Islam and Its White Slaves

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 2 years, 9 months ago to History
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The Forgotten Slave Trade: The White European Slaves of Islam, by Simon Webb (Pen and Sword History; 208 pp., $39.95).

In America, public discussion about slavery—when it doesn’t devolve into BLM activists burning cities or congressmen bending the knee—is premised on important but erroneous assumptions: only blacks have been enslaved; black slavery was racially motivated; discussion of the Atlantic slave trade as part of the larger history of human slavery minimizes white enslavement of blacks and is therefore racist; slavery under Islam—past and present—never happened. Simon Webb’s book is the latest addition to the growing number of books that expose the lie uniting these assumptions.

All Comments

  • Posted by rhfinle 2 years, 9 months ago
    One of the reason Russia hadn't progressed as far as the rest of Europe by the 1800's was, the Muslim Tatars had raided them every few years, for hundreds of years and taken away many of their children as slaves and sex slaves. If I were Russian, I would hunt down and exterminate every Muslim that lived. The Muslims have had White slaves since the 1700's and were the ones that instituted the Black slave trade out of Africa to begin with. Blacks who think that their American ancestors were the only slaves are (as one of them recently accused me of being, and I'll quote him:) "ignorant an' need a' eddycation."
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  • Posted by lrshultis 2 years, 9 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Although most all modern educated humans with any sense of empathy find slavery as extremely evil, one should recognize that we are all products of slavery. Slavery was so extensive that it affected nearly all future births due to different ovum-sperm interactions thus producing different humans than would have been born had slavery never occurred. So be thankful that slavery happens and be rational enough to recognize its evil and work to eliminate it from the face of the Earth.

    Those who believe they would exist had slavery not happened are mistaken and seem to be on guilt trip requiring reparations to quiet that guilt along with getting a atavistic pleasure about stealing from others.
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  • Posted by $ 2 years, 9 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Thank you, WDonway.
    Bits and pieces of that history are familiar to me.

    Interesting note, One of the reasons we have Intel about what is actually going on in Afghanistan come from the "Knights" [my add] of Non Profits dedicated to saving the Christians in the region from slaughter and slavery...historically, once again.
    It seems Islam has never changed, has never evolved a consciously introspective conscience.

    Last I read in the continued works of Julian Jaynes by Marcel Knutson is that 60% of the world has yet to attain any meaningful demonstration of conscious introspection.

    I am sure that most of that 60% reside in the worlds Kakistocracy's.
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  • Posted by WDonway 2 years, 9 months ago
    Emphatically true, OUC. For almost a century, Islamic raids into Europe broke against Poland and the invincible Polish knights. Repelled every time, the Islamists, mostly Turks, nevertheless, went home with male slaves for the galleys and female slaves for the harems. Only the wealthiest Polish families could afford to send a negotiator to Turkey to purchase freedom for their loved ones. In 1683, the Turks assembled a mighty army and besieged Vienna, the gateway to Europe. The great Polish patriot and military leader, Jan Sobieski, was the only European leader who responded. He consulted with the Pope to create a European Army ("swords about the cross"). Jan Sobieski and the Polish knights lifted the siege of Vienna in one day and then pursued the fleeing Turks for weeks, slaughtering them. It was a defeat that prevented Islam from attempting invasion of Europe for four centuries (until today, with the invasion of immigrants into the European welfare states and to demand Sharia law). Sobieski became King Jan III Sobieski, leader of the first commonwealth in Europe. Those galley slaves? Oddly, they already had been freed--once--in 1571, at the battle of Lepanto. One of the greatest and most inspiring poems in the English language is "Lepanto" by G.K. Chesterton. It tells the story of the Islamist (mostly Turkish) threat to Europe by sea. So desperate was the threat to West, that the Pope, again, called for "swords about the cross." The only ruler who responded was Don Juan of Austrian, actual a bastard, not even legitimate royalty. But what he did was magnificent. He marched to Spain. Manned a fleet supplied by the Pope via certain countries, and sailed. He encountered the huge Islamic fleet, rowed by despairing, agonized, tormented Christian slaves. Improbably, his fleet broke the Turkish line. In a bloody battle, deck to deck, he defeated the Islamist fleet. Axed open, from the holds poured and freed Christian galley slaves. To my mind, there is no more heart-stopped, pulse-racing poem in the language to top "Lepanto." "The last knight of Europe [Don Juan] took his weapons from the wall; who alone had heard the call; for swords about the cross... The last troubadour to whom the bird had sung, winging to the south, when all the world was young..." https://www.thesavvystreet.com/the-mo...
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  • Posted by lrshultis 2 years, 9 months ago in reply to this comment.
    And don't forget the many women and men trapped in slave like relationships and marriages. And the more acceptable, constitutionally outlawed involuntary servitude for fresh bodies for war which some law makers would like begin again as a draft.

