pipeline hack advances socialist agenda

Posted by $ AJAshinoff 3 years ago to Government
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Never let a crisis, particularly one you orchestrate, go to waste. Listening to some financial 'advisors' calling for a need for a unified government infrastructure for our pipeline infrastructure (Regulation, monitoring, security level control and authority), sent a chill down my spine.
SOURCE URL: https://www.wsj.com/articles/colonial-pipeline-hack-sparks-questions-about-lax-cyber-oversight-11620689340

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  • Posted by term2 3 years ago
    I have pretty much given up on our society. Its going to collapse itself from the lack of reason thats apparent everywhere now. We will fall like venezuela to be sure. AR was pretty accurate in how the society will go when she wrote AS. We could look to AS or venezuela to see how things will go.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 3 years ago
    From the article: "The company said Monday that the hack affected only its information technology, rather than control systems used to run the pipeline..." As a retired process controls programmer this tells me the systems (likely PLCs) in charge of actually running the pipeline's hardware are not effected - and are not likely to be effected.

    I notice on the news the Russians were blamed right away. I'd like to know how that was figured.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 3 years ago
    The governments have set such a great example with the 2020 election, I'm sure they can secure the pipeline system.
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    • Posted by bobsprinkle 3 years ago
      I have no confidence we can ever trust elections again.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 3 years ago
        Assuming there is no real investigation and severe punishment for the 2020 election fraud, I agree.
        Except for Trump's election in 2016, voting has been a waste of time since the 60's at least. Federal level candidates are selected by the deep state and only people that are controllable by the deep state are eligible. The People have had no voice in decades, with one exception - Trump. That is why the deep state was willing to anything to prevent Trump's re-election. Since they control the judiciary, I don't anticipate any real investigation or punishment for the traitors unless the military takes action as they often do in other banana republics.
        Buy-dem is a treasonous charlatan.
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  • Posted by $ BobCat 3 years ago
    Often wondered just who ever thought that any of these interconnected systems would be safe from external sabotage. The initial design was flawed and anything done to “secure” them, it seems to me, is nothing but bandaids and patchwork. I do NOT pretend to know anything about cyber security, other than I don’t trust the security.
    There has to be a completely different way to have interconnected systems protected ??
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    • Posted by $ 3 years ago
      It would have to be a contained and closed network environment with no internet capability outside point to point secure and encrypted firewalls. While no strategy is infallible using non public IP (non routable) with very limited and specific open ports for encrypted inter site traffic it can be more secure. However given enough time someone will eventually get through.

      The fedgov is NEVER the solution to anything.
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      • Posted by $ Snezzy 3 years ago
        I'll tell you a story about secure systems. And yes, the feral govt did have a part in it. I worked at MIT-Lincoln Lab and they had a Big Computer, an IBM 360. Yes, it was that long ago. The ARPANET was just beginning to be established, and although although that computer did have an ARPANET address, it was not connected to the net.

        Furthermore, the computer had two modes of operation. During the daytime it ran in a remote-batch mode that was available to any LL scientists who needed computer time. At night it ran classified jobs. Shifting from unclassified worked like this, so I was told:

        1. Shut down the daytime system and run the stand-alone program that clears the magnetic-core memory. Turn off the machine.
        2. Remove the data cables that connect to outside the (Faraday shielded) computer room.
        3. Remove all the unclassified magnetic tapes.
        4. Bring in the tapes or punch-cards with the classified jobs to be run.
        5. Power up the machine

        There was more to it than that, of course, but the idea was that no data leakage was to occur. My security clearance did not allow me to know more about it.

        At that time, early 1970s, security was taken seriously, for the most part. Another place I worked had a security officer who was one of the programmers. A snotty high-school student who worked there after school asked about the on-premises data safe. "Are there any classified materials in that safe?" "The answer to your question is NO," said the security officer. "You mean there's no classified material in it?" "The answer to your question is NO," he repeated. In other words, "You're not getting any information from me, no matter how you ask."
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 3 years ago
    I, like you and others observe that this incident was on purpose but an interesting thing happened at the same time as the supposed hack. Right at that time, the earth received the x-ray remnants of a sunspot flair, the main flare was not supposed to reach earth, abet it was close; and the part of the earth that was affected was the southern region of the US!
    Makes one go hmm.
    We've seen this before, when occurrences like this were likely the results of a sun spot, CME or filament eruption...government always calls it a Hack!?!?...Although I don't think they are too bright and likely have no clue about the effects of these eruption from the sun.
    https://youtu.be/ba7DQe_AtKk?t=73....... will start at about 1:20 and the important parts run up to 2:50...watch to whole thing if you like.
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  • Posted by Joseph23006 3 years ago
    We know that foreign hackers get into other sites to do their dirty work to avoid being caught or blamed, Russians do it all the time making such incursions hard to trace. Knowing that many of the fanatical climate and environmental control freaks will do any thing and every thing to promote their destructive agenda why not shine the light in their direction, of course the President would scotch that immediately since it furthers his (their) goal for energy (in)dependence.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 3 years ago
    I smell a rat too. This seems too convenient that a major gas & oil pipeline gets hacked when the House of Ill Reps is trying to shove HR 1 and the Infrastructure bill through Congress. the only fishy thing that the Feds didn't come to the rescue. The blame game on Russia is a political ploy for the upcoming meeting between Putin and Biden. I'm that will be kept secret. Watching recent Youtube videos on Putin answering questions from reporters, he will embarrass and make a fool out of Biden. Putin is a Purana in the pool Biden is trying to swim in.
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  • Posted by fivedollargold 3 years ago
    The Colonial pipeline runs a couple of miles south of $5Au's abode. It connects to a regional tank farm. Tanker trucks roll up and down Pine Street in a near continuous stream to get their fill of this liquid gold. He sometimes spots a small plane flying security missions over the pipeline and storage facility. A guy in a dark room 5500 miles away presses a few keys and brings this to a halt. Suboptimal.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years ago
    As long as they don't touch my brokerage account...
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    • Posted by freedomforall 3 years ago
      It is being touched constantly, but small investors just happen to be on the same side as the WS elite, so they also enjoy unearned profits as the fed creates trillions to prop up share prices.
      The flip side is higher prices on all kinds on goods, especially necessities like food, housing, transportation. The stock market "investments" partially protect small investors from those increases but eventually the piper will come for payment.

      Of course, investors in precious metals have been raped for years as 'paper' trading of gold and silver by Wall St (in particular Chase) has suppressed the prices of gold and silver and made billions on short trades for the banking cartel.
      Their brokerage accounts have been 'touched', actually drained by the cartel who creates money from nothing and moves the prices as they wish illegally without fear of punishment.
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