Behind The SARS-CoV-2 Origination Backstory? All Roads Lead to "Stop Trump"

Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 12 months ago to Politics
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"As the discussion surrounding the release of emails from Anthony Fauci ripples through the media, we should all consider carefully the consequential ramifications of the discussion upon our nation. At the heart of the current debate is a question about whether the SARS-CoV-2 virus originated from a bio research lab in Wuhan China. An article in Vanity Fair magazine provides some stark background to contemplate:

[Excerpt] – […] In one State Department meeting, officials seeking to demand transparency from the Chinese government say they were explicitly told by colleagues not to explore the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s gain-of-function research, because it would bring unwelcome attention to U.S. government funding of it.

Nothing happens in a vacuum and as we have noted within these pages for years if you follow the sequence and timeline you get a better picture of what is really going on. Consider this sequence:

-A once beloved Bill Gates, the primary advocate for COVID vaccines, suddenly became a target by the political left. It was quite a shift.
-The White House announces their support of investigation into the origin of COVID-19.
-Media report on State Dept investigators who were handcuffed during their research into the COVID origination.
-Suddenly discussion of the “Lab Leak Theory” was permitted by those who control the platforms of speech.
-Media then report of Anthony Fauci gaining a lucrative book deal.
-Joe Biden gives a speech in Oklahoma on Tuesday; and immediately thereafter the White House announces no more public appearances for the remainder of the week.
-The Fauci emails are released under the auspices of a FOIA fulfillment.

That brings us to a key question: Why would the Deep State release these emails, instead of just hiding them?

You will remember the Carter Page FISA application was also released under the guise of a FOIA fulfillment. On July 21, 2018, the Mueller team (led by Andrew Weissmann) released the Page FISA application, the first release of a FISA application in history. The motive was to hide/bury the much larger issue of President Obama’s administration using the Intelligence Community to conduct surveillance on their political opponents.

Everyone jumped on the stories around the FISA release, and few people paused to ask why this “Top Secret” Title-1 Search and surveillance authorization document was released in the first place? Requesting the public release of such a top secret document would have been the easiest FOIA request to deny… but the DOJ choose to release it.

The Mueller/Weissmann motive was simple: they needed to cloud the bigger issue of surveillance of a political campaign (they also knew SSCI Security Officer James Wolfe had already leaked it to the media on March 17th of 2017).

Everyone was excited to read and discuss the content of the FISA application and exhaust thousands of column inches on the discussion as people took sides based on the DOJ/FBI justification for the FISA itself.

The Weissmann release had the intended effect… people stopped debating whether President Obama was conducting political surveillance on behalf of Hillary Clinton and their political alignment. THAT debate was a much bigger issue that just disappeared with the emergence of the FISA application.

The release of these Fauci emails has an almost identical smell, which would indicate there is a much bigger story in the background that this release is intended to dilute.

Perhaps the bigger story is the creation of the virus; perhaps the bigger story is an intentional release of a manufactured virus; or perhaps the bigger story is the manipulation of the virus -the creation of a fraudulent narrative- to achieve political goals. Against the backdrop of “never letting a crisis go to waste”, the latter seems much more likely.

The origination of SARS-CoV-2 (natural or lab leak) becomes a moot point. What matters is how the operatives in the U.S. sought to take advantage of the crisis the COVID outbreak provided. The timing of the steps they took to take advantage of the opportunity also align with the outbreak. Even the selection of Joe Biden as the front-man beneficiary just before Super-Tuesday 2020 fits into the opportunity timeline. The COVID-19 outbreak became a tool to achieve a variety of objectives:

• The stalling of a fantastic economy that was benefiting every American voter.

• Deployment of mail-in ballots that can be used and manipulated to achieve fraudulent results.

• Controls over presidential debates to avoid a weak candidate being exposed or confronted.

• The deployed ‘excuse‘ for a very visible lack of voter enthusiasm for the puppet (Biden).

In short, without COVID as a tool the manipulated election outcome is more difficult. The ‘never let a crisis go to waste‘ strategy includes the necessary precursor of a crisis. Everything downstream was manipulated political opportunity. All roads lead to “stop Trump.”

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  • Posted by 2 years, 12 months ago
    Yes, as many in the Gulch have suspected, the entire covid plandemic was done to prevent Trump's re-election.
    Thousands died as a result. Murder.
    The election was stolen as a result. Treason.

    One more question: If it was all the fault of the Chinese hacking the voting machines, and the Democratic Party is innocent, then why have the Democrats been blocking every attempt to investigate the details of the election?
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    • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 12 months ago
      Q post #4687 9/13/2020
      Sep 13, 2020 2:25:02 PM EDT
      Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 648bc4 No. 10632166
      Who benefits the most?
      VIRUS or election?
      Lab or nature?
      Coincidence or foreknowledge?
      Difficult truths.

      That they hate Trump means they hate US. This ain’t over yet. “Uncivil War” is irregular warfare. The first arrests will shock the world. Durham is an enigma. Maxwell is as well. Audits. Push back puts the demons on the defensive.
      Oh and Hunter has a treasure trove of self incriminating evidence it seems as way more will drip out
      To your Question. The answer is infiltration from within. The Deep State is a small world wide group a luciferian Globalist pee doh files looking for a one world Technocracy.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 12 months ago
    Doncha just love the way Trump gets blamed for everything that happens and Biden skates on his obvious cheating, lying, bribery, and the Dems blame it all on his lack of memory and forgetfulness! Are we supposed to continue with this for the next 3 years?
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  • Posted by $ BobCat 2 years, 12 months ago
    Remembering that the left always has a reason behind their moves. Fauxi is now dispensable, so watch for him take the fall, or take a fall. Before he “ disappears “ it would be nice to hear him squeal his heart out and reveal names (and I use that term loosely, for we all know he lacks both a heart and soul).

    But as usual, we can expect some other distraction to change the narrative.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 12 months ago
    I think when the real 'End Game' is outed some people are going to go into hiding! This Covid cover up is the most despicable thing we have every encountered. It is unbelievable. Biden's whining for us to get vaccinated is scarey!
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