Whistle-blower Nurse Tells the Real Reason for Hospital Bed "Shortages"

Posted by $ katrinam41 2 years, 7 months ago to Ask the Gulch
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One more story the lamestream media won't cover. In one way, the higher-ups are right about the unvaxxed being the cause of bed shortages, but the reason takes an ax to their mighty tree of power grab. And the reason? You can't use beds when you have no staff to man them, and you can't have staff when you fire them for being unvaxxed. Hospitals tout their vax numbers, 95% for the Cleveland Clinic, for example. That's wonderful for their press, but says nothing about the ones who quit or were fired because of that unconstitutional mandate. I suspect those percentages would have looked a lot different before the rush to force vaxxing. The actual number of medical personnel lost because of it is very much higher than is being reported, and it should give people pause to realize that a goodly number of front-line workers are refusing the vax. What say ye?
SOURCE URL: https://www.westernjournal.com/nurse-whistleblower-debunks-leftist-lie-hospitals-beds-unvaccinated-patients/?ats_es=c9c2a9b5a3a211d7c7d3282ba242b6b5

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