Mom fights back at school board meeting against the commies.

Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 12 months ago to History
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We’re not gonna take it. No ....we’re not gonna take it . We’re not gonna take it anymore.

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 2 years, 12 months ago
    I watched that whole clip. Was just down in that area last week, playing on the beautiful beach. This lady has an excellent point.

    My his high school geography class in California the teacher has been recruiting for antifa. She tells the kids that if you disagree with somebody you can destroy their property to "get their attention". She teaches that if somebody says something you don't agree with that constitutes a violent attack and you can attack them. This is very scary shit, my friends. At my son's school they are forming a group of kids to report on the other kids. These educators are clearly Marxists. Jokingly, I told my son to join the new brownshirts group and see what he learns. We actually laugh about it. I also said to tell the geography teacher that he's gay. That really helps. This is crazy, crazy stuff. These people are completely out of control. The funny thing is that, like this lady, I'm not intimidated one bit by "educators". These people don't know how to balance a check book. I'll walk straight in before class starts, stick my finger in a teachers grille, and call them on what they said the day before. But, at this point I'm just trying to transition to a more Gulch-like lifestyle.

    California is going to burn from all this. It's inevitable. Everybody I know with kids has left or is leaving. We're going to another "goodbye" party tonight for a family. I'm trying to pull my wife out of this hell hole. It's like that Robben William's movie, "What Dreams May Come". Scary...
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 12 months ago
    Oh! I like this girl! The very reason all our city councilmembers duck under their desk when I show up at a meeting. Been their conscience for 45 years! They immediately go into Executive Session. All I have to do is say, 'Hello!' They address me as Ma'am!
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  • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 12 months ago
    I finally had a chance to watch this video! Thank you, Dobrien, for putting it up. That awesome lady is an American hero. She has a strong grip on what's right and wrong and isn't afraid to say so. She knows what's really ailing our society and correctly identifies the brain washing of the nations youth in the schools is a prime culprit. I noticed how fast the board member shut up when she waved "proof" in the air. I also noticed when they offered her a closed door session and she'd have none of that and insisted on public discourse. Good for her! That's called TRANSPARENCY for those lefties who don't understand the term.

    Edit add: It's a tough battle. I just got an email from Amazon Prime (Yes, I have to use it from time to time) asking me to support their effort to support the LGBT..whatever "community". Presumably so more mentally ill guys can show their dicks to little kids like the meme above.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 12 months ago
    By the way. We have term limits on our city council members! They tried once to put in zoning. I was recruited by some dissidents to undo the election. It was easy. They didn't publish the notice calling the election in English and Spanish! District Judge threw out the election.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 12 months ago
    One of our eager young police officers issued a $400 Noise Ordinance Violation (barking dog) to my good friend. She was the first Hispanic woman elected to the City Council. The dog barked when the officer shined his flashlight in the dog's face after 10 p.m. I was so happy. I took her before the City Judge. Actually that evening there were 2 judges (one was in training). It so happened he was a former City Council Member who served with me (I was the first lady elected in the city's 100 year history. When we walked in together, he stood up and reached for my hand so he could kiss it. Such a sweet boy. I informed the 2 Judges that the dog was trained to bark if someone shined a light in his face no matter what the time. It was my theory the officer provoked the doggie! The Judges threw out the Citation!
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 12 months ago
    I think all this racism is absolutely crazy. None of us can do anything about the color of our skin or our ancestry. I refuse to apologize. Our 'leaders' need to start instructing the idiots their cause is hopeless. I've never been 'racist'. My mother would have disowned one of us if we were.
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