going galt, a journey

Posted by xau 2 years, 11 months ago to Going Galt
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Just landed.

In the outside world, I have promoted fiscal discipline and sound monetary policy in a belief that if government finances can be made sustainable, everything else can be managed. Monetary policy may ultimately have a greater impact due to how it erodes purchasing power, increases the wealth gap and fuels populism, but monetary policy is ultimately a reflection of fiscal policy.

My otherwise natural optimism was shattered when I read John Cogan's 'The High Cost of Good Intentions: a History of U.S. Federal Entitlement Programs". Of course I have known US finances are and have been on an unsustainable course; what was demoralizing, though, to more fully appreciate the dynamics. Until then, I knew in the abstract where things may be heading, with humility on timing given the talented can kickers in government. Illuminating was Cogan's discussion of how Madison's reading of the Constitution has been trampled, shaking my belief that if we only foster strong institutions, we can get through this.

What to do? I appreciate this virtual Gulch, and I look forward to potentially connecting with some inspirational people, but not for the sake of escaping mentally, but to build a real Gulch. At least for me, this is a journey - rather than vanishing, it is a place to spend an increasing amount of time. I have done just that. My Gulch is a 100 acre property where I can hone many skills with manual labor, fixing machinery, automation and increasing efficiency of the irrigation, etc.

To get to my mini Gulch, I often fly in my Cessna to a nearby airport. So I gather that qualifies as a Gulch. Except that I couldn't stop there and have been working on a helicopter rating. You get the idea.

However, to me, this mostly a proof of concept. That's in part because this mini Gulch is still in the US. I've actively been chewing on setting up a more nomadic lifestyle, spending a few months a year in different places. And that's part of why I'm reaching out to this group, for inspiration of places to consider. It doesn't necessarily need to be a ranch - different locations might call for different type of engagement.

I have a few years to plan this out, actively working to increase my options as I see dark clouds on the geo-political space. Call it diversification. I'm not the person to buy spam to collect in the basement. No, I plan to enjoy the journey, have some serious fun along the way. I intend to continue working for quite a few years, so my nomadic lifestyle will factor in not just idealism, but also practicalities - in part because of years of planning, I am in the incredible fortunate situation that I have more options than many. I have several ideas, but would welcome your input as I execute a vision that is quite consistent with the Gulch.

As indicated, I just landed in this Gulch; I trust others have discussed locations to consider; indeed, I am aware of several. What I am looking for is input/inspiration to execute a grand vision, not merely an escape hatch.

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