Zoom Video Exposes Hospital Officials Discussing COVID-19 Scare Tactics, Be "Scary To The Public" And Inflate COVID Numbers, "If You Don’t Get Vaccinated, You Know You’re Going To Die"

Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 8 months ago to Politics
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"National File has obtained a recording of a Zoom video conference call between physicians and a marketing director at Novant Heath New Hanover Regional Medical Center, a group of 20 hospitals, clinics, and offices that treat patients in North Carolina and South Carolina.
In the recording, Mary Rudyk, MD tells Director of Marketing Carolyn Fisher and another hospital employee that she wants the hospitals to become more “scary to the public” by inflating the number of COVID-19 patients, and by using messaging that falsely tells individuals “If you don’t get vaccinated, you know you’re going to die.”
In the clip, Fisher seems confused by questions raised by Rudyk regarding how COVID-19 patients are counted. After Fisher explains this process, Rudyk asserts that the hospitals should become “scary” in their messaging about COVID-19, inflate their total number of COVID-19 patients by counting those who have recovered, and suggest that people will die without taking one of the controversial COVID-19 vaccines.

The video was obtained from an internal source at Novant Health, and was recorded earlier this week. The clip features three speakers: Rudyk, Fisher, and Shelbourn Stevens, president of who promises to speak with MacDonald about inflating the count of COVID-19 patients “offline.”"
SOURCE URL: https://nationalfile.com/doctor-wants-to-be-scary-to-the-public-and-inflate-covid-numbers-if-you-dont-get-vaccinated-you-know-youre-going-to-die/

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  • Posted by $ brightwriter 2 years, 8 months ago
    Same nonsense that occurred during the AIDS farce during the 1980s while I was in medical school. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1Q56... for the 1995 Bryan Ellison lecture exposing that scam (and Fauci!), which I uploaded a few years ago and is banned in Britain.
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 8 months ago
      Kudos, I was at MSU where Robert Root Bernstein rescinded HIS OWN book criticizing HIV as the cause of AIDS.

      Because, as he said privately, EVERY Government Agency called the University and THEM, and threatened to withdraw all funding for all of their current research in EVERY area, until he did.

      This was NOT the hill he was going to die on. A Lesson Learned. I was there as this happened.

      And in Africa EVERY Death was being recorded as an HIV/AIDS death, even without testing! (People DID NOT BELIEVE me that so many of the deaths were falsely attributed to HIV/AIDS). Even when a doctor left and said he and his colleagues were doing EXACTLY that (but not for nefarious reasons, but because it moved the family up on the WHO food priority list! Them testing MORAL HAZZARD???)

      Now, today, if people reviewed it. They would see the SCARY SIMILARITIES.

      President MBecky (sp?) was roundly criticized for literally NOTICING that the ABSOLUTE NUMBER of DEATHS were not high enough to believe they were all suddenly dying of AIDS. (Sound Familiar to ANYONE? EuroMomo).

      My final point is that AZT was killing people by destroying their immune systems, so the SYMPTOMATIC DEFINITION could be said "They Died of AIDS". Look it up. AZT was a cancer therapy that was PULLED for KILLING people by destroying their T-Cells/Immune system.

      You CANNOT make this shit up.

      And it COULD BE SAID (I have NO DIRECT PROOF), that all of these 20-40 something, unvaccinated deaths are ACTUALLY "partially Vaccinated"... Meaning, if you apply the fact that many people are getting vaccinated, and probably more dying than we are told. (and you have to live at least 14 days after your SECOND dose to be called Vaccinated up on death.). MEANING: If you take the first, or the first and second dose. And die before 14 days. YOU ARE COUNTED as an UNVACCINATED Death. Then the number of people dying from the DELTA Variant makes sense. Because it's the vaccine that is killing them. AND, BTW, if you do a PCR test, you find the VERY spike proteins from the VACCINE, so it CONFIRMS a COVID case. LMAO.

      Again, you cannot make this shit up. We are not witnessing a repeat of history. We are watching a HUMAN VIRUS (Globalists) learn how to kill us off and get away with it! Pay attention folks.
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      • Posted by $ brightwriter 2 years, 8 months ago
        Harassed by organized medicine, which in my cynical moments I refer to as the Medically Organized Relying On Nonsense for the algorithm? Been there myself. See for example Maine medical board complaint CR10-206, issued to me and defended with some difficulty (albeit successfully) when I tried to use conservative/libertarian principles to develop a protocol for treating and reforming repentant pedophiles. That complaint is on record and the media cannot deny its existence. Also, I have a psychiatrist report saying that I am fit to practice medicine with no mental-health diagnosis, such report issued by the psychiatrist who was the consultant to the Florida Board of Medicine, and an official transcript of that consultant's testimony before the Board saying I was afflicted with a disorder and required oversight for that reason. See http://www.harshman.name/brightwriter... for my [advertisement for] pedophile protocol. (And no, I am not a recovered pedophile. I chose that title so that a troubled person who reads my material is gently guided into thinking of being an ex-pedophile not a current one. A gentle mental-health manipulative trick.)
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        • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 8 months ago
          Nice Job. Identity is powerful.
          It's why I disagree with someone ALWAYS being an alcoholic. It's good enough to avoid drinking because "I Used to be addicted to Alcohol".

          Personally, I "used to be addicted to process processed foods and soda!" (I have to avoid them now...)
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  • Posted by Ben_C 2 years, 8 months ago
    My take on the article is that it is the administration of the hospital, not the front line doctors that are the problem. Most of my medical friends are done with hospital and insurance administrators. My MD friends are treated as cash cows by management and are told what will be done with patient care. The above article fits perfectly the democrats narrative. Wonder what perks the scare mongers got for their statements?
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    • Posted by 2 years, 8 months ago
      Speculation ...
      (a) since many of the covid "cases" now are people who have been vaxxed, and
      (b)iirc, there is a higher profit (government bonus) to hospitals for treating covid "cases" ,

      more vaxxed people would create more covid "cases" and that would be more profitable.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 8 months ago
    If I was the Director of Medical Records of some of these hospitals, I'd be collecting copies of charts that had been altered and I'd raise so much of a stink their certification would go down the sewer!
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 2 years, 8 months ago
    I've been in meetings like this, I was also in meetings where it was discussed that parents who question forced vaccination are "dangerous" people and you need to be careful of them. I've seen the s*&t firsthand. These people are psychopaths.
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  • Posted by Spiderwilliams 2 years, 8 months ago
    Look at the AHA (American Hospital Association website. Fast check on the site statistics on total number of people admitted to hospitals nationwide in 2020. Then separately do so for 2019 and compare. I looked up both 2 different times in the same day and got slightly different numbers. Remember in 2020 there were more people and more hospitals. The numbers were only slightly different separated by about 150,000. In both years over 36 million were admitted. One search showed fewer in 2020 than in 2019. Let me know if you can find this data anywhere else. I spent 3 hours just getting this.
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