The Republican Party Killed Itself - Finally, At Long Last

Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 5 months ago to Politics
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The Republican Party killed itself. The particular poison it swallowed is the hatred it harbors for its own voters. Sooner or later, all that hatred was going to burn it up. When Republican lawmakers turned their backs on Republican voters protesting for free and fair elections and endorsed election fraud by ignoring it, they blew up any remaining illusion that the Red-Blue divide in D.C. is real.

Republican voters struggled for over a decade to give the Republican Party all the power it needed to fight for the Constitution and American liberty and against the quickening assault of totalitarian state control. Republican voters repeatedly urged Republican lawmakers to stomp out Big Tech's censorship and strangling of free speech before it was too late. Republicans in office have done nothing.

When voters turn a blind eye to their suspicions that only a UniParty exists in D.C., actively support Republican lawmakers, and find themselves inevitably betrayed by those same lawmakers nonetheless, the sting is particularly fierce. From the point of view of a Trump-supporter, the Republican Party has wasted a tremendous opportunity. The "stupid party" looks as if it's achieved peak stupidity. But from the point of view of D.C. Republicans who have worked to thwart President Trump's agenda for four years, it is a certainty that the only stupid Republicans they see are their own voters.

It didn't have to be this way. Republicans in Washington could right now be in the majority with a strong president in the White House. Instead, they spent years using Trump-supporters when their votes were needed and giving little in return. It was a betrayal that leaves deep scars.

Did Republicans finally pay the price with their voters in Georgia? With turnout in pro-Trump areas diminished, that seems the case, and after most Senate Republicans spent the last two months surrendering the presidency, rather than fighting for it, who could blame Georgia voters for choosing not to care? On the one hand, Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock seem like shoe-ins to supercharge Obama's socialist legacy. On the other hand, in a Republican Party that overwhelmingly prefers Donald Trump's handling of domestic and foreign policy issues to the ways in which establishment Republicans have handled those spheres in the past, neither David Perdue nor Kelly Loeffler looked very "Trumpy."

Neither Georgia senator jumped up in fury after an avalanche of suspicious voting irregularities led the national press corps to anoint Joe Biden as "president-elect" a full four days after the election had ended, and when Senators Perdue and Loeffler finally pledged to challenge the results of the presidential election a day or two before their January 5 runoff, their commitments reeked of desperation, not righteousness. After their losses and subsequent refusals to see their promises through the next day in D.C., it seemed Trump voters had pegged them correctly.

President Trump won more votes in November than any other sitting president, crushing his own 2016 victory by adding over ten million new voters to his coalition. He expanded his support from minority voters, sustained his gains with blue collar laborers, and attracted former Democrats disgruntled with the socialist direction of their former party. For the first time since President Reagan, a Republican leader came along who strengthened the GOP. And how have establishment Republicans in D.C. mostly treated this unexpected gift horse? They've stymied President Trump and his agenda for four straight years. When they weren't denying him funds for an effective border wall or undermining his promises to end Obamacare permanently, too many Senate Republicans spent their time before television cameras publicly bemoaning the president's efforts to fight communist China's growing economic power, his insistence on reinvigorating American manufacturing, and his refusal to allow the Democrats to win every battle of the Culture War.

Instead of seizing the opportunity President Trump handed them in 2016 to prove to Americans that they were capable of tackling the immigration, trade, and health care issues Republican voters prioritized, Republican leaders decided to waste most of the president's first two years in office by giving Obama and Clinton cover for a Russia hoax that was designed and utilized by Democrats both to spy on Donald Trump's campaign and hamstring his presidency. More effort was given by Republican congressional leadership to obfuscate potential crimes committed by Obama's administration and Clinton's campaign than to tackle any of the "America First" policy proposals that had delivered President Trump victory. If there were a prize for lost opportunities, stalwart NeverTrump Republicans in Washington have no competition.

Somehow the only Republicans who don't understand that voters have repeatedly rejected their preferred policies are the same D.C. lawmakers who have spent four years battling the president. It is hard to believe now, but prominent Republican leaders in Washington repeatedly warned before and after his election that Donald Trump would (1) ruin Republican outreach to black and Hispanic voters, (2) lead America into violent conflicts abroad, and (3) undermine conservative policy through his nominations and executive orders. Instead, President Trump won over more minority voters than any Republican presidential candidate since 1960; judiciously avoided wars with North Korea, Iran, and Venezuela (while utilizing a mixture of unexpected outreach and diplomacy, economic warfare, and firm deterrence); and presided over arguably the most staunchly conservative administration in a century (strongly supporting religious leaders, protecting the lives of unborn babies, and appointing constitutionalists to the federal courts).

