendment (income taxes).
        1913 was a very bad year for liberty.
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        • Posted by 2 years, 2 months ago
          Just to continue a comment we were having somewhere FFA, my dad is 89 and literally has never touched a cell phone or computer. He retired in 1995 and has always refused any efforts to use e-mail he dosen’t Know anything about social media because he doesn’t want to.He actually doesn’t even use a calculator but is always tallying his div reins to the hundredths filled note pads withfigures and so forth, anyways. When his business partner was considering investing with him in his ChevCad Dealership, the man gave him a copy of Atlas Shrugged and told my dad
          I only invest with people who have read this book. Long story but he paid off the 10 year loan in 6 1/2 years.
          He is a Trump supporter. Yet he told me “I wish he didn’t do so many mean tweets”. I would love to have an Oz of gold for every time I’ve heard that from non leftists.
          It’s a clear example of brainwashing .

          Turns out: covid revealed the brainwashed on the left (also right, but more the left).
          Ukraine is revealing the brainwashed on the right.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 2 months ago
            The Iraq War II revealed the brainwashing of all who supported it - left, right, and center.
            Iraq War I was more like Ukraine, but Saddam was not justified where Putin has valid
            reason to act. Saddam was given 'permission' to invade to expand his power and wealth.
            Putin was given no choice; he was in a similar position as JFK was when USSR put
            missiles in Cuba, but Putin had way to blockade Ukraine.
            Invasion is not a good option, but after years attempting
            diplomacy with no result, it appears it was the only one left to Putin.
            Just as the Deep State wanted, I think.
            War is the health of the (Deep) State.
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            • Posted by 2 years, 2 months ago
              Yup There is another wildcard with Putin , I believe.
              I have no doubt the Russian Intelligence was providing crucial info to Putin. What it is I have no idea. But I do have a theory. The Deep State obviously was doing everything possible to get everyone Jabbed. The Covid was how they got the sheep to do it. With the biolabs in Ukraine, this action may very well have prevented another more deadly release. Also these Frankenlabs have been working on pathogens that target certain Ethnicities. How Ironic historically it would be for a white Nationalist to “save the world” at the same time the left have been demonizing “white folks”.
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    • Posted by 2 years, 2 months ago
      The issue with converting to real assets like land is carrying costs and taxes. The issue with money in the bank is you become a creditor to the insolvent institution, the statists will seize all of your money when it is convenient for them and inflation will devalue your balance as sure as the sun comes up. Line up the the central bankers and corrupt pols and spear them all like shishkobobs and slow burn the asshats as painfully as possible .
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  • Posted by 2 years, 2 months ago
    7+% move in USD/ RUB in the last 2 hrs. That is an absolutely huge move.
    Let’s Go Brandon!

    Jul 30, 2018 10:01:12 PM EDT
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