Biden Amused By CBS Poll Finding A Majority Of Americans Think He's Incompetent.

Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 9 months ago to News
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The title in the link says he "laughed off" the poll but me dino clearly saw him laughing as the video started.
Appearing amused, our Bumbling Bungler In Chief just said "I haven't seen that one."
Should Mr. Happy be replaced by Harris, we all know how she would respond to such a Communist Broadcasting Systems poll about her~~"HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Later found this in my email~~https://www.breitbart.com/politics/20...
The photo for the article made me think of one of OUC's memes. The meme looked the same save for the words "TOTAL LOSER" contained by a circle superimposed on Biden's back.
SOURCE URL: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2021/08/23/biden-laughs-off-poll-that-found-a-majority-of-americans-think-hes-incompetent-n1472007?newsletterad=&bcid=d68f76e96977d7d4ffa0c4060b460006&recip=21068261

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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 2 years, 9 months ago
    Perhaps he no longer understands what incompetent means?
    Then again, perhaps he's extremely competent in his role to deconstruct and destroy this nation?
    Then again again, how competent does a sock puppet need be more than the arm reach up through his ass to move his mouth?
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    • Posted by $ 2 years, 9 months ago
      Since his election, twice (maybe thrice) me dino heard O'Biden say, "I don't want to get into trouble" over something he said.
      Anyone with a grain of sense knows this particular top official of the United States is more worried about answering to someone(s) behind the curtain than "We The People."
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    • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 9 months ago
      That's kind of a whole part of the "insufficient faculties" part of things.

      Biden is a tool, more specifically a scapegoat. He's not mentally fit which is perfect for the leftists in charge because then when things go wrong they can blame it on a mentally incapable individual even though they know it is a result of the policies themselves.
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      • Posted by Exitstageright 2 years, 9 months ago
        Why Joe Biden can't resign,
        be removed — or die
        By Clayton Spann
        American Thinker
        August 20, 2021

        In the wake of the Afghanistan debacle, demands have arisen in Congress for President Biden to resign or to be removed via the 25th Amendment. Elements of the formerly pro-Biden media have joined in the condemnation.
        Many silent Democrat officeholders likely want Biden out, as they fear that the systemic incompetence of his administration will bring them down come 2022.
        But Joe cannot resign or be fired. The Democrat high command will not let either happen, no matter the short-term political cost.
        On the surface, that makes little sense. Joe's resignation or removal would not alter Democrat control of the presidency and Congress. If Joe leaves, Kamala Harris becomes president. She is incompetent, too, but no more so than Joe, and is on board with the administration's radical agenda.

        So. Why can't Joe quit the office or be removed?
        Article I, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution states: " The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided." The current Senate is equally divided with 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans.
        As soon as Kamala Harris takes the presidential oath, the vice presidency is left vacant. In that case, a tie vote means that the legislation, resolution, or confirmation under consideration fails.
        A Senate chamber without a vice president puts Mitch McConnell in the catbird seat. He can kill all Democrat initiatives, including any nomination to refill the vice presidency.
        The Democrat agenda goes up in smoke. The 3.5-trillion-dollar budget reconciliation bill is blocked. The For the People bill is blocked. The Green New Deal is blocked. Packing the Supreme Court is dead. As is any attempt to scuttle the filibuster or grab guns.
        Therefore, the Democrats will keep Joe in office. Even if he's reduced to talking gibberish and eating Jell-O. Kamala also stays where she is, and the Democrat dream of fundamental transformation remains alive.
        OK. But what if Joe Biden dies? This 78-year-old man is certainly at risk. When Joe was three decades younger, in 1988, he suffered two brain aneurysms. Doctors at the time gave him a 50-50 chance of surviving.
        "He's not a healthy guy," said Dr. David Scheiner in 2020. Dr. Scheiner was concerned about Biden's potential for a stroke. Biden receives treatment for an irregular heartbeat and high cholesterol. Joe has also undergone surgeries for gallbladder and partial prostate removal, and on his sinus and nasal passages to treat sleep apnea.
        If Joe dies, Kamala automatically vacates the vice presidency. The Democrats again face the throttling of their agenda. Mitch again rules.
        The Democrat high command are not stupid. Indeed, as they proved during the last presidential election, they are quite willing to do whatever needs to be done. We must assume they have contingency plans in place.
        If Joe were to expire while addressing the United Nations or during a live press conference, that would be one thing. His death must be acknowledged and the consequences accepted.
        If Joe passes while out of sight of the public, that is something else. The something else would probably go like this:
        His body is secretly transported to Camp David or the family compound in Delaware. His sudden disappearance is explained by announcing that an assassination plot (by Islamic terrorists, or better, by white supremacists) has just been discovered. The president will remain at an undisclosed location until the threat is neutralized.
        Biden's existence and whereabouts can be easily faked, so the pretense could be kept up a while. Also remember that a president need not actually sign a bill for it to become law (if Congress remains in session ten days after passage).
        With Joe presumably alive and Kamala able to break Senate tie votes, the Democrats have a window of about sixteen months to enact their agenda. Only recalcitrants Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema stand in the way. The party that plays the hardest ball ever seen will go to work hard on those two.
        The window ends Jan. 3, 2023, when the new Congress convenes. Almost certainly the GOP will control the next House, and the Republicans stand an increasingly good chance to take back the Senate. If not passed, the Democrat agenda is truly dead as of that date.
        While the window remains open, Joseph Robinette Biden must remain president. Whether he serves honorably or dishonorably, whether coherently or incoherently, whether alive or dead.
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        • Posted by Lucky 2 years, 9 months ago
          Now that is an enthralling concept, what an opportunity for Hollywood!