If the Mitt Romneys, Paul Ryans, Ben Sasses, or any of the other consistent NeverTrump naysayers who all predicted the worst from Trump's presidency had any professional credibility, they would recognize how repeatedly wrong they have been about their doom-and-gloom predictions for five years. That they have only doubled and tripled down on their hatred for President Trump while, in Senator Romney's case, astonishingly turning potential Biden family financial crimes into a Trump impeachment has only made them (and, by extension, their Republican colleagues) increasingly repugnant to ordinary Republican voters.

It is difficult to pull the lever for the Republican members of a legislative body that stubbornly refuses to understand why voters elected President Trump and how the president has succeeded for those voters despite the intractable efforts at sabotage by NeverTrump Republicans in Congress. It is hard to imagine ever supporting members of a political party who see ordinary Americans protesting for free and fair elections as a greater threat to the Union than their own totalitarian colleagues pushing censorship and socialism in the halls of Congress.

For some Trump-supporters, the choice between authoritarian Democrats and turncoat Republicans is a coin toss. They may abhor the way Democrats are destroying America's constitutional foundations and freedoms, but they also detest the weak-willed Republicans in office who are complicit in the Democrats' efforts to fundamentally transform the country by failing to actively fight back tooth and nail. That was why Donald Trump rose to power.

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  • Posted by diessos 3 years, 5 months ago
    But with on dems and so called Republicans to vote for where do we turn. There is no viable 3rd party yet and the swamp dwellers will prevent one from rising ( remember Lois Learner).
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    • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
      It is now also clear that the vote counting is done by the deep state. Elections will not result in any improvement until the people stand up and change the rules. The con-gress won't change them in our favor.
      The first step is to follow John Galt's example and go on strike against the enemy.
      We can't legally strike against the federal government without being arrested, but we can boycott all the products of all the companies who support the existing power structure starting with the ones listed below.
      Hit them where it hurts, in their assets.

      The Wall Street Journal reports that these 40 or so companies have temporarily halted all political action committee donations, or donations to lawmakers who voted against certifying Electoral College votes.



      Google General Electric
      Union Pacific
      Morgan Stanley
      Bank of America
      Capital One
      Valero Energy
      Chase (JPMorgan)
      American Airlines
      American Express
      Charles Schwab
      Blue Cross Blue Shield
      Black Rock
      Boston Scientific
      US Bank
      Coca Cola
      Conoco Philips
      Archer Daniels Midland
      Chubb Group
      Tyson Foods
      Dow Chemical
      Hallmark Cards
      Smithfield Foods
      Marathon Petroleum
      Commerce Bancshares
      Google and all subsidiaries
      Facebook and all subsidiaries
      Twitter and all subsidiaries
      Apple and all subsidiaries

      Additional enemy companies listed in this posting:

      All Hollywood movie productions
      All of Wall St - Sell All Shares of stock of enemy companies
      Trader Joes
      Boycott every business who supports reverse discrimination or doesn't support a Verified Recount Of Legal Votes Only.
      Only do business with local small businesses.
      Avoid products made in China.

      We must also support small local businesses so that we have the necessities of life and so small businesses can hire people who worked for the enemy companies.

      The second action is to work at a grassroots level to create amendments to the constitution that change the rules.
      For example:

      Term limits on all federal elected officials

      Eliminate career elected officials

      Only allow campaign donations from registered voters in the district of the elected official and limited to $1,000 per registered voter.

      Make clear that the original strict explicit limitations of the constitution on federal government are not to be exceeded except by amendment to the constitution.
      That is, the Federal government only has constitutionally enumerated powers and no others.
      This would re-establish the balance between the states and federal government
      and should also restrict the power of the Supreme Court to "interpret" the Constitution- a power the constitution does not give them.

      Establish that corporations are not "people" and do not have the rights of "people"

      Establish the legal procedure for secession from the USA by any local group

      Forbid income taxation forever - not even by constitutional amendment

      Force federal government to have a balanced budget

      Set up rules to fire government employees for cause and forbid any government employee unions from changing those rules

      These are just examples of areas that have been perverted by con-gresses and the courts over the years outside the limits of the constitution.
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