Proof Ayn Rand was right on target

Posted by $ nickursis 2 years, 7 months ago to Government
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13 RINO dirtbags just saddled us with another 1.7 trillion in fiat debt, BUT the real crime is the amnesty for 7 million illegals, the 450,000 for each illegal seperated, a 30% tax on naturals (an byden lied again and again, proving again he is a useless senile blob of spit), and then, as if not bad enough, 17 RINO senators voted for it. Grahm and Grassley, two "suposed Patriots" just proved the Patriot movement is just another lie. Me thinks they want revolution....the real kind of revolution. And, we may end up with the Marines and Special Forces with us, as the Marine Commandant is about ready to divorce themselves from the military over the jabberdoo...Time to start cleaning...
SOURCE URL: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/just-congress-passes-bidens-destructive-1-2-trillion-infrastructure-spending-package-help-13-republican-scumbags/

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