Afghan "refugees" coming to your town are more than likely Taliban sympathizers--

Posted by bubah1mau 2 years, 5 months ago to Politics
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--and very possibly Taliban warriors trying to get jobs or US government/aid-society handouts to help bail out Taliban until terrorist/suicide-mission directives arrive from bosses back home.

Taliban halts all evacuee flights from Afghanistan · American Wire News
Facebook Twitter Reddit LinkedIn Gab Sebastian Hughes, DCNF The Taliban has paused all evacuation flights out of Afghanistan due to a disagreement over who gets seats on […]
Biden administration (Homeland Security, etc.) in their rush to cancel traditional American culture likely won't vet and don't care who's who. All they see is numbers, and the more "refugees," the more Democrat aims are advanced.

Japan, on the other hand, has a carefully vetted refugee program--that has allowed only 488 Afghans to settle in Japan to date. Since the Taliban takeover and tougher border enforcement, a group of 54 Afghans were processed for settlement in October. Nearly all of these 54 had some specific claim to service for Japanese government or Japanese aid organizations operating in Afghanistan before the Taliban takeover. Many thousands of Afghan applicants trying to get to Japan were rejected outright, or put on indefinite "hold."

In rare move, Japan prepares to offer refuge to Afghans - Nikkei Asia
A C-2 transporter leaves the Air Self-Defense Force's Iruma Air Base on Aug. 23 to evacuate Japanese nationals and Afghan staffers from Afghanistan.

54 Afghans allowed into Japan for humanitarian reasons | The Japan Times
The Foreign Ministry has said that 54 Afghan nationals, mainly local staff members of the Japanese Embassy in Kabul and the Japan International Cooperation Agency, have arrived in Japan via Qatar ...
Japan accepted a total of 47 "refugees fleeing conflict" in 2020. While Europe and north America were accepting hundreds of thousands of largely unvetted Syrian refugees for permanent settlement, Japan allowed only a few thousand Syrians to enter Japan since 2017, and only as "exchange students" with limited time student visas that had specific stipulations to remain valid.

Obviously, Japan is a nation that values its culture. Why can't the US do likewise and severely vet and restrict those who warrant permanent settlement via refugee/asylum status?

Ask not what our country can do for them but, rather, what they can do for our country--and do for themselves without aid from our country and its citizens.

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