Capitol Entry a False Flag? “Viking” who stormed the Capitol Building previously photographed at BLM rally wearing the same outfit

Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 4 months ago to News
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I can't confirm this report. Judge for yourself.

"We have now confirmed that the storming of the Capitol Building was initiated by left-wing provocateurs who met with Capitol Police yesterday and planned the event. A photo has emerged of the “Viking” individual who led the storming action today (shown on the right side of the photo below). This same person — wearing the same outfit and nearly identical face paint — was also reportedly spotted at a BLM rally earlier this year.

Note the identical tattoos, facial hair and costume:"
SOURCE URL: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-01-06-staged-viking-who-stormed-capitol-building-blm.html

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  • Posted by $ rjim 3 years, 4 months ago
    Don't know if this is true ---
    i feel those who entered the CAPITAL were paid terrorists. there were two Antifa members that were recognized. It was a set-up from the start!

    From a friend.
    Sent from my iPhone UPDATE: We are talking to Tom Ahl who was close and the short wall around the Capital was pushed over and supporters went on the steps and Capital police did nothing. There is scaffolding on both sides and people climbed to stand. Capital Police tear gassed them (Tom Ahl was one of them) The main stream media coverage is Fake News. There were no riots outside. It was a peaceful gathering. Some Trumpers got on the 2nd walkway near around Capital. The Capital police shot at Trump Supporters with rubber bullets. We saw the Capital Police exiting the side of the Capital. Were there people inside. A man on the subway said the Capital police allowed people in to stage photos. Even now as we watch CNN at the airport, they are calling people rioters and people are just standing and if they weren’t Trumpers they were media! Everyone there was nice, polite and respectful!!!
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  • Posted by KevinSchwinkendorf 3 years, 4 months ago
    I already saw that photo comparison yesterday (when it happened) on Kenneth Copeland's Victory Channel, on the program Flashpoint (live broadcast). In addition, right after it happened, Dr. Lance Wallnau (who was there) stated it was antifa. False Flag? Yeah - I think so! And NOW all the leftist bastards out there are screaming bloody murder about the VIOLENCE of the "Far Right" - but of course the antifa/BLM RIOTS of the past many months were "mostly" Peaceful Protests! I'd like to show antifa what "mostly peaceful" self defense looks like!!! By the way, Kyle Rittenhouse is a hero! Those two criminal thugs who attacked him (as it turns out) were criminal FELONS with lengthy records! Rittenhouse should get a medal!
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  • Posted by Turfprint 3 years, 4 months ago
    Where did the label "protesters" come from?? Most families there to show support for Trump. My family took their children. And remember Antifa is just a name. A very changeable name. There is really no Antifa, there is an organization that sponsors a group of mostly paid agitators that use various names. (That has been a hard line communist and revolutionary strategy for decades.) The Violence in the streets, BLM chaos, KKK riot Charlottesville, Ferguson, Berkeley free speech protest. All sponsored and organized. Probably managed by DNC/Soros, and finance aided by others with aligned anti-American interest.
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  • Posted by mcsandberg 3 years, 4 months ago
    Nice of the dems/progressives to be so obvious at everything now. The video from the Atlanta counting room was also nicely obvious.

    Atlas Shrugged was supposed to be a warning, Not A Newspaper!
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    • Posted by $ jdg 3 years, 4 months ago
      Somehow I think Rand would have said even the protesters went too far. She was so pro-law-and-order that she'd have trouble going along with any sort of revolt no matter how necessary. John Galt seized control of a radio station temporarily to broadcast his speech, but that appears to be as far as he went -- he somehow persuaded his opponents to give up without a fight. I don't think our real opponents are going to do that.

      But I've been rereading history of our earlier Civil War, and it took multiple martyrs on both sides before they were willing to fight. Today might correspond to John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry, but the equivalent of Fort Sumter is yet to be fired upon.
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      • Posted by KevinSchwinkendorf 3 years, 4 months ago
        This could be a long essay, but I'll try to be concise. I also believe there is an analogy with the Civil War of 1861-65, but history never repeats itself exactly. It doesn't go in circles, but maybe more like spirals. General patterns do tend to recur. Rand was very prophetic when she wrote Atlas Shrugged, but even for a novel of over 1000 pages, she did leave certain things out - such as the Second Amendment, and maybe we just won't let the government go as far as she predicted. But, the idea was to illustrate the contrast between socialism (Central Planning) and Free Enterprise (which the commies referred to as Capitalism). Actually, Freedom/Liberty, and Free Markets are two sides of the same coin, and it is interesting that both the Declaration of Independence and Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations were written (or published) in the same year (1776). You can't have one without the other (Personal Liberty and Free Markets). Finally, OF COURSE the protesters "went too far!" But this also applies to antifa/BLM, whose violent riots (and let's not forget LOOTING!) went a thousand times as far as what happened to the Capital. (What am I saying? Actually, antifa/BLM have gone TEN thousand times as far as what just happened to the Capital!!!) Are those criminals in prison right now? Hell No! They were probably let out because the leftist mayors and governors were afraid they might catch the "covid" - poor dears! If John Roberts was afraid of riots, I wonder how he'll like a real, shooting war? If you're wondering what the tripline will be (the equivalent of Ft. Sumter), how about when Biden's "gun czar" "beeeeto" O'Dork wants to confiscate our firearms? (Remember "beeeeto" - who said, and I quote, "HELL YEAH we're going to take your (guns)!!!" - okay, what he actually said was that he was going to take our "ARs" - but same difference. The Left is NEVER satisfied. Once they take ARs, "sniper rifles" - aka bolt-action hunting rifles with scope sights - will be next.) I'm not going to submit. And, by the way, there are an estimated 6-8 million additional, new gun owners today as there were just one year ago. Gee - I wonder why? That makes the total now almost 130 million gun owners. James Madison, in Federalist #46 stated that the federal government would never be able to support a standing army greater than about 1% of the general population, and that if the federal government did become tyrannical, that would not be sufficient to overcome the People. He then went on to give (using 1788 numbers) that that would equate to a federal force of "not more than 25-30 thousand" of troops (reflecting the fact that our total population back then was around 1% of what it is today). Its interesting to note that the percentage is about the same today.
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        • Posted by $ jdg 3 years, 4 months ago
          The number of men may be equivalent, but in 1776 the army didn't have whole categories of weapons that the rebels didn't have and couldn't get. I don't mean nukes, I mean tanks and artillery. No armed rebellion is likely to succeed unless many current uniformed service members take our side of things.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 3 years, 4 months ago
        I got the impression Galt seized only the radio spectrum by transmitting a more powerful signal. With AM the signals mix unless one is way more powerful, but with FM if one signal is moderately stronger you just hear that signal. I figured he used a strong transmitter or maybe some new technology.

        When I read it, I thought he took control without physically taking over the station.
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        • Posted by $ jdg 3 years, 4 months ago
          I'll have to read it again. What I came away with was that he used some unstated technical method (I pictured computer or phone hacking) to connect himself to the station's transmitter without being physically present.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 4 months ago
    Noticed the "Viking" inside the Capitol Building on TV yesterday. His arrogant swaying back and forth body language immediately smelled like Antifa to me dino.
    So he was spotted at a BLM rally?
    BLM or Antifa? It's the same domestic terrorist thing.
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 3 years, 4 months ago
    As I watched the CNN reported videos late last night (Weds Jan 6th) and read the reports out of the Washington Post -- I had this Gut feeling that The Pictures that we are being fed are fabricated. Something stinks here. For the past four years -- we've seen the Trump Rallies -- just lots of common folks out there with flags, hats, waving, cheering .... and well behaved. We have also seen, over the past year, the Antifa and BLM (Burn, Loot, Murder) thugs implementing mayhem. It all adds up -- mathematics -- the siege on the US Capitol was an orchestrated event -- and oh what an orchestration. Within another week, the truth of What Really Happened will be exposed. 2020 was the preamble. 2021 is where things get really interesting. Will be picking up my Mossberg 590 Shockwave later today ... a Mag-fed pump action shotgun. People -- make sure that you are armed, trained and psychologically prepared for whatever nearly unimaginable nonsense hits the streets.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 3 years, 4 months ago
    We are back to the Brown Shirts days of Obama, only now we have also got social media banning all dissent as Hillary had promised if she were elected, and guns will be seized. Freedom is dead, people will not longer come to the US looking for a chance to be part of capitalism. The oligarchs are over joyed, as they return to business as usual in China, putting US Workers out of jobs. Thank you young college grads for being so stupid as to be completely taken in. You will never see real scientific discourse again. Welcom to Fascism thanks in great part to Soros and his oligarch pals.
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  • Posted by FelixORiley 3 years, 4 months ago
    Lin Wood sent out a message that he saw a number of people exiting a bus that appeared to be "Antifa" members.
    Why would anyone expect Antifa not to show up and orchestrate a plan?
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  • Posted by Aurum79 3 years, 4 months ago
    I'm so sorry the woman died, but I will admit that this chaos starting Biden's term actually does my heart good, if you look at the big picture. He's fraudulent, demented, illegitimate, and squeezy. It's as if sickness pervades the Dems and their new President and this kind of bloodshed and chaos almost seems appropriate.
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  • Posted by Turfprint 3 years, 4 months ago
    Time for a new party. A weak party is worse than nothing After GOP initially did not support Trump, was evidence the RNC was not interested in the average Joe. The DNC is not an American peoples party, they are taking from the US. The bulk of America has no real representation.
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  • Posted by FelixORiley 3 years, 4 months ago
    Simon Parks reports that the Dominion machines were manipulated from Italy using satellites controlled by the Vatican. Also, it has been reported that there is a signed affidation from Italy that provides the algorithm
    Maybe/Maybe not: Let's see how this plays out.
    Rand was not a fan of "religion". Sorry Catholics, the Vatican has had numerous "bad faith" days in its history.
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