Boycott Baseball. MLB Shows Their Holier-Than-Thou Hypocrisy Moving Game From Atlanta to Buy-dem-ville, Yet MLB Has Training Camps in Communist China.

Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 1 month ago to Politics
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"Abrams's response is just the tip of the iceberg of the hypocrisy and contradictions seen from this MLB maneuver — stiffing black-owned American small businesses just emerging from a pandemic to protest a U.S. law they are perfectly free to campaign for to change otherwise through elections, or else playing the ball game without politics and drawing a big audience. Which is it for them? And by the way, how many of their baseball players are American citizens?

Unlike Abrams, they chose, and chose poorly, because what they chose will probably have some consequences for the MLB organization, given its nuclear level of hypocrisy.

Here's another piece of hypocrisy: will MLB now move its All-Star Game to Delaware, Joe Biden's home state, where, unlike Georgia now, there is no early voting at all? Will they stop advertising and selling merchandise in that state? Or New York, or New Jersey, which also don't have early voting as they now do in Georgia? These MLB virtue-signalers would be hypocrites if they didn't.

Here's the big one: MLB made a big deal about its move out of Georgia being a human rights issue, and them being all concerned about human rights, you see.

Can they explain for us why they recently held a ball game in brutal totalitarian military dictatorship of Cuba? A place Cuban ball players flee from to freedom, which in some cases includes MLB salaries made possible only by living in a free, democratic society that exists already? They aren't fleeing to a hellhole, which is what MLB is now claiming about Georgia.

Can they explain to us why they hold a training camp in China, home of the Uighur slave-labor laogai and the broken-treaty de-democratization of Hong Kong? You'd think an organization that concerned about voting rights that willing to disrupt its own business and make itself politically unpopular in Georgia in the interest of virtue-signaling on voting might just take an interest in voting and transparency practices over in communist China.

These things to them are fine, but Georgia is an affront to their delicate democratic sensibilities."
SOURCE URL: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2021/04/so_mlb_is_fine_with_ball_games_in_cuba_and_training_in_china_but_georgia_is_the_humanrights_problem.html

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