More on Dr. Death...chronlogical exploits and statements by none other than Dr Fauci.

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 2 years, 12 months ago to History
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Here is the timeline:

"After much deliberation, I have decided to make this post as “a-political” as possible and simply lay forth the facts as we now know them to be as they pertain to Dr. Anthony Fauci."

"Again, as the daughter of a world-renowned infectious disease specialist who lead international, tropical and microbiology divisions at Yale, CDC and NIH, I am extremely familiar with the mindset and ethos of high-level epidemiologists and can confirm that every decision and action they take is unequivocally evidence-based and data supported — even when phylogenetic analyses and whole-genome sequencing are relatively unknown.
Fauci failed to adhere to these ethos from the outset of this pandemic."

Here is the most damning of all in my observation:
"January 31, 2020: Fauci sends Science Magazine article to Sir Jeremy Farrar, Britain global health charity and Kristian Andersen, Scripps Research Lab, warning coronavirus genomes may have been “genetically engineered” for Covid-19. Anderson confirms that he and others “all find the unusual features of the genome inconsistent with expectations from an evolutionary theory.” Fauci says nothing to Trump Administration officials, nor warns the general public, but is concerned enough to forward the email chain – along with a link to a Zero Hedge article claiming Covid-19 is a bioweapon – to his boss, Dr. Francis Collins, NIH Director, with the immediate request to discuss the same via telephone. "

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  • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 12 months ago
    It still bothers me that these people keep claiming all thenearly 4 million deaths are due to the virus.
    With the virus, I might believe if the testing had been honest, but it wasn't.
    Everyone who died regardless of previous health problems was said to have died of covid.
    That is rubbish.
    Almost all the people who died were already afflicted with ill health and that is what killed them.
    Virtually nothing published (by government, mainstream media, and big tech) about covid has been true.
    Virtually everything published about covid has been designed to cause great fear and dependence.
    Now it is being done to get people who are healthy to take an experimental drug that could be worse
    for their health than the virus - for no reason except to make the Pharma industry more wealthy and powerful.
    That is the "industry" that paid off con-gress to pass legislation that protects the "industry" from the effects of their products on innocent people.
    This is treason on the part of the government, and possibly genocide on the part of those controlling Pharma companies.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 12 months ago
      +1 for that!

      "Virtually nothing published (by government, mainstream media, and big tech) about covid has been true." Agreed. A statement like this should be hard to accept under normal circumstances, but it is becoming much easier as more information reveals we are not under normal circumstances. [Defining "normal circumstances" = rational thought and scientific method is driving the narrative] It's worse than the man made climate change religion.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 12 months ago
        The acceptance of 9-11 and climate change were the preliminary tests of irrational thought. Since they were accepted by so many the deep state had a green light to a plandemic. IMO.
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