How Was Freedom Stolen?

Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 5 months ago to Politics
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"President – Select, Trojan dementia patient, Joe Biden, has been attempting to utter the words his handlers put on his teleprompter on the rare occasions when they let him out of the basement. “Time to Heal” has been the slogan his PR flunkies have told him to yammer about regarding their fake plan to reunite the country after surviving four years of bad orange man. The propaganda machine media gush with praise for all Biden’s Deep State apparatchik cabinet selections as Biden’s handlers attempt to engineer a 3rd Obama term.

Joe Biden woos Jains in USA, shares wishes on Paryushan and Das Lakshan

Biden is the clueless “nice guy” dupe who mouths words of reconciliation, unity and healing, while his fabricating financier fascist controllers implement their Great Reset plan in conjunction with their global elite co-conspirators. CNN conducts an “interview” with 3rd grade level questions, designed to comfort the ignorant masses.

Not one challenging question about his bagman Hunter or how he got 80 million votes without campaigning, putting forth his agenda or leaving his basement. CNN and the rest of the propaganda corporate media are just a division of the Democrat party, along with Facebook, Twitter, Google, Soros, Bloomberg, CIA, FBI, and the rest of the Deep State empire.

Our descent into darkness is being built upon the lies of our government, lies of medical experts, lies of the media and journalists paid to perpetuate falsehoods, and a globalist manufactured hysteria over a flu – designed to initiate the Great Reset. The majority of Americans are fearfully following the dictatorial mandates of their authoritarian governors and mayors to lockdown harder and mask more because “science”, even though the current “surge” in cases is happening in states, counties, and cities that have been locked down and masked for months. The lack of independent thought being exhibited by the average American is a sickening display of willful ignorance.

Anyone with an ounce of critical thinking skills can see masks do not stop this virus, but they are a fantastic control mechanism for our masters. They would also realize the casedemic is being driven by a PCR test set at a level to exaggerate positivity, whether you feel sick or not. They would comprehend only 6% of reported Covid deaths are actually from Covid and not one of their three other severe maladies. They would realize over 40% of all deaths have been in nursing homes due to governor negligence and the average age of Covid death of 82 is higher than the average age of death. The mathematical ignorance of the masses has allowed the authoritarians to keep them cowering and unable to comprehend the truth about this scamdemic.

KUSI News - COVID-19 survival for different age groups,... | Facebook

The lies and falsehoods leading up to, during and in the month since the presidential election have been ratcheted up to a level not thought possible a few years ago. But the ravenous desire of the Deep State to rid themselves of Trump forced them to unwittingly reveal their traitorous schemes as they were forced to take drastic desperate measures in the swing states during the early morning hours of November 4 to steal the election from Donald Trump.

With the unequivocal blind allegiance of their media mouthpieces in the corporate media, the massive fraud which took place in multiple states has been covered up and buried by the Biden cheerleader squad at CNN, MSNBC, NYT, Washington Post, and now Fox.

Of course, the real citizen journalists in the alternate media have been investigating, questioning and uncovering the coordinated election fraud in key swing state cities where Soros selected Attorneys Generals, Secretaries of States, and District Attorneys have conspired with Democrat governors, corporate media outlets, and social media billionaires to steal this election for a basement dwelling dementia patient.

When you grasp the implications of a conspiracy of Silicon Valley billionaires, left wing media outlets, Soros, Bloomberg, Wall Street, shadowy dark money contributors, the leadership of the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and the Democrat party to rig and steal a presidential election you realize our country has been captured by a treacherous band of evil quislings.

Jared Yates Sexton on Twitter: "In this reality, Trump is facing one coup attempt after another. The building threat means that literally anyone who questions him, be it politicians, government officials, the

This was not an accidental convergence of happenstances leading to the election of the dynamic inspirational leader of the Democrat party. This was a coordinated conspiracy to override the legitimate votes of Americans by a cadre of diabolical deviant globalists attempting to implement their communist Great Reset upon an unsuspecting populace cowering in fear from a purposely over-hyped flu.

They didn’t need their senile Manchurian candidate to leave his basement because they had rigged voting machines, implemented a mail in fraud scheme, censored derogatory info about their candidate’s corruption, funneled a billion dollars into promoting their gaffe robot, and their social media legions used algorithms to skew searches and put their thumb on the scale to benefit their president select."

Read the rest at:
SOURCE URL: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2020/12/13/time-to-heel-2/

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