    I and my late woman friend, who had been in a similar marriage, rescued a woman who had to marry at 15 the man who raped her to keep him out of prison. She was kept in line for his once a week sex for which she was punished if she moved. She was not permitted to learn to drive. She was kept too poor to leave due to only receiving room and board and an allowance of $8 for all her needs every two weeks. In her late twenties she would sneak to a cleaning job and for taking driving lessons. She finely couldn't take it any more and called to be picked up. It was below zero and we found her over mile from home walking the ten miles from my home. In the divorce her husband gave an itemized list of all the costs of keeping her during the marriage and wanted her to pay back to him his costs. After that the harassment began.

    There are more forms of slavery than with whips and chains. Slave relationships by the similarly melanated are fairly common.
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  • Posted by $ katrinam41 2 years, 9 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Indentured servants had to pay their debt over many years, and some never made it clear. My earliest known ancestor was kidnapped in Germany at age 9 and brought here as an Indentured servant. We assume he worked his way clear, but we don't know for sure due to his penchant for doing things as needed, back in the early 1720's. His folks may have sold him to keep the rest of the family together.
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  • Posted by Turfprint 2 years, 9 months ago
    It's never been about slavery, it's about politics. Those fat cats in Government have Been spinning truth in their direction for 75 years, maybe longer. BLM is about politics. Martin Luther King was about politics. Off shore political interests aligned with Left-wing interests more and more until it is or will be in near future Washington puppets of foreign interests.
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  • Posted by $ 2 years, 9 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Those "Lizardtoid's" do they come in a little metal box sold with all the other mints at the store?
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 9 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Still have time to edit but I respect you too much.
    Instead, right here let's not delete but substitute "fatheads" with "lizardtoid tyrants into Satanism, Marxism and pedophilia."
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 9 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Since I'm half Swedish, maybe me dino can be paid Irish slave reparations to live well there for the rest of my retirement. I'm 74 so I'm with the clock ticking is really not all that piggish for having really for really real worked.
    Do I really for really real want to go there just because I'm half-Swedish? Not really.
    It is because Sweden was and still is smart enough NOT to lock down their economy and just normally live on, suffering the same Covid casualties as the countries that let governments run by elite fatheads control their lives.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 9 months ago
    The principles espoused in the Declaration of Independence were revolutionary and should stand as the guiding principles for any free nation. (Now I would definitely add back in "property" to the guarantees there.) That some people refuse to admit that there were a minority of people in the early days of this nation who refused to acknowledge the principles of equality of all mankind therein is unquestioned. To apply that disavowal to the general populace is not only a grave disservice, but an affront - most especially to those who died securing the freedom of this nation and to those who fought to secure the integrity of this great nation. All such slanderers should be stripped of their US Citizenship and shipped off to whatever other foreign nation will take them.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 9 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Also, 10% of slave owners were Black, in the USA!
    Finally, less than 10% of Whites owned Slaves.

    So, to be clear... We need to punish 100% of ancestors of a 10% deep problem, that cannot be separated by color, because people of both colors owned slaves in this country.

    Here is my offer: Tell me what "WE" owe you in $$$. We will go to various countries around the world, and whoever ponies up that amount, will be able to swap with you. They can come here, and you can go there. NEVER TO RETURN, losing your citizenship, etc.

    This way, we are left with people who WANT to be here.

    BTW, here is how we should calculate ANY payment. We compare their standard of living today, to what they would have had if they stayed in their original country (easy to do).

    And if it's negative, they pay that amount... AND STILL LEAVE...

    But we don't live in a world where common sense makes sense...
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 9 months ago
    Me dino is a quarter Irish on my mother's side and I was even born on Saint Paddy's Day when I always magically become 100% Irish.
    I demand reparations from all you CRT white slavers and it all better come in sheets half-green. As for the gray sides, I live in the Deep South where black slaves were treated better!
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