          Joe and various doubles are now being videoed and recorded in settings with fake locations and seasons. Popular figures in the same vids are made up to look older by 6 to 18 months. Signing docs should not be problem, a few stand-ins are being trained for that.
          He can be shown as you say departing for a secure location, and in a wheelchair, in a hospital setting, in front of sunny beaches or windy hilltops. All taken now and spiced in.
          There is probably some movie with the same tho' I cannot place it at the moment.

          Would it change anything? No, my view is that there is no-one at home right now.
          Ha.. it could have happened a month ago.
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        • Posted by bubah1mau 2 years, 9 months ago
          I'm by no means a Constitutional expert, but I believe that when the VP assumes the presidency, the new president can appoint anyone with the qualification that the appointee must be approved by a majority in both houses.

          In the present case where the senate is divided 50-50, but the house would likely approve Harris's appointee, Harris would be allowed to break the tie and confirm her own appointee.

          Correct me if I'm wrong.
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          • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 9 months ago
            I don't think one is allowed to participat in the process in which one is a nominee. That would allow Senators being nominated to a position on the Supreme Court a vote on themselves.
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        • Posted by $ katrinam41 2 years, 9 months ago
          Watching today's special report (8-24) as Biden stood motionless and emotionless reading his teleprompter, I wonder what they have him on to keep him visible. Is it a double or an android? You're painting a very convincing scenario, Exitstageright.
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        • Posted by $ 2 years, 9 months ago
          Very enlightening, Existageright. Thank you very much for this.
          It would be very much like the cheating Democrats to hide Biden's pickled corpse someplace.
          As for my low opinion of BETTER SAY DOCTOR Jill Biden, me dino thinks she would very much enjoy continuing her stay in the White House as the First Lady.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 9 months ago
    Well, he can laugh now but he'll cry later. None of this is humourus. And Ms Harris will laugh out of the other side of her face before this all settles. Biden can't help it, he is hopelessly senile and has dementia. Harris is simply a wicked person. I cannot understand why Mrs. Biden continues to put up with this farce. I wouldn't have let my husband be so exploited. Is being First Lady that important to her?
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    • Posted by $ 2 years, 9 months ago
      Quid Pro Quo Joe is an old crook swamp dwelling career politician who would have been better off~and so would have We The People!~by retiring and living off the millions son Hunter helped him sleaze.
      IMO, ya better say DOCTOR Jill DOES THINK being First Lady is THAT important and is foremost among Biden's puppeteers who are all guilty of elder abuse.
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  • Posted by term2 2 years, 9 months ago
    I am so DONE with our present government. I thin wits a good thing they are so incompetent. Perhaps the leftist idiots will get tired of the build back worse philosohy of Biden
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  • Posted by $ Suzanne43 2 years, 9 months ago
    He said, "I haven't heard that one." Probably because he doesn't remember hearing it. He thinks that he can hang on because the American people have short memories (like he does) and will forget about the mess that he has made. Well, I don't think so.
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    • Posted by $ 2 years, 9 months ago
      Should he get thousands of Americans killed in Afghanistan after that Aug. 31st deadline, Slow Joe will say the Taliban did it.
      Should the Taliban opt to take hostages, it will still be the Taliban's fault.
      If he is not as yet impeached, Joe will pay whatever extortion the Taliban demands and tell us all to be happy that he got Americans out of Afghanistan~the ones who manage not to get killed, that is.
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  • Posted by Exitstageright 2 years, 9 months ago
    Poor ole Joe. He looks plum “bushed”.


    Agent points way. Biden says yep, thats a bush and keeps walking. Guess he thot it was a test.
    Agent is like, wtf?
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    • Posted by $ 2 years, 9 months ago
      Boopie just wanted to follow that Secret Service man. Why follow directions?
      Reminds me now an old dino of a stray dog that followed me home and my parents let me keep.
      I'd tell it to go home when it followed me to school on my bike, but it would follow me anyway and follow me back home when school was out.
      Once I told it not to jump off a lake's dock just after I spotted a gator nearby. It jumped anyway.
      I may have saved its life by slapping a boat paddle against the water until the dog decided it felt like dog-paddling back to shore.
      But maybe that gator just wasn't hungry . . .
      Somehow that dog died of old age. Wonders never cease.
      Oh, yeah, it became senile just like Boopie.
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 9 months ago
    Harris will be an entertaining court jester. She was the first out of the primaries because nobody likes her. The only reason she is VP is because the far left Tied Biden down and forced him to pick a Non-White Female. Those are her qualifications, period.
    If we actually end up with President Diversity Hire, it will be the best clown show up until this point. I guarantee she will have a Taiwanese crisis. And completely bungle it up. Sucks to be Taiwan right now. One of the largest chip manufacturers, TSMC is chartering all available containers and fleeing the country as we speak.
    Gonna be a rough decade.
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  • Posted by shaifferg 2 years, 9 months ago
    Checkout Biblical Citizenship for a Modern America
    8 week class starting Aug 30 6:00 pm MST via Zoom. Realize the Bible connection may turn many off but there is important history here and may help restore the Republic.
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