Capitol Entry a False Flag? “Viking” who stormed the Capitol Building previously photographed at BLM rally wearing the same outfit

Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 4 months ago to News
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I can't confirm this report. Judge for yourself.

"We have now confirmed that the storming of the Capitol Building was initiated by left-wing provocateurs who met with Capitol Police yesterday and planned the event. A photo has emerged of the “Viking” individual who led the storming action today (shown on the right side of the photo below). This same person — wearing the same outfit and nearly identical face paint — was also reportedly spotted at a BLM rally earlier this year.

Note the identical tattoos, facial hair and costume:"
SOURCE URL: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-01-06-staged-viking-who-stormed-capitol-building-blm.html

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