The gaslighting of America (The federal government is still lying about everything.)

Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 7 months ago to Politics
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"I remember a comedy skit several years ago in which a woman comes home unexpectedly and finds her husband in bed with another woman. Shocked, she demands to know who the woman is and why her husband is doing this. The couple get out of bed and start getting dressed as the man says to his wife, "Honey, what are you talking about?" The wife, perplexed at the question, says, "I'm talking about that woman!" Meanwhile, the other woman, now fully dressed, heads for the door. The husband says, "What woman? Honey, are you feeling okay? There's no woman here." Feeling dazed and confused, the wife begins to question her own sanity.

That's a pretty good example of what the Biden administration is pulling on the psyche of the American people. What they're doing is not merely "spin," which has become SOP whenever a political party does a clever sales job on the public in order to keep certain facts from them. No, this is much more than shrewd marketing; this is blatantly lying in the public's face and telling them they're crazy if they believe their own eyes. When we look at videos showing thousands of migrants coming across our southern border with impunity, while Biden and his cohorts tell us they have the situation under control, we're being gaslighted.

When thousands of Americans and Afghan allies are abandoned to be tortured and killed by Taliban terrorists, while Biden's press secretary, Jen Psaki, tells us the war ended successfully, we're being told not to believe what we're seeing. President Trump made our country energy independent, only to have his success overturned by Biden on day one of Biden's presidency. That forced our country to once again be dependent on foreign oil. Biden said his action would help protect the environment. We scratch our heads and wonder how it makes sense to ship millions of barrels of oil on cargo ships from thousands of miles away, only to be used the same way it was used when it was processed here. Does foreign oil have less environmental effect than American oil?"

We need less laws that meddle and punish the people and small business, and more laws to restrict government meddling, restrict lobbying corruption, and punish corruption in government.

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 7 months ago
    Yeah honey, are you gonna believe me or those lying eyes of yours? I am so sick of these people it seems like they've been in office for years rather than a few months. A dear friend of mine, now dead, used to say, 'a liar is a thief'. Think about it!
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    • Posted by 2 years, 7 months ago
      "They" have been in office since 1963, imo. (Some in banking have been manipulating the fedgov since 1913.)
      "They" blocked Trump every time he wanted to do anything, and "They" likely were responsible for Hinckley shooting Reagan.
      No evidence, just my speculation based on ever spiraling downward results.
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  • Posted by $ katrinam41 2 years, 7 months ago
    I say we need less laws, period. We have one big document that should be enough to take care of problems and keep powers separated, but we also have little boys and girls who play with it and use it as toilet paper. Until we put the kiddies back in their playpen, we will never be able to winnow down the mountains of useless, redundant laws and clarify the rest. They've been building a house of crap-covered cards for decades.